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I don't care how fucking full you are. It hurts doesn't it? Your poor abused belly so tightly packed with all the garbage I forced into you? Good. It will stay that way while I'm here. Now drink down that milk to top it off. I swear to god if you throw it back up you will feel my wrath! Nothing goes to waste here! I want you to moan for me from being so bloated and full. I want your big piggy belly so sag to the floor! Yes, eat more for me! Gorge yourself on delicious carbs and lay there like a lazy fat cow. You better burp a little to make more room fatty. Holy fuck you're so big now! So much food jammed into you I'm surprised you haven't burst! I'll just keep feeding you and forcing you to eat and eat and eat until you do! Maybe I want my fat little piggy to pop! ❤


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