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Go on, lay there just like that. Spread out and comfortable. Reach your hand into the box of donuts and lift your plump swollen hand to your face. Repeat. Do that until you finish your snack. Yes all 12 of them fatass, that is a snack for you. Six hundred pounds is going to seem like nothing soon. You already broke the bed, the dining room chairs, the couch, a few stairs, and a small step ladder. 

Heave yourself over and jiggle your giant rolls of fat. You look like someone injected it right into you. Your body so embarassingly packed and swollen with lard that the mere thought of walking makes your feet hurt. Typical fat American. Shoveling greasy, sugary, fatty foods into your mouth until you feel like bursting. You feel ashamed having to buy xxxxl shirts online just to keep yourself covered. How far will clothes sizes go? I think a nice king sized sheet would fit nicely anyway. Keep gorging and pretty soon thats all you will have to wear. You think about if something were to happen and firemen had to haul your huge body out. What do you think they would say? "Look at the size of them? How can someone get so big?" That just makes you eat more. Grow yourself out until your body aches from your skin stretching. 

Nine hundred pounds will get you bound to the bed. No need for to you to the bed anymore when you don't even want to lift a fat laden leg. Just live the immobile sedentary life and keep piling the pounds on until you begin to really struggle to live. Being connected to machines will not stop you either. Who wants to be able to move around anyway? Being comfortably bloated and numb is the life to live right? Keep eating then. Soon you might make it to a ton. Having special care around the clock from admirers? Hands on your soft gluttoned body rubbing lotion into your skin, a constant flow of food being piled into your mouth. You can't even resist anyway! Even wiggling is a chore that just increases your heart rate. You think about your poor abused heart bursting at any moment and you don't care. 

You just keep getting bigger and bigger. Eating and eating and eating.


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