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Series: RWBY
Characters: Yang, Neptune
Contains: Female weight gain

Reward for LoverofRamen

It isn’t uncommon for any sports player or martial artist to injure themselves while training. Following that, it is quite normal for them to become depressed during their recovery period. Someone used to constantly being active and striving to improve their body ends up forced to rest to ensure an effective recovery. The combined force of having to suddenly stop all physical activity and increased craving from their sullen mood can lead to a staggering weight gain.

Such was the explanation for why Yang Xiao Long became so fat. It had been a year since she “busted her knee,” and the blonde brawler hadn’t put much effort into anything aside from eating. Her mornings started sluggishly, the only driving force being her empty stomach. Whenever her midnight snacks had worn off, she would need to seek out her earliest meal. It, like all her meals, would be enjoyed in front of the TV. This helped the time melt away while Yang mainly remained oblivious to how fat she had gotten.

Yang took notice at various “stages” of growth. First was when a soft layer of pudge replaced her abs, then when her stomach filled her lap, when her first pair of shorts got torn open, the day she first struggled to stand up, once her stomach reached past her knees, when her breasts got larger than her head, when she had more rolls than she could count on both hands, and eventually when she believed herself to be on the cusp of immobility.

“Eh, not like I was going anywhere anyway.” Yang had shrugged the whole thing off. After all, her knee was still busted. She had to stay off it, or else all her extra weight would DEFINITELY exacerbate the injury.

So, Yang just lazed about and allowed herself to get fatter. Her confidence gave the air of someone who was fully certain they could work off the weight. All of Yang’s friends were skeptical that she could drop nearly eight hundred pounds as quickly as she put it on.

Yang had her arms propped up on the back of her couch. Bulky shoulders had increased their natural width with a thick subcutaneous fat layer. Her underarms looked like pillowcases stuffed to the brim with fluff. The skin was smooth and without blemishes, but the weight was excessive. The act of lugging them around or even basic attempts to use them managed to keep Yang’s upper body strength surprisingly high. She did struggle to maneuver her arms around her boobs, though. Her orange top was stretched to its limit as it tried to cover the near-beach ball-sized breasts. They were soft enough that they gently followed the curve of Yang’s belly. They mostly stayed on top of her gut, but some pudge hung off the sides. These flabby rolls of side boob were still large enough to overflow Yang’s hands…if she could bend her arms enough to grab them.

Yang’s stomach had garnered plenty of mass from her laziness and binge eating. It rolled past her knees and spilled over the sides of her thighs. It was warm, which helped to soothe her knees, and the weight also brought a sense of comfort to her entire body. It was like she always had a nice, weighted blanket draped over her lap. Sure, it was blubbery and made standing up super hard, but Yang felt the benefits outweighed such trivial downsides. She wouldn’t care if it was two or even three times its current size!

It likely would be if Yang didn’t get back to working out soon.

Her waistline stretched on and on until she took up most of the space on her couch. If she shifted until one hip touched an armrest, there would be enough room for one skinny person to sit down. However, that room would hardly be enough. They would partially sit on the armrest while their entire side would be enveloped in the pancake-stack-like rolls of Yang’s side. The mounds of fat that clung to her hips were roughly one foot tall, while the width of her hips was four and a half feet. Her butt wasn’t her largest asset, but she had cheeks that had flattened her sofa cushions. Black short shorts were a joke as they failed to cover half of Yang’s rump. Fat bulged over the strained waistband and sagged from the bottom. Everything in the middle that was supposed to divide the shorts into two leg holes was no more. This made the shorts more akin to a skirt or like the lower-body equivalent of a tube top.

Two meaty legs rested at Yang’s base. The “injured” one rested on the coffee table while the other had its foot placed on the ground. Broad, meaty thighs were wide enough to serve as a desk back at Beacon. Yang wondered how much homework she had missed over her absence, and their softness was otherworldly. That was likely because any buried muscle had weakened from lack of movement. The current ratio for Yang’s legs was 95% fat, 5% muscle, and bone not included.

There was a sudden knock at the door.

“Ooh!” Yang’s eyes lit up. Her delivery order was there, but she couldn’t get it herself. “Hey, Neptune? Mind getting that for me?”

A sigh sounded from the next room before Neptune stepped out. He went to the door and grabbed the multiple bags left there. Then, as usual, he placed them in front of Yang, who grinned eagerly.

“Thanks! I owe you one, and I think I can pay you back right now!” Yang reached out and grabbed Neptune by the waistband of his jeans. Only a simple tug was needed to seat him on her lap. “Just sit pretty while mama digs in.”

Neptune blushed but did as he was told. ‘What a woman.’ He thought to himself.



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