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Series: RWBY
Characters: Coco, Velvet, Reader
Contains: Second person POV, female weight gain, squishing, teasing


Beacon was a peculiar place. It was an academy built upon the foundation of training young warriors known as Huntsmen. Some of the best warriors in history were taught here. That’s why it was so strange that a staggering amount of the students were exceptionally obese. It appeared that a short era of peace, unlimited food in the cafeteria, and a world where negative emotions could bring monsters down on top of you resulted in some of these soon-to-be-warriors to chunk up instead. Though not all did.

This caused a tiered society to form within the academy walls. Skinnies and fatties. Neither was superior to the other, but each had a range of benefits and disadvantages. You were one of the skinnies. You had the easiest time moving around, never had to worry about ruining furniture, and had an easy time finding clothes that fit.

Though you also had to constantly be aware of your surroundings. Skinnies were often squished or smothered by fatties whether by accident or on purpose. Among the populace, there were some fatties you had to be extremely careful about.

Ruby Rose, an adorable girl who showed a lot of promise when she arrived at Beacon. Now that she was one of the fatties though… She was prone to use her semblance to rush through hallways at blinding speeds. Anyone who stood in front of her was steamrolled as she wouldn’t even slow. You always knew to hug the walls, but you tucked in especially close when there was anything cookie-related that day. The sound of belly fat being vigorously slapped against thighs haunted your dreams sometimes.

Weiss Schnee, a prodigious heiress from the Schnee Dust Company. A limitless wealth led to her vast waistline and an ego that dwarfed it. She was to be avoided at all costs. You had heard rumors that she was nice, but you trusted your experiences more. You had seen her use her belly to slam into skinnies and fatties alike for a number of petty reasons. The worst fate was being used as a chair by her. Poor souls who had their elbows and knees ground against the floor as their back was used as a meager bench for the Schnee’s massive ass.

Blake Belladonna, the unofficial ruler of the library. Her body took up every speck of available space between the isles. This meant she had an undisputed right of way. That wasn’t to mention the first pick of any and all chairs in the library. Get in her way or occupy a seat she wanted, and no one would see you for hours. Either her cold glare scared you into hiding, or you’d be buried under a flabby faunus’s butt.

Yang Xiao Long, the blubbery brawler of Beacon. Even with a robust chest, substantial belly, and arms like giant hams, she could throw some serious punches. Yet her recent passion had been Greco-Roman wrestling. She took any bump as an invitation of combat. Even when the impact was caused by her. Even most fatties were defenseless against her, so a skinny like you stood no chance. Being smashed between the floor and a huge fatty wasn’t the best way to spend your day, so you kept your head on a swivel around the blonde.

A step up in chaotic force was Nora Valkyrie. She didn’t even mean to, but she posed more danger than the previous girls combined. With more weight and heft, but also a significantly reduced sense of awareness for it all. Nora managed to bump skinnies and fatties alike aside wherever she went. That was the best-case scenario as she had a history of pinning people to walls and lockers. She could also turn on a dime. If you were at the wrong place at the wrong time, then her belly or butt would slam into you with the force of a truck. You hardly avoided it one day while two friends of yours had been sent down the hallway.

Another of the bigger fatties was Pyrrha Nikos. She was a gentle giant if you had ever seen one. That being said she occasionally failed at being careful. She occasionally tripped and stumbled forward, failed to realize how far her butt reached out behind her, and sometimes didn’t see skinnies walk around corners. Despite that, she was sweet and so you allowed your guard to lower when around her. If any of her friends showed up, then you’d immediately leave. You could be at ease around one fatty, but never around two.

That was how you survived in Beacon. You had seen many of your skinny friends transfer away after such encounters. You understood it and never blamed them. Though they were lucky. The girls you previously thought of were intense, but they paled in comparison to one.

Coco Adel.

She was easily the most infamous of them all. A doughy diva with a passion for smashing her body into others. Coco would bump her belly against another fatty’s or even clash their cheeks together. She paid a flirtatious respect to those in her weight class and also encouraged the smaller fatties to stack their plates. Skinnies could find no such respect though. Coco loved nothing more than bouncing the lithe classmates off of her body. A belly bump that pushed them to the floor, a hip check that caused them to stumble, or she’d simply press them between her and any hard object she could. Most were captivated by her beauty which only made it easy to catch them off guard.

Even you struggled to predict her moves. Coco was known for one other thing aside from her heft and attitude. She loved fashion. This meant she was never without her most prized accessories. A black beret and dark sunglasses. The latter was what made her especially hard to read. They hid her eyes entirely. There was no way to know where she looked which made it impossible to anticipate sudden or unpredictable movements.

You were currently hunched down and trying to quickly retrieve some of your things. Classes were about to be done, and you managed to slip out early in order to beat the crowd. ‘Just need to grab my things and get to my dorm. Simple, easy.’ You thought to yourself and started to get up. That was when time seemed to slow down. You turned to your left and saw a dark-colored blur.

Then it hit you, Coco to be specific.

A padded hip struck your upper chest and face before you were propelled through the air. Thankfully you had aura which would come in handy when you inevitably landed. Based on how your vision alternated between the floor, ceiling, and walls you decided to activate it now.


You crashed against the floor and tumbled a bit before your body slowly skidded to a halt. “Ow…” You groaned and stared at the ceiling above you. You hadn’t tried to get up just yet as two sets of footsteps approached you.

“Haha did you see how far he went?!” A voice you assumed to be Coco’s sounded. “I practically flung him down the hall! Oh, don’t look at me like that. I didn’t expect him to catch some serious air. He’s just so skinny.”

A second voice huffed. “Even if you didn’t, that wasn’t very nice.” The footsteps continued to approach which made you wonder just how far you had been flung.

Seconds passed before the two entered your view. Even then, it was just their bellies with their faces obscured behind them. They had to lean forward before you saw their faces. You saw one face you were already certain of, Coco Adel, and another head of brown hair and tall bunny ears belonged to Velvet Scarlatina.

Aura was a heck of a thing. You had no visible injury, but the tumble didn’t tickle in the least. You wanted to remain on the floor for a while longer, and with your vision now full of two fatties it was hard not to take in the details.

Both of the girls had very round and puffy faces, most fatties did, and it was hard to admit they weren’t beautiful. Coco’s expression was hard to read as her sunglasses hid most of it. This left her round cheeks and chins in a neutral position. Velvet however appeared concerned and you saw a slight frown on her fat face. It almost looked like she pouted which was especially cute as her extra chin squished against thick neck fat.

Beacon might have had an uptick in obese students, but they managed to keep uniforms in proper sizes for them. A custom-fit and freshly tailored outfit meant that girls as large as Coco and Velvet could remain decent in their daily school lives. You always thought it was some sort of magic to make clothes fit so well.

Of the two, Coco boasted the larger breasts. They were more than twice the size of her head, larger than watermelons, and yet they still had fabric perfectly contoured around them with no large gaps between the buttons. Whether it was over the sloping expanses of the top of her breasts, the curves at the sides, or where it tucked under them, it all fit perfectly. They appeared weighty as well with a gentle sag to them even with what you assumed was a high-quality bra along with support from the shirt and a doughy belly below. As attractive a feature they were, you were aware of obvious dangers. Coco had almost accidentally knocked someone out with a hug before and those monstrous mammaries were to blame. Velvet was also well-endowed with breasts that could be considered just short of melons. They were covered with her button-up blouse and jacket without appearing tightly bound. The fabric didn’t dig into them nor did it seem like it could burst at any second. Though the fact they were so large that your meager jacket could hardly wrap around them from the front was a reminder of how big they were.

Velvet did have Coco beat when it came to their bellies. Hers seemed to flare and bulge outward from all angles below her chest. Her sides below her chest were covered in one large roll that curved from below her ribs before it tucked just above her hips. Still, her blouse covered it all though seemed tight as it had to be tucked into her skirt. The fat roll still looked incredibly soft and jiggled whenever Velvet moved. It also seamlessly connected with Velvet’s belly which extended beyond her chest before it sloped down. There was too much fat to be tucked into her skirt, but it seemed her blouse had extra fabric so it could be tucked in. At your angle, it was like someone hung a super sized beanbag chair over you. Its curves changed whenever Velvet moved her position yet no rolls seemed to take shape. There was just a large mass of blubber with the only visible indent being a line where her belly button was buried. Coco claimed the smaller gut, but barely at that. Her belly was very smooth like a dollop of cream that was able to protrude and gently slide forward. Her love handles were half the size of Velvet’s but still meaty and plush nonetheless. Coco had also managed to tuck it into her skirt which added to the circumference the garment had to cover. Still, it hung over you and made you nervous about being crushed. The fact it swung like a pendulum as she idly moved heightened your nerves. This position made it seem like two flabby swords of Damocles were suspended above you.

It felt like almost a minute had passed, but in reality, it was just a couple of seconds. You felt it was time to get up and make an exit, but an issue had confronted you. Velvet was on your left and Coco was to your right. You had little room to make an escape and even less energy to pull it off.

Velvet smiled and reached her hand down. “Here, let me give you a hand!” She said in a cheery tone. Her hands appeared thick and puffy like the rest of her. It wasn’t by much, but it was certainly noticeable when compared to your hand which you almost used to grasp Velvet’s.

Your eyes drifted up Velvet’s arm to see how they thickened from her wrists and gradually up to her elbow. That was where the thickness took a small leap into padded shoulders and underarms that sagged like large bunches the size of throw pillows. Coco’s arms were similar though her bingo wings were almost as big as full-sized pillows.

“Ha, I appreciate it, but I’m fine!” You replied in a tone that matched Velvet before you pushed your feet against the ground. This slid you out from beneath the two fatties before you go to your feet. “No need to worry about any of this either. I’ll just be on my way.” You tried to exit the scene before a hand grabbed you by the collar of your shirt.

Coco pulled you in closer before her arm wrapped around your shoulders. Your head was cradled between the thicker upper half and puffy lower half of her arm as the hold remained tight. “Alright, alright I’m sorry. Now let this upperclassman make up for her mistake.” Coco chuckled and patted your chest.

Fatties might be incredibly obese, but that didn’t mean they weren’t powerful. Beacon still trained warriors, and a fatty who didn’t drop out was indicative of their strength. They continued to meet expectations despite how heavy and bulky they were. So, you couldn’t just break away from Coco’s hold. You were stuck at her side and gently sunk into her right hip.

You had only gotten a good look at the duo’s upper halves from the floor, but Coco and Velvet alike had plenty of weight below their belts. They even boasted some of the largest hips in their grade level, hips that were as wide as you were tall at the very least. This helped them boast butt cheeks of ludicrous sizes with Coco winning out once again. Chairs for fatties at Beacon were two-person couches for skinnies. Some of the larger girls would still manage to overflow them. When put together, Coco’s butt cheeks had more combined mass and fat than Velvet’s entire belly. The bunny in question had cheeks like fleshy beanbag chairs. That was why it was so easy for Coco to send you flying with a hip check. All of that heft was also supported by thighs that could easily crush and grind you into dust. One of Velvet’s thighs was about three times the width of your waist while Coco’s were almost four times that. They always pressed together, rubbed against each other, and jiggled on every step. Somehow their skirts covered it all while black leggings stretched across the incredible widths.

You gently tried to pull away from Coco, but she wouldn’t have that. Her grip subtly tightened and she gave off no hint of it. You could only theorize this was to keep Velvet off her butt. That made you feel like it was best to roll with it. It was better to have Coco’s interest instead of her ire.

Velvet waddled into view and glanced between you and Coco. “Hmm…just be careful with him. You always forget how delicate the skinnies are.” She explained with slight concern, but not enough that hinted at her stopping Coco.

Coco brought her left hand to your right cheek and pulled your head in close so it squished against her right boob. “Of course, I’ll be careful! I was already too hard on the poor thing.” She cooed and squeezed you tighter.

“…Ok.” Velvet relented and turned around. “I have to go grab some snacks. I’ll see you later, Coco.” Velvet turned and waddled away. You saw her hips and rump bounce for a moment before Coco, still holding you, turned and started to waddle her own way.

Every other step of Coco’s massive form raised the hip you were pressed against. This caused your feet to be hoisted slightly off the ground. You started to feel like a purse or shopping bag being hauled around. That was until Coco opened the door to her dorm and waddled inside. Thankfully the doors were widened or there’d be no room for her to pass let alone with you strapped to her hip.

“Alight, you wait here while I get changed.” Coco removed her arm from around you and pushed you with her hip. This was enough force to knock you off your feet again, but a couch broke your fall this time. Coco had already waddled into the bathroom with a handful of clothes before you could say anything.

You didn’t attempt to move from the couch. ‘Alright, planning time. If I leave there are a few outcomes. One, I’m free. Good, very good. Option two, I’m free but Coco remembers this and probably won’t be happy next time we meet. Bad, quite bad. If I stay…no clue.’ You sigh and rubbed your hands over your face. “Ok…guess I can wait a bit.”

Velvet said she’d be back later. That was a saving grace as she was much like Pyrrha. Very kind and sweet as well as only accidentally knocking skinnies around instead of on purpose. Though she was big, and you didn’t know where she went to get snacks. It could be a while until she returned.

As you waited, for who knows what, you looked around Coco’s room. The first thing that caught your eye was two giant beds. Your room had a simple twin bed, perfectly manageable for your size. The ones before you were larger than full-sized king beds. The mattresses looked twice as thick as yours, too. ‘Pretty comfy looking…guess being one of the fatties pays off. Hmm, or maybe it's an upperclassmen thing?’ You thought before you looked closer. One bed was left more plain, while the other had an abundance of stuffed animals. You concluded that one had to be Velvet’s.

It even seemed like the left and right sides of the room were divided, Coco on the left and Velvet on the right.

In the middle was a weapon bench that both could make use of. Coco was a menace in the halls or the training room, but you had never seen Velvet do much combat. Your eyes didn’t linger there for long. One thing that stood out was a super-sized mannequin. It was as large as Coco and the dress on it was beautiful. Coco was not only a fashion consumer but a designer as well. She could take multiple articles of clothing and fashion them into something made for her and no one else. Anything too small could have cute accessories scavenged, with the rest being repurposed. Besides that and a sewing bench, Coco’s corner was neat and tidy. You assumed the bulk of her possessions were in the closet. There was also an espresso machine that looked more expensive than all of your mortal possessions combined.

Velvet’s section was as warm and welcoming as her personality. It was so sweet that you worried you’d get cavities, but you continued to look. Bulk packages of snacks were placed on a bookshelf with no actual books in sight. You had heard rumors that Velvet had a photographic memory, so why would she need textbooks? There was a vanity mirror with a reinforced bench for the blubbery bunny to sit on. The cushions were partially flattened in the shape of her butt, so it must have been used often. A closer look revealed that this vanity wasn’t used solely for applying makeup but housed scrapbooking items. Pictures were neatly organized, and some were decorated. Next to them was a scrapbook as thick as your waistline.

The bathroom door started to open. You silently cursed at yourself for getting distracted and not planning what to do. You looked at Coco and blushed as she lumbered further into view. Coco had changed into something much more casual. A caramel-colored tank top left all of her arms and a large portion of her cleavage exposed. The fabric didn’t reveal much more of her chest and rested gently at the uppermost curve of her belly. Her pajama pants looked soft, and they seemed very form-fitting. Despite that, they weren’t tight. The fabric stretched just enough to cover her, but it didn’t constrict or try to compress her fat. That surprised you, considering she had tucked her lower belly into the front. Coco also kept her beret and sunglasses on. The entire ensemble made her look perfectly comfy yet still fashionable. So much on display, what was covered didn’t look constricted, and a confident energy radiated from her. It was all just part of what made Coco who she was.

“Sorry, that took so long. When you’re my size, you need to take it nice and slow getting changed.” Coco smiled and rested her hands on her hips, which were so soft that her knuckles quickly sank into them. Fat squished around them despite practically no pressure being applied. “Plus, I doubt I could ever forgive myself for ripping a cute outfit by being careless.”

“You really like clothes.” You said, surprising yourself. Coco’s casual banter had lowered your guard without you noticing.

“Ah, so he speaks! At least a little more than I expected.” Coco sauntered over, a natural sway to her hips. “Don’t worry, I won’t bite. Relax, put your feet up, get comfy.” Coco pinched a handful of your pants and lifted your leg up. Smoothly, she nudged an ottoman under the leg before letting go. You moved the other leg, causing her to nod in approval. “Also, to answer your question, yes. I love clothes. What someone wears is a crucial way to express themselves. Do they care if things pair well? What accessories are they never seen without? It can reveal a lot about a person, and it’s especially difficult for us fatties. We can talk about that later. For now, I think it’s time I got off my feet.”

There was no time for you to react. Coco sat on your lap and pinned you in place. She laughed as a groan was forced from you. Coco was so heavy that you couldn’t move your legs a single inch. Coco’s butt completely covered everything from your hips to your knees. Any part that wasn’t stuck directly under her butt cheeks was squeezed and squished between her thighs. There was also enough height to her rump that everything from your lower chest and stomach was buried, too.

You couldn’t move any of your lower body, but your hands pushed against Coco, hoping you could wiggle free. This just caused your hands to sink into the top of Coco’s butt cheeks or the rolls of her side. Each handful was soft and almost compelled you to squeeze them seriously.

“You were a good little underclassman for staying still. I thought you’d bolt the second I left you alone.” Coco leaned back against you. Her back pressed against your chest and forced you against the couch. She pressed her cheek to yours, and you caught a sliver of her eye from behind her sunglasses. “Just settle down. I’ll have my fun and let you go on your way…or maybe you’ll earn a little something special.” Coco chuckled and slowly leaned forward. This wasn’t because it was hard for her. No, she just wanted to smother you a little longer.

With a grunt, Coco bounced up. None of her body left yours, but it seemed like her mass slightly shifted up. It inevitably came back down, and you felt yourself pressed into the couch cushions. Coco continued to do this over and over. The weight slightly alleviated, then intensified while you tried to bear it. Your aura was activated subconsciously, but it wasn’t like any of this would seriously hurt you.

Next, Coco began to shift her hips. This made it feel like the world’s softest pestle was grinding you up. You slowly realized that this shifting was meant to pull more of your chest under Coco. You were helpless and could only watch as more of your chest vanished under Coco’s butt cheeks. Eventually, you were forced to look up lest your chin squish against her.

You focused on breathing. Coco was too heavy to throw off, but her softness allowed your chest to expand, thankfully. It was much easier to manage your breathing now that she had stopped moving her hips.

Coco pouted. “Aw, come on, don’t stop squirming now. You have one of the fattest girls smothering you, and you aren’t going to try anything?” She sighed and leaned back, which caused her butt to squish against your chin. All the air you had carefully pulled into your lungs was forced out in a wheeze. The sound reminded you of a worn-out squeaky toy.

Your tubby tormentor glanced over one thick shoulder and looked down at your face. She smiled teasingly. “You know, I wouldn’t mind if you tried to cop yourself a little feel~”

Something compelled you to look at Coco. Could she be serious? You failed to notice how your chin tucked itself against Coco’s rump, yet the back of your mind became frazzled at how soft and warm the cheeks were. A second later, the front of your thoughts was smashed against the back as Coco threw her hips back. Your face was pressed against the luxuriously soft fabric of Coco’s pajama pants, undoubtedly an expensive brand and muffled laughter partially reached your ears.

Coco was now seated on your face.

Your legs kicked involuntarily. Coco had moved back enough that your knees and lower were free, but your kicks only served to amuse her. She chuckled and even playfully grabbed one of your legs.

“You are so skinny.”

She said it with such astonishment.

“Your thigh is about as thick as my wrist, and the rest can’t even compare!” Coco thrust her hips back again. “I’m lucky none of the other fatties scooped you up. Mm, but I don’t think they have this type of interest.” Coco shrugged before she reached back and patted you on the small part of your head that wasn’t buried under her ass. When I see fatties, I want to bump against them and maybe squeeze them a bit. When I see a skinny, I want to see how far I can send them flying, sit on them, and hear all the little noises they make while I do it.”

Part of you was embarrassed that you were giving in to Coco’s desires. Anything you tried to say was muffled against her butt, further discombobulating what you doubted were coherent words to begin with. Yet a growing part of you enjoyed this.

Coco raised both arms and brought her hands roughly down upon the sides of her butt cheeks. The force carried through the paired masses and caused them to press against the sides of your head. Jiggles carried through the rest of her body as she sighed wistfully. “Bouncing around does take a lot of energy, though. Sit tight for a bit while I catch my breath.” Coco said and leaned back until she rested comfortably against the couch’s backrest. This, of course, subjected your upper body to more of her weight.

This break gave you a chance, though. You had managed to slowly and gradually move your arms while Coco had bounced. Now, the tips of your fingers were free. A few seconds later, your palms were too!

With this newfound freedom you…squeezed two large handfuls of Coco. You had no idea if it was butt or thigh fat, but it was soft and urged you to squeeze harder. You felt a sudden twitch run through the giant mass above you. Coco seemed surprised by your sudden fondling.

A chuckle rose in Coco’s throat. “So my new seat cushion listens? Good to know.” She slowly moved forward until she was about to stand up. That process still subjected you to an abundance of smothering as Coco’s body dragged against yours. Yet when it seemed like Coco was about to stand up, she turned around and straddled your waist. She scooped you up by your underarms and forced you to sit up while she rested on her knees. Her butt buried your legs while her belly and chest flowed against and around yours. She got close until her forehead touched yours.

“You know what? I’m starting to like you, skinny boy.” She cooed and traced her fingers along your shoulders. “How about we take it up a notch? If you can handle it, that is.” Her arms wrapped around you, squishing you deeper into her soft front. Thick fingers tickled the back of your head as Coco waited for your response.

“Sure…” You eventually managed to murmur.

Coco moved faster than you expected. Suddenly, she was off your lap, and you were flipped, so you laid down lengthwise on the couch. Your head was near one armrest while your feet were at the other. You looked up just in time to see Coco crash back onto you. The couch springs let out a shrill squeak while you could offer only a stifled groan. Coco managed to bury every part of your body below your chin and above your feet under her.


That Guy

Sounds like this story is starting to get into the really fun stuff