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Series: RWBY
Characters: Salem, Ruby
Contains: Immobility, weight gain

Reward for Nick

Ruby couldn’t remember how things got like this. It felt like a dream at first, but it had gone on for too long. She also didn’t think her butt could feel cold in dreams.

However, being a few thousand pounds seemed like something from a dream.

It didn’t matter how it started, though, as Ruby was now in the back of a flying sleigh. She took up every available speck of space while her belly was forced to hang from the rear of the magical vessel. Her arms and legs were too thick and heavy to move, with her hands and feet almost being swallowed up by a wave of lard. Her stomach rolled and stretched out in front of her further and further, reaching a distance more than three times her height. Ruby almost couldn’t believe that this giant mass of fat was connected to her, but she had watched it grow throughout the night. That left her with no doubt that she was indeed a giant lump of adipose tissue. Her pajama shirt had no hope of covering even a fraction of this, so her tummy was exposed to the chill of the air. The occasional wind that hit her skin was chilly, but the thick layers of fat kept her warm enough.

“Hmm…” Ruby hummed and pursed her lips. “This is weird.” She looked over her stomach and tried to get a better look. Her neck was too fat to move, encircling her head like a wreath. When Ruby tried to move her head, she squished her extra chins together. That act also made her think of how bizarre everything was. Her face had gotten so fat. Just one cheek was the size of an average person’s potbelly, the size of a basketball, but still so soft and bouncy. The occasional crosswind was enough to make them jiggle!

Ruby eventually gave up. If she somehow managed to turn her head, there wouldn’t be much more to see. She just wanted to take in a few details that weren’t the sky, her belly, and her breasts. Ruby glanced down at her chest. Her pajama top did its best to cover them, but an indecent amount of skin was exposed. She blushed and looked away, only for her gaze to flitter back. They were impressive…The way her top’s fabric squished against them showed that they were plenty soft. There was also a noticeable weight to them, which caused them to squish and sink into the top of her belly. ‘I bet Weiss would be jealous of these…Yang too.’ She thought to herself and sighed.

There was one part of Ruby that she couldn’t see, aside from her legs which were mostly buried under her gut. She really wanted to see it just so that she could know. The only information she could take in was that it was big, huge, massive, gargantuan, HER ASS WAS FAT. Not knowing HOW fat was like having an itch she couldn’t scratch. The back of the sleigh was enormous, yet half of her belly still had to hang from it. That meant there was a tremendous amount of space occupied only by her butt cheeks. The fat rose up her back, and she swore it had gotten higher than her head because she could feel the wind rush across them. It was nice because her hair wasn’t being blown around, but it sucked because her butt cheeks were cold!

The sleigh came to a sudden stop, and Ruby was subjected to the forces of inertia. She was surprised her weight didn’t cause the sleigh to slide off of whatever roof they landed on…for that matter, she was surprised her weight didn’t collapse through the roof. No, the only thing she felt was belly fat trying to push her back to no avail.

Snow crunching under boots could be heard before a comedic FWOMP sounded. The enigmatic figure that brought Ruby along was stopping by to deliver presents and collect cookies. That was why the sweet scent tickled Ruby’s nose a minute later. Snow once again crunched underfoot as Salem entered Ruby’s view. The woman who was supposed to be the most significant figure of evil in the world was dressed as Santa and hummed a jolly tune.

She was also morbidly obese.

Salem knocked the snow off her boots before climbing Ruby’s belly. Her soft thighs straddled Ruby’s gut as a support while she slowly made her way up the gelatinous surface. Salem’s knees sank deep into Ruby’s belly to the point that her lower body almost disappeared. Her wide shape helped prevent that, though. She scooted forward, her doughy butt dragging across Ruby as she went. Salem was at least fat enough to fill the bench where the sleigh driver sat. There was plenty of space for two people, but Salem filled it all alone.

Ruby watched Salem’s belly, a round and wobbly mass, get closer. Stories said that Santa had a stomach like a bowl full of jelly, and Salem certainly did, too. It stopped only once it made contact with Ruby’s chest. Then, Salem leaned over until her bust rested on top of Ruby’s. They were undoubtedly of respectable size, fatter than any ordinary woman could obtain. Yet they looked tiny compared to Ruby’s hulking sacks of fat.

“Are you ready for more treats, my dear?” Salem cooed in a voice far too soft for her. She didn’t wait for Ruby to respond and stuffed a handful of chocolate chip cookies into her mouth. They were warm and sweet, so Ruby had no reason not to eat them. She was already fat enough that it wouldn’t matter. “And some milk~” Salem tilted the glass to Ruby’s lips.

‘We’ve been at this for hours.’ Ruby thought as she guzzled her umpteenth glass of milk. “Uuuurrp…it’s almost morning, right?”

Salem shook her head as she fed Ruby more. “This sleigh has a few magic properties that slow time. It’s only been an hour in real-time.” She explained and swept away the crumbs from Ruby’s cheeks.

“A-an hour?” Ruby asked in disbelief. “I’m this fat from just an hour? Um…well, what about the sleigh? Isn’t this where presents are supposed to be? Yeah, a giant bag of presents!”

“Well, your presence is quite the gift to me,” Salem replied, her joke so bad that even Yang would groan at it. “But in all seriousness, this is my magic bag of gifts.”

Salem pulled out a small bag, no bigger than a pillowcase. “It contains all the gifts we’re giving tonight.” Her smile turned into a teasing, yet still kind, smirk. “And I bet you wish your belly were the same~” She patted Ruby’s stomach, prompting a wave to spread throughout the egregious mass of fat. “Now, onto our next house. We have a VERY long night ahead of us.”

Ruby groaned. “I’m going to be as big as the North Pole by the end of this…”



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