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I cannot believe I forgot to post this yesterday. I'm so sorry.


Series: RWBY

Characters: Blake, Weiss, Winter

Contains: Sudden weight gain

Reward for Julian


Blake sat on the windowsill of her dorm and continued to think about her morning. She found a strange notebook that claimed it could change people’s weight. The notebook’s promise turned out to be true, and Blake had turned one of her professors into a blob of fat. Somehow crazier than that, no one seemed to bat an eye. Even Glynda, the target of the notebook, seemed to accept her new body as if it were how she had always been.

She wanted to test it further, but the description on the first page still rang in her mind.


‘To the one who has discovered this journal, you have come across an object of great power. The name of anyone written within this journal with a desired weight will be transformed before the user’s eyes. Take heed though, for anyone who dares use this journal will be doomed with a hefty fate.’

Would she end up fat, too, as some sort of cruel twist for meddling? Would she be aloof to it, too?

Sudden laughter caught Blake’s attention. She looked out the window and saw her teammate, Weiss, sitting with her elder sister, Winter. The two were in the middle of having tea with little snacks included. The urge to test the journal gnawed at Blake.

She opened the book and started to write.

Winter Schnee is 800 pounds.

Blake wouldn’t ease into it like she did with Glynda. She also wanted to see if the stern, soldier-type woman would be complacent when her perfect body was reduced to a mass of jiggling lard. By the time Blake’s eyes lifted from the paper, Winter was just that.

Where there had previously been one chair under her, Winter now sat upon three. All seemed to struggle to hold her fat ass up. White pants did their best to stretch across her expansive curves, but multiple split seams and tears allowed pale fat to bubble out. Twin piles of fat that were Winter’s butt cheeks pressed against the seat of her pants as if they were about to burst free. Soft flesh muffin topped and wobbled with Winter’s every movement, no matter how minor. Her thighs alone seemed wider than the windowsill Blake was in. Her stockings would have looked as if they were painted on, but the numerous rips throughout them dispelled that illusion. Beneath fat-coated knees were claves stuffed with fat and softened shins. These weren’t the legs of a soldier. They were the legs of someone who should be barely able to walk.

“They gain weight instantly, but their clothes are always a few sizes too small…” Blake murmured, curious why that was the case yet again. Maybe there was a limit to how big of clothes they could get?

Winter’s midsection had been swallowed up by a hefty mound of belly fat. It took the shape of a gargantuan double belly. The top was a pile with a wavy texture. This alone was the size of a beach ball. Beneath it was an irregular-shaped slab that ran from her sides to her front. Its rolling texture was reminiscent of the waves of an ocean. The top of her lower belly roll formed a series of peaks, while the lower portion of the mass had various sagging areas. All of it was pale, squishy, and immense. Perched atop Winter’s belly were breasts the size of enormous melons. Typically, her blouse would cover her cleavage, but the buttons were left undone. Somehow, the clasp at the middle of her coat remained closed, but that just served to prop up her breasts. The woman showed off enough cleavage that it should have been considered obscene. Then again, Blake had reduced Glynda to a blob that didn’t even fit in her underwear.

Heavy, sagging arms struggled to carry a teacup to her lips. The exertion of lifting the bloated limb caused Winter’s hand to shake and throw droplets of tea onto her chest. Eventually, she managed to take a drink before she had to quickly place the teacup down. It must have been hard to lift one arm that was more broad across than Blake’s shoulders. Blake squinted and noticed Winter’s fat cheeks were bright pink as if she were out of breath.

Blake only needed to see a little more. She leaned out of the window and tilted her head. Fat rolls lined Winter’s sides, stacked atop each other like a series of plateaus. When she leaned a little further than she should have, Blake could see the same on Winter’s back. The journal did quite an excellent job with her.

It was hard not to feel proud of her work, as if Blake had done more than write a name down. She chuckled and looked at Weiss. Her eyes widened in surprise when she saw her teammate was also fat now.

Weiss was at least four hundred pounds, but Blake didn’t write that down. That was when Blake formed a theory. This book didn’t simply alter the mind so everyone would accept their sudden weight gain or not think anything of it when someone was suddenly obese. The book altered the word itself. Weiss looked up to her sister, her sister was made massively overweight, and she followed in her footsteps.

Blake gulped as she looked over Weiss. She needed two chairs to support her stretched hips, and the seats of those chairs were filled by her butt cheeks. It was possibly because of their smaller size, but Weiss had a much rounder and perky butt than her big sister’s. Her thighs were narrower but still twice as wide as Blake’s waist. They were incredibly smooth, though, mostly exposed from Weiss’s ill-fitting skirt. Another contrast to Winter was Weiss’s belly being formerly rounded like an expertly sculpted piece of clay, and her chest hardly had a noticeable bump to them. The heiress had enough belly to fill her lap, but hardly enough boob to fill her hands. She made up for the lack of chest in an abundance of arm fat. They jiggled erratically as she stuffed her face with snacks, snacks much more calorie-rich than the ones Blake saw before her book altered reality.

Something slipped past Blake, though. She was so focused on her friend’s newfound fat that she failed to realize her own. It was hardly anything, though. Her stomach was a little softer, and her hips had a slightly more pronounced curve. Who knows what would happen if she continued to meddle with forces beyond her power?

Blake stood up, clutching the Fat Note close to her chest. She had performed two tests. It worked. She knew that. Now, she just wanted to have some fun with it.



That Guy

Is this just a short story