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Series: RWBY
Characters: Jaune, Ruby, Velvet, Coco
Contains: Female weight gain, smothering

Reward for TheMinotaurSlayer

Jaune and Ruby sat on a couch that seemed comically large. The seat cushions alone were large enough that they could lay on their backs with only their legs dangling from the edge. It was just one of the many recent upgrades at Beacon meant to cater to the increasingly obese and staggeringly tall.

That ongoing phenomenon was what drew Jaune and Ruby here for a team leader meeting. They had been distracted by the couch for nearly an hour, though. Ruby bounced in place while Jaune pressed his hands into the soft cushions.

“I don’t get why they put these couches in the library. Most of the girls spend their time in the cafeteria or near the snack stands.” Jaune murmured aloud.

Ruby rubbed her chins. “I bet they were trying to get them to study by providing comfier seats! I don’t think it worked, though.” She looked around and saw the library was mostly empty. The few scattered people were snacking more than they were studying anyway. “Yeah, Jaune, I think we’re the only skinny people left.” Ruby shook her head slowly.

Jaune stared at Ruby blankly. Her claim to being skinny was a blatant lie. She wasn’t a multi-ton mini giantess like most of the female students, but she was easily near five hundred pounds. She was coated in blubber from head to toe with fat cheeks, hammy arms, a bulbous pair of breasts, an even larger and round dough ball for a belly, hips and a butt wide enough to mean she needed up-sized chairs, and thighs almost twice as thick as Jaune’s waist.

“Uh…Ruby, you’re fat too.” Jaune spoke directly. His mother and sisters had raised him to never comment on a woman’s weight, and he didn’t mean anything rude when saying this to Ruby. He just couldn’t will any other response other than direct and blunt.

Ruby gasped. “I’m not fat! I just got a little pudgy!” She replied despite the undeniable fact that she was quadruple her previous weight. Jaune didn’t know if she was oblivious or embarrassed by her weight. Either way, she didn’t seem ready to back down. Truthfully, she waited for an apology.

It didn’t come as. Instead, the ground began to shake. Jaune and Ruby looked over to see Velvet, one of their friends who had been through an impressive growth spurt. That left her over ten feet tall and a few tons in weight. The faunus had her eyes focused on her scroll as she waddled along, each of her footfalls causing the area around her to shake. She came nearer before she suddenly turned. Not seeing Ruby or Jaune, Velvet sat on the same couch they did. Only she was large enough to fill it from end to end. Her significantly smaller underclassmen found themselves instantly buried under her immense rear, pinned to the couch cushions they marveled at earlier.

Velvet didn’t feel anything out of the ordinary. It was mainly because her butt was such a massive mound of blubbery fat. It was softer than the couch itself. So anything that was there, such as her two friends, just sank into her butt cheeks. Each cheek was as large as a pickup truck, and from the bottom to top, they stood taller than Jaune or Ruby. Her thighs were so vast that the average person (outside of Beacon) could lay across them with ample room to stretch out. This size made a perfect lap for Velvet’s belly to rest upon. Unaware that she was smothering her friends, Velvet drummed her hands atop her rounded dome of a belly. Funnily enough, she loved being huge. It made her feel so confident! So powerful! She giggled and smacked her belly. Even the way the meaty THWAP echoed through the library filled her with pride. It was like a deep instinctual part of her faunus heritage could shout out during that. That was one reason Velvet wanted to get bigger. She was still toward the lower end of the size chart.

Size, that made her think of Ruby. “I wonder where she is. Hmm, if she isn’t careful, she could get smothered.” Velvet mused as if she weren’t using Ruby as a seat cushion for one of her giant butt cheeks. “Mm, I’m sure she’s fine.” Velvet leaned back and put more of her weight on the couch. “Ahh, these couches are so comfy. I hope they put more of them out.” Velvet giggled and shifted her hips back and forth, grinning them into the cushions and subsequently against her trapped friends.

Ruby and Jaune’s groans were utterly muffled. The fat pressed against their faces absorbed every decibel of sound they emitted. The weight was too much to move under. Their arms and legs were stuck in place, so there was no hope of crawling out either. Thankfully, they were squished between two soft objects, or they would have been crushed under Velvet’s enormous girth.

“Now that I think about it. This couch feels a little off. It’s uneven.” Velvet sat up straight and shifted her cheeks again. Her weight leaned more to her left and squished Ruby, then moved right and smothered Jaune. “Maybe the left cushion is a bit puffier?” She asked aloud before she shrugged, which caused her padded shoulders to squish against her cheeks. It wasn’t a big deal, so Velvet resettled her weight evenly and relaxed.

Ruby and Jaune would be trapped for a while longer, it seemed. They were set to be squished between mattress cushions and Velvet’s fat ass. The only thing that kept them from direct skin contact were Velvet’s stockings. That didn’t entirely stop the wave of Velvet’s body heat, though. The blubbery bunny gave off a lot of heat, adding to the smothering effect of being sat on by her.

A silver lining was that Ruby and Jaune had begun to adjust to Velvet’s weight. They could stick it out as long as it didn’t get worse.

“Hi Coco! I was wondering when you’d show up!” Velvet smiled and waved a meaty arm above her head, unperturbed as her underarm fat swung around to smack the side of her face.

“Heya bun bun~” Coco waved back as she waddled over.

It was evident to anyone and everyone that Coco was much larger than Velvet. Not quite twice the size, but she had five feet of height and almost ten feet of girth more than her teammate. Fatties jiggled, floors groaned, and items on shelves and tables were knocked over just by her mere footsteps. Coco was even barred from wearing heels as she would punch holes in the floor everywhere she went. The diva didn’t care, though. She went where she pleased and radiated confidence from every pore. Her hips were as wide as a city bus, and she easily stood over one story tall. Her ass swung with each step with force stronger than wrecking balls. In front of her was a rolling belly that bounced off her pillar-like thighs and swayed like her hips. It was easy to notice that Coco was one of the larger girls at Beacon.

Coco grinned as she finally reached Velvet. “Ooh, someone looks comfy! Mind if I join you?” She asked before she turned and sat on Velvet’s lap. Despite her incredible size, Velvet had more than half of her body buried under Coco’s butt. The weight didn’t affect the bunny, though. She just giggled and patted Coco’s rump as this was a common occurrence. “Ooh, so comfy~ I don’t get why Beacon keeps trying to upgrade the furniture when it just feels so much better to sit on fatties.

“I don’t know how Beacon would feel about intentionally fattening students to act as furniture.” Velvet reasoned as Coco started to idly bounce on her lap. “I personally like the couches too.”

“That’s because you aren’t quite big enough to start using your classmates as chairs,” Coco replied, unaware of the deeply buried Ruby and Jaune. “Either way, you’re bound to keep growing. I hope there’s a bit more up than just out. Otherwise, I might decide to use you as a chair full-time.”

Velvet playfully rolled her eyes. “I don’t think you sitting on my lap is ever going to change.” She smirked and spanked Coco. That earned her a heavy bounce from her friend.

Coco felt proud. Putting on a few tons and heaving a growth spurt had done wonders for Velvet’s confidence. It also meant Coco could get away with being more teasing without embarrassing her friend. Coco bounced more of her weight and kept the motion going. Her butt cheeks wobbled and quaked, bouncing on Velvet’s lap. The weight and force were intense, but Velvet had plenty of fat to distribute the shock. It didn’t wholly absorb or dissipate it, though. So, plenty of these bounces were felt by Ruby and Jaune.

Firstly, Coco’s weight added to the forces that kept the two pinned down. There was already no way to move, but now there was utterly no hope of moving. The only seconds of relief from the oppressive weight was between bounces, but that meant little when each bounce's impact was overwhelming. The two giant girls were having the time of their lives while the smothered duo held on for dear life.

Thankfully, it didn’t last much longer as, with a resounding CRACK, the couch broke and collapsed beneath the two. Velvet was left splayed out on her back while Coco’s full weight landed on her. The sudden drop managed to leave both surprised. Coco groped her belly first, then reached around to squeeze a handful of her ass. “Maybe upgraded furniture is a good thing.” She slowly got up, turned, and leaned forward. One hand reached out for Velvet’s before she hauled the smaller girl up. “For now, let’s get out of here before Glynda shows up. Knowing her, she’d design a punishment making US chairs.” She chuckled and started to waddle away with Velvet in tow.

Left behind and pressed into the flattened couch cushions were Ruby and Jaune. It was nice to breathe freely, but their auras and bodies were exhausted from being used as seat cushions. They were free, but they would remain there for a while. Neither could tell, but they had bright pink blushes stuck to their faces. While the experience they had suffered was intense…it certainly left an impression on them deeper than their bodies left on the couch cushions.

‘I am never gonna be the same again…’ They both thought.




Yeah this has MinotaurSlayer all over this