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Series: RWBY
Characters: Pyrrha
Contains: Blueberry inflation

Reward for Gardefan

The lights were bright and the background was comparatively plain. Black cameras faced Pyrrha and a single pedestal held a vibrant blue drink. It was the new energy drink that Pyrrha had been paid to sponsor. This was a very standard situation. Pyrrha would talk about the product, sample it, smile for the camera, and then she would be on her way.

‘This is a rather small film crew.’ Pyrrha thought. There was the director, a few cameramen, and some people working on sound. It was a far cry from the high production value of some of Pyrrha’s past sponsorships.

That was fine though. Pyrrha didn’t quite want to do these sponsorships anymore. They were partially why she struggled to genuinely connect to people, and Pyrrha hoped to get away from them once she started Beacon…The money was nice though, and she intended to spoil her teammates. She intended this to be her last one.

Pyrrha’s team had reacted to the news of the commercial just as she expected. Ren congratulated her while Nora was super excited and asked if Pyrrha would be sure to snag as many free samples as she could get away with. She giggled at the particular memory. She would be sure to grab a few things. Normally the company would unload boxes of the product on her in the hopes the paparazzi would catch her casually enjoying them.

Jaune’s reaction made her feel especially fuzzy. He congratulated her, said he hoped it went well, and said he looked forward to seeing her on TV. It was a standard response, but she felt fuzzy from a lot of things he said and did. Supportive but still treating her like a normal person.

The director gave Pyrrha the signal. She picked up the blue bottle and smiled brightly. “Whenever I feel tired after a workout, I always reach for a bottle of Wonka Brand Blueberry Soda. It has the vitamins and minerals to replenish you and an added boost to energize you!”

The bottle hisses as Pyrrha opened it. She lifted it to her lips and took one large drink. It was actually very tasty. Pyrrha had sampled some quite awful products, but this one surprised her by how full the flavor profile was.

Her role was complete, the footage was captured and it would be touched up later. Before she left though, Pyrrha decided to finish the drink. It would just be thrown away anyways. “That’s very good.” She murmured and wondered if she could get a few more bottles before she left. She was about to ask before her stomach groaned loudly.

Pyrrha suddenly felt very bloated. Then when she crossed her eyes, she noticed her nose had turned blue. The rest of her skin broke out into a blue shade while her stomach started to swell. Pyrrha groaned. This was another experimental product that she was on the receiving end of.

“Um…is there…where did everyone go?” Pyrrha looked around and found the room empty. They seemed to have stepped out while she stayed behind to finish her drink. At least it meant no one could see how she had turned bright blue and started to swell from her midsection outward. Yet at the same time, it meant something had gone wrong, and there was no one to help her. She tried to take a step toward the door only for her belly to groan and an odd sensation slammed into her body.  

Her belly was large and rounded. It gurgled and sloshed as Pyrrha moved about. All she could do was watch as it grew larger before her eyes. She grabbed it and tried to lift it only for another strange bolt of sensations to hit her.

It didn’t take long before Pyrrha’s belly couldn’t contain the juice alone. Her lower torso started to grow outward now. Her sides widened and joined a curve with her belly. This wrapped around her back too. Hands slowly ran across her hips and felt them widen as well. Her butt cheeks were also affected, but they didn’t become bubbly. At the moment, her body was a teardrop shape. She was like a giant, blue pear.

Pyrrha blushed and took one, awkward step. She stopped and blushed brighter when her body sloshed. It wasn’t a small splash but instead a loud GLUNK. In a futile attempt to stop the noise, Pyrrha once again wrapped her arms around her bloated stomach. It didn’t make the sloshing stop, but she did feel how strange her stomach felt. It was softer than it used to be but also had a sort of tautness to it. Just a little resistance that pushed back against her arms. It was like a water balloon without the rubbery texture.

“This isn’t good…no, no, no. I need to get help…but I don’t want to be seen like this.” Pyrrha looked around for an alternate escape route. The only door was the one she had entered. If she somehow managed to squeeze through it, then she would get help or…Pyrrha’s blood ran cold. If she squeezed out of the door, then there was no way someone wouldn’t snap a picture of her and post it online. It was a tough choice, but she had to either do that or risk growing more with the possibility of bursting like a balloon.

Pyrrha continued to grow. She lost the pear shape she had attained for more of a rounded one. She was much more fitting of a blueberry now that her upper torso started to curve. Her shoulders and underarms rounded and started to roll over her upper arms. It didn’t take much longer for her to realize that her hips and pelvis were bloated enough to roll over the middle of her thighs. Her balance was completely altered, so she wobbled and fell on her butt.

The round body bounced and came to a stable balance. Sloshes still sounded a little longer before they settled. That allowed the groans of Pyrrha’s growing form to be heard again. She could no longer move and her body now stretched to cover her arms and legs. Only her feet and hands were exposed, and she knew she couldn’t move the buried limbs.

Most of her view was consumed by her chest. Each of her breasts had swelled and now looked like ripe, blue beachballs. Thankfully her corset kept most of them covered, so it was only the top quarter exposed.

Strangely enough, Pyrrha didn’t feel anxious or embarrassed. Even as her body expanded until she was two heads taller and just as wide, Pyrrha felt relaxed. It was like her body was filled with warm water. Then her tautly stretched skin felt rather tingly. She merely sighed and opened her mouth to speak. “This is nice…~” This was no mere calming effect though. This had been a strange pleasure that built up as she filled with juice. It had just been dampened by her initial anxiety. Her body felt heavy thanks to the juice, but she didn’t feel trapped in her body. Instead, her immobilized state made her feel oddly safe. ‘What could possibly be an issue for a big, round blueberry?’ She giggled at the thought. No one would need her for advertisements anymore, no one would expect her to be a champion like this, and there wasn’t a likely chance the country fair would rush toward her with a blue ribbon. No, Pyrrha felt like she would be just fine like this.

Pyrrha slowly looked around. She wasn’t looking for anything in particular. However she did spot something. A bright red light on top of the camera. Her eyes widened slightly.

The camera was still recording.

“Uh oh…” Pyrrha murmured.


Team RWBY stared blankly at the TV. The commercial had started very normal, but then it started to drag on. It stopped looking like a commercial as Pyrrha waited around and finished her drink.

“Maybe it’s something to show that she’s a normal person?” Weiss had suggested toward the beginning.

Then Pyrrha started to turn blue and inflate. That went on a little too long for it to be a comedic bit or theme. The girls even wondered if this was something they shouldn’t be watching.

“Yeah,” Yang started. “I don’t think that’s a bit.” It reminded her of some things she had seen in an old movie as well as across the Internet.

Ruby slowly reached for the TV remote and turned it off. “I guess that explains why Pyrrha hasn’t been in school for a while.”

The group was silent before Blake spoke. “At least she seemed happy in the end.”



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