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Series: RWBY
Characters: Glynda
Contains: Weight gain

Reward for MinotaurSlayer

Glynda sighed heavily as she stepped outside. It was far too warm to be out that day, but it was the weekend. That meant she had to do all of her chores then, or it would take her another week to get to them. At least she had prepared for the heat with her state of dress. A pair of cut-off jeans and a white tank top.

The outfit kept her important areas covered, offered breathability, and didn’t hamper her mobility. That last part was important given how exceptionally obese she was. Her fat limited her mobility far too much as it was. Though she didn’t have the time or desire to work out. If not for her comfort snacks, then she was likely to throw her boss out a window. A nice, high window.

Glynda was subjected to constant stress from her job and the many students she oversaw. Food was her strongest coping method, but the effects stacked as the years went by. Unfortunately, her pay didn’t grow with her girth. Her car was comically small while her body was comically obese.

Being ten feet tall didn’t help either.

Breasts as large as yoga balls stretched her top until it looked ready to burst. The tank top was less of a shirt and more of a sling to hold her breasts. The immense globes were jostled and bounced with each of Glynda’s steps. Their highest curve was level with Glynda’s second chin which made it difficult to see what was directly in front of her.

A heavy, three-rolled belly held Glynda’s chest up. The uppermost roll was more of a lump that nestled itself at the bottom of Glynda’s cleavage. The inner, lower curves of her breasts squished against the sides of this meaty lump. The middle roll extended from Glynda’s underarms, tucked just beneath her side boob, curved in front of her, and stopped above her belly button. This roll was much thicker than the one above it and resembled a cream-colored slab more than a woman’s stomach. The lowest and thickest roll connected to Glynda’s lower back fat seamlessly and continued into thick love handles which then sagged to just above her knees. The entire mass was incredibly thick with a belly button so deep that a grown man could stuff his arm in well past his elbow, possibly to his shoulder. Everything except the top roll of Glynda’s belly was completely exposed. It shone gently in the sun, mostly due to how pale it was. Her standard work uniform kept it all covered, so this was the first occasion in quite some time when such skin was touched by the sun’s rays.

Glynda’s hips stretched out at her sides. Her couch was made to fit three people, but her ass was the only one who had sat on it since she bought it. The flattened cushions and visible indent were proof of that. She looked at her car and sighed at how hard it was to fit in it. Her right hip touched the inside of the passenger door while her left hip would make it a struggle to close the driver-side door. She also had to learn how to use the pedals using only her left foot. Thankfully the shifter lever in her car was mounted on her steering wheel. If it was on the middle console, then there would be no way to move her car from park to drive. At least no comfortable way that was. Her seats were moved back as far as they could go. Though with how fat Glynda was, she wondered if it would be better to have the backs of the seat completely removed. Her butt cheeks took up the entirety of the seats on their own. Glynda figured it would be more comfortable if she just let her ass fat flow back and rest on the backseats It would also give her gut more room. She would just have to press the pedals with the tips of her toes. It would be worth it if she didn’t have to squish her sofa cushion-sized butt cheeks painfully against the seat. The current method to make it bearable was to lean the seats back as far as they would go. That at least let her rump have some extra room. If she leaned back, then she was very likely to remove the backs of her seats by snapping them like twigs. Glynda hooked her thumbs in the belt loops of her jean shorts and pulled up as best she could. It didn’t completely cover her ass, but it managed to ensure only the upper halves were exposed which was better than letting them muffin top.

Glynda’s thighs were more broad than telephone poles and the trees in her yard looked to be slightly thinner than the meatiest part of her legs. The fat that encased her legs squished together so that her thighs always touched. It felt nice to let fat touch fat instead of having pantyhose rubbed together until they tore. Glynda’s thighs had already destroyed over ten pairs that month. They were getting too expensive, but the immense woman didn’t want to go without them. On the chance her skirt ripped in school, again, she could at least show semi-translucent fabric instead of her supple, pale skin.

“Thank goodness none of my students will see me like this,” Glynda murmured to herself and used her semblance to carry a bucket filled with soapy water and a rag. There was no way Glynda could easily clean the car with her hands. Her arms were fat just like the rest of her. Her upper arms were as thick around as car tires, but that was rather good proportionally speaking. They still tired quite easily, and she would have to bend in a very specific way if she wanted to lean over and wash her car by hand. That would result in her belly touching the ground and her shorts splitting in half. Yes, Glynda would much rather use her semblance.

Part of Glynda wished she had brought a chair and something to drink, but if she sat down, then she wouldn’t want to get up. So, it would be better to treat this seriously, get it done, and then she could go back inside. She poured the soapy water over her car and used her semblance to drag the rag across it. Now and again she’d spray the entire vehicle with a water hose. Through all of this, flecks and drops of water splashed her. This caused small areas of her skin to glisten in the sunlight, and eventually, parts of her shirt became transparent and stuck to her skin.

It became hotter as time passed. Glynda looked at the cool water that flowed from the hose and sighed. No one was around to see her, so she ran that water over her chest. Instant relief assailed her as the water ran between her breasts and flowed over her belly. Now her top was entirely transparent and her bra was visible. She didn’t care though and moved the hose to hit her back. She would definitely need to get an above-ground pool soon. If the heat kept up, then she could practically live in it.

Though then she would look like an especially fat hippo. It would be so worth it though. Glynda came back to reality and looked at her car. It was nowhere near clean. She had just soaked it. “Great…” She groaned and took the rag in her hand. This couldn’t be done with her semblance.

Glynda gripped the rag in her hand and spread her legs to stabilize her balance. She leaned over her car and started to scrub her windshield. Glynda started to pant very quickly. It wasn’t easy to stand in this posture. Her belly and even breasts were incredibly heavy. When she leaned forward like this, her gut hung closer to the ground and threatened to pull her down. While her ass was plenty fat and heavy, it didn’t offer enough weight to counterbalance in this pose. As she leaned forward, the chance of her butt contributing to her forward weight rose too. It made her much closer to falling forward.

What Glynda didn’t realize was that the ground had become wet under her feet. It was all because she had decided to hose herself down. Glynda didn’t notice but the ground slowly began to shift under her. By the time she realized, it was too late. Her body fell forward and she tried to use her semblance to catch herself. All it did was turn her body around so that her butt crashed down on the hood of her small car. Metal bent and groaned beneath her. It all crumpled with the same amount of effort as one could crumble a piece of paper.

Glynda didn’t want to move. She wanted to pretend that that didn’t happen. Her body slowly shifted in an attempt to get up. That caused more groans to sound and she felt the vehicle bend as she moved her weight to her thighs. Eventually, Glynda was on her feet, and she slowly turned. The front of her car was completely sunken in. Cracks spiderwebbed across her windshield just from where the side of one immense butt cheek and her hip had pressed. The roof of the car had been slightly warped as well. The vehicle was totaled just from her having landed on it. Glynda wasn’t surprised.

“Maybe…” Glynda used her semblance to try and reform her car. The huntress had used it in the past to repair many things. The training room often needed to be put back together. It was just like assembling a children’s toy. Yet that was with large broken pieces whereas Glynda’s car undoubtedly had numerous small, broken parts. The metal sheets that composed the exterior of the car needed to be reshaped. Glynda gently pulled with her semblance..and tore the hood off her car.

The corner of Glynda’s eye twitched. She slowly tried to put the piece back together only to crumple it up. When she tried to adjust the roof of her car, she caused it to bubble outward. She got angrier by the second, but she continued to work section by section. It only got worse. There was no way her car would be moving again.

Glynda took a step back and looked at herself. There was no way she could squeeze herself into public transport. A bus door was far too narrow for her bulk. Then her hips would need more than just one row of seats. That was if she could sit behind a seat. Her belly would take up far too much space. If she couldn’t fit in her personal vehicle, then a bus was completely out of the question.

Glynda gripped her belly with one hand and rubbed her hip with the other. No matter what option she was forced to choose, walking certainly couldn’t be one of them. The best option was a bullhead that could fly her to Beacon. Those were spacious enough to carry entire teams. That meant one bench would at least support her. The idea that the flying vehicle couldn’t carry her weight was preposterous.

The second idea that came to Glynda was a far more desirable one. One that she had fantasized about for some time. Remote work. Glynda waddled away from her ruined car and toward her home as the idea played in her mind. Working from home, teaching via video, and conducting meetings with just emails instead of face-to-face conversations. It was enough to make Glynda smile. There would never be a reason to leave the house. Who cares if that meant she’d get fatter? If Glynda could work from home, then she wouldn’t mind gaining so much weight that she completely filled her home!

Those would be the two options. Her workplace would change for her or she would change her workplace.



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