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Series: RWBY
Characters: Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang, Pyrrha, Velvet
Contains: Weight gain, slob, gas

Reward for SymmetryFats

Weiss’s eyes shot open at the pestering sound of a wild animal devouring food. When her rational thought finally woke up with her, she understood it was just Ruby eating in bed again. It was enough to make her groan as she rubbed her eyes. She had wanted to sleep more, but it was impossible at this point. Especially as her face scrunched up when a horrendous smell reached her nose. She shuddered and looked over the edge of her bed.

Due to Ruby’s weight, she was now on the bottom bunk. Weiss had demanded as such because she didn’t want to be crushed beneath her morbidly obese team leader. It was also easier on Ruby as she could get out of bed and not shake the entire room when she landed. The girl was also fond of only having to lean her bulk toward her mattress before she fell onto it.

As Weiss looked down she saw what she expected. Ruby, splayed out in bed, and resting on her belly was a monstrosity of melted cheese with chips floating in it. She scooped at it with sausage fingers and messily stuffed it into her mouth. When she realized she was being watched, Ruby stared at Weiss like a deer in headlights.

“Uh…morning Weiss.” Ruby smiled and knew full well she was about to have an earful.

“You’re eating…that for breakfast?” Weiss tried to take a calming breath. Yet her inhale only brought more foul-smelling air into her lungs. Which made her angry. “THAT IS NOT A BREAKFAST FOOD!”

Ruby’s neck seemed to bulge out. She tried to let her head shrink back almost as if she thought her face could retreat into the fat like a turtle with its shell. The shiny slab of fat was thick enough to cup in one’s hand and dusted with crumbs and small globs of cheese. “These are corn chips and cheese! That’s almost the same as milk and cereal! Just a little different.” Ruby smiled which caused dimples to appear on her grapefruit-sized cheeks.

Weiss dropped down from her bed and looked at Ruby in all her enormity. She had gotten a larger bed due to her increased girth, but it still seemed too small for her. The queen-sized mattress was small enough that Ruby’s flab managed to ooze over one side. Her other side was squished against the wall.

Ruby could best be described as a mass of rolls that widened the lower on her body one looked. Yes, her upper body still had plenty of fat on it, but the distribution was undeniable. Her shoulders were padded with fat and seemed slightly broader than when she was skinny, but it was hardly anything compared to her thighs. Ruby was easily wider than she was tall. Fat expanded out in both directions before it started to sag and roll over itself. These rolls could be more accurately described as slabs due to their sheer thickness. Such thickness also allowed sweat to accumulate within them, leaving them almost perpetually damp.

Her breasts were as big and round as her head. They were large enough to catch most of the food that fell from her mouth, and not too large so that it was hard to find that food. Ruby was surprisingly nimble with her thick, sausage fingers, but her hammy arms got quite tired easily. That surprised no one seeing as her upper arms were the size of pillows and weighed as much as sandbags. While these assets were the product of Ruby’s overeating, they seemed paltry compared to her ass. Ruby had already crushed two-person and three-person couches. Two-person couches were too small and her ass would roll off the sides. She could fit within a three-person couch with her hips almost stretching from armrest to armrest, but her cheeks were so large that they squished against the backrest. If she so much as leaned back, her butt would break the backrest like a dam being crushed under the weight of the water behind it. Beanbag chairs were too small and nowhere near soft enough to compare. Ruby’s butt had a considerable heft to it, so much that it sagged to be level with her knees. Despite that, there was enough mass to act as a shelf.

Ruby’s thighs were broad pillars of sweaty flesh that had tire-sized rolls. From where her hips ended, the rolls stacked atop each other all the way to her ankles. The smallest rolls that covered Ruby’s feet were still as thick around as throw pillows. Thanks to her semblance, Ruby was still as quick as ever, but she had become more clumsy. There was no way to stop on a dime, and she ended a burst of speed with a roll instead of a perfect landing.

Between it, all was a giant belly. A triple belly with a large lump of fat just below her breasts, then an even larger roll that stretched further than her arms could reach. It stretched from her underarms out in front of her and rested above her belly button. The roll beneath it was the largest and sagged until it touched the floor whenever she stood. That roll was connected to love handles that could be hugged all on their own. All of Ruby’s belly combined could serve as a giant recliner or couch for any skinny person. She could fit all of her team on her belly and there would be enough room for a few more people if they squeezed in close. Ruby had jokingly asked once or twice if someone would sit on her belly. Some just took it as a joke. Weiss outright refused.

All in all, Ruby was a sweaty, flabby mass of blubber that barely moved unless she had to. Whenever she did decide to move, she would be covered in sweat. The wobbling of her fat also managed to fan her body odor and help it spread around her. That was without it being made worse by her gas. When one ate like a raccoon or other sort of bottom feeder, then it was unsurprising when they had gas powerful enough to knock those faint of heart out cold.

Weiss was always at her limit. She tried everything to deal with Ruby’s eating habits and smell. Ruby always found an excuse to not take a shower. That could sometimes stretch for weeks until Weiss found a clever way to bathe her. It only took a few hours for her to start smelling again though.

The worst part was that Yang and Blake sided with Ruby. They didn’t seem as bothered by her habits, smell, or anything for that matter. Yang indulged Ruby and often got her “little” sister snacks when she was lounging about. Blake often massaged Ruby’s belly which forced plenty of gas from her. Weiss had no clue how either could stand to be so close to such a wretchedly smelly glob of fat.

Weiss shook her head slowly. “I’m sorry but your…breakfast doesn’t matter at the moment.”

“This is actually pre-breakfast, very important distinction.” Ruby pointed out which caused an angry aura to emit from Weiss. “Sorry…”

“As I said, it doesn’t matter. Since you woke me up early, we have plenty of time to give you a bath.” Weiss grinned maliciously and grabbed Ruby’s bowl of cheese. She set it aside and quickly gripped one of Ruby’s wrists. It took all her strength not to recoil at how damp it was with sweat and grease.

Ruby glanced about. “Well, actually you see I uh…well um today is…” She searched for an excuse but found none. Weiss also continued to tug on her arm which started to hurt. That was enough to make Ruby slowly shift over. As her left side began to roll off the bed, she used the momentum to get on her feet.

The sight of her in front of Weiss was comical. Weiss was as slender as a reed while Ruby looked like an absolute wall of a person. She was a giant sloped mass of rolls and folds of fat, the picture of gluttony and overindulgence. Weiss was the opposite, the product of a strict upbringing and nonstop dieting.

“Puff…wheeze…Weiss, can we guff wait? I’m tired…” Ruby whined. She wasn’t being dramatic. Just getting on her feet was exhausting. Her knees already hurt and every muscle in her legs burned. Even her back hurt as her belly rolled to touch the floor.

“I don’t care. Waddle yourself to the bathroom. I will bathe you myself.” Weiss pulled Ruby along and groaned as Ruby dragged her feet. “I will not stand you smelling this horrible in my presence anymore. Move Ruby, if you don’t take a step in the next second then I’ll get a water hose…No, I’ll confiscate those comics and games you love so much.” Weiss’s evil grin somehow became more twisted.

Ruby’s eyes widened and she willed her body forward. The sudden burst of “speed” caused one of her hips to swing and slam into Weiss. The skinny girl felt like she had been sucker punched, and her gasp for air brought more of Ruby’s BO into her lungs. That made her cough and double over. To make things worse, Weiss noticed that a large sweat stain had spread across the front of her nightgown. It was like Ruby had stamped her only with sweat instead of ink.

Ruby wheezed with increasing intensity as she lumbered forward. Her legs hurt and her knees buckled. That made her thighs and calves quiver while she felt her vision get cloudy. “Weiss…guff…is it normal wheeze for my…mfff left arm to feel…numb?” She asked and struggled to talk past her gasps for air and even some drool. The left side of her chest felt increasingly tight. It was a feeling she’d had once before when she last had to work out. It was a few months prior when Glynda Goodwitch had been dedicated to having Ruby lose weight. It didn’t last long. “Shhhhssss fine…sssfine right?” Ruby continued to move forward until she felt her belly touch the open doorframe of the bathroom. She continued forward and felt her belly slide through. There was notable resistance, but she was as slick as a greased pig. Her belly simply folded like a flesh-colored tortilla or open-top water slide. This shape also allowed sweat to run in a small stream.

All movement, aside from jiggles, came to a halt when Ruby’s hips bumped the door frame. That was enough to jumpstart Ruby, mostly because the wobbles caused by her impact were enough to encourage her heart into a proper rhythm. “Aaaagh I knew this was gonna happen!” Ruby sighed and leaned forward. She braced her hands against the doorframe and pressed against the floor with her porky toes. “GEH!” The surprised noise leaped from Ruby’s thick throat as she felt something squish against her butt.

“This is fine…I’ll just shower after you.” Weiss shuddered as she pressed herself against Ruby’s fat, sweaty ass. She tried to ignore how her arms and chest sank deep into Ruby’s flesh while her cheek pressed against what she hoped was a roll of back fat and not another part of Ruby’s butt cheek. Weiss blocked the thought from her head and pushed with all her might. The more she pressed, the deeper she sank into Ruby.

Ruby continued to try and squeeze through the narrow passage. This started to squish her belly against the floor which drew a loud groan from it. Ruby was used to her stomach groaning. She wasn’t surprised, especially since she was eating a large bowl of cheese dip. What she didn’t account for was Weiss. “Uh oh…”


A massive fart burst from Ruby and hit Weiss directly. There was no cough, no gasp, nothing. Just a short delay before a soft THUMP sounded as Weiss fainted.

“I mean, none of this would have happened if you didn’t insist on me taking a bath.” Ruby giggled softly. There was no response as the rest of her team was still asleep, somehow. “I’m gonna be stuck for a while…”


Meanwhile, elsewhere in Beacon at the same early hour, Pyrrha Nikos stood in the training room. Sweat ran off her in constant streams. Her athletic wear, which was already too small for her, was stuck to her like a second skin thanks to all the moisture.

Pyrrha chose to work out early in the morning because she was somewhat embarrassed by her morbidly obese state. There was also the fact that the sweat she worked up caused her body to reek. She labored her flabby, gelatinous form in the early or late hours so no one would have to see her in such a state. She barely managed to waddle to class during the day, and she ate all of her meals in private.

Unfortunately, her leaving before anyone showed up in the gym made it a mystery as to why everything was coated in sweat. Pyrrha had narrowly snuck out once when she overheard a few girls recount the urban legend that a ghost lived in the gym. Pyrrha knew she sweated profusely, but there was no way her sweat was like ectoplasm.

Exercising felt pointless as Pyrrha never lost any weight, but she was afraid of how much she would gain if she stopped for so much as a day. Each day it became harder, Pyrrha wasn’t halfway through her routine and she felt faint. Her heart beat with so much force that she could feel it throughout her chest. That was an alarming sign seeing as each of her breasts were like watermelons.

Pyrrha had more fat on her lower body than her upper, but it wasn’t by much. She had looked online at articles she used to think were silly. Apparently, she had what people called a “bell shape.” She was more top-heavy than the average pear-shaped girl. Pyrrha thought average, but the only “pear-shaped” girl she knew was Ruby. Ruby, Pyrrha wished she could be as comfortable in her skin and ample fat as Ruby. That girl exhibited utter confidence, or perhaps a complete lack of shame.

Pyrrha used to be a champion, and that was perhaps why she couldn’t so easily let go of her athletic past. Her arms used to propel spears further than anyone before her. Now she could hardly stuff her face with the grease-drenched food that destroyed her figure. Her upper arms had sagging bingo wings as large as king-sized pillows. They even managed to make a fold at her elbows! Her forearms were just as bulbous and hard to use thanks to the fat they were sheathed in. Puffy hands terminated in thick, awkward fingers that could barely hold a pencil. Though their perpetual greasiness played a part in that.

The former champion’s fat face scrunched up as she looked down at her belly. She had large, round cheeks and three extra chins. That was all above a heavy ring of neck fat that collected most of the sweat that ran from her face.

Her belly was large and mostly round. It would have been a perfect dome, but the weight and texture caused it to naturally curve and roll. She didn’t have a double belly with a well-defined roll though. The upper portion of her belly looked round, but the curves then flattened for a stretch before belly fat flowed past Pyrrha’s waistline. Fat then sagged and rolled over itself until it could touch the floor. This also allowed it to stretch further than Pyrrha’s arms could reach. At her sides were slab-like love handles that bounced as Pyrrha waddled along. She couldn’t stuff them into her skirt, and they couldn’t fit inside her blouse. So, they were left exposed and allowed to wobble and glisten in the early morning light.

“I want to take a shower,” Pyrrha murmured in an almost whine. She didn’t have to smell herself, her odor naturally crept into her nose. The showers in the gym were too small for her though. She had gotten stuck last time and needed people to help her out. Even slick from the water and her sweat, Pyrrha had wedged herself in tight. It was all thanks to her hips. Pyrrha was a rather tall girl, and her hips didn’t match that height. They were still plenty wide though. No one chair could suitably support her rump. Even benches around Beacon were too weak to support her weight. They would instantly bow, and break the second Pyrrha leaned back.  “Maybe I can squeeze into the dorm shower? Hopefully, no one is up yet.” She sighed and waddled past the locker room.

As she waddled, Pyrrha heard the familiar sound of her butt cheeks clapping. It quickly turned her cheeks red, though they were already red due to exhaustion from moving. Her athletic shorts looked like beanbag chairs had been stuffed into them, but the tops were undeniably flesh-colored. More fat also managed to sag from the leg holes which Pyrrha felt were far too high up. All together her shorts covered just as much as her sash used to. The lack of support from the little fabric she wore caused her butt to wobble erratically as she moved. This was enough so Pyrrha could feel sweat droplets from her butt flung at her back fat. The sweat then rolled right back down to her ass. Pyrrha’s back was a series of plateaus made of fat. The rolls got thicker the further down her back they went, and eventually almost seamlessly merged with her love handles. They were mostly just more fat deposits on her body though. They didn’t necessarily hinder Pyrrha unless she attempted to wash them. Truthfully, Pyrrha had just poured shampoo over her shoulders and hoped the suds passed through the folds.

“Just a little further, keep going.” Pyrrha sighed as her legs burned. They had hurt when she got out of bed that morning, they hurt during her walk to the gym, and they hurt throughout her workout. At this point, they felt like jelly and were ready to collapse. Her thighs were as large as barrels and resembled them in shape too. Her knees were trapped in the rift between the dense, fatty thighs and the bloated, cone-shape of her shins and calves. Pyrrha felt sorry for her poor legs, they worked so hard and never got stronger. Their burden only increased.

Pyrrha sighed heavily and looked at the rising sun. “I feel terrible for this, but all I want is a big, greasy burger.” She murmured and realized she would never drop her weight because she couldn’t tame her appetite.


“Coco, I don’t think my old outfit will fit!” Velvet whined as she stood in the middle of her dorm room. Even with the beds moved aside, there was hardly enough room for the task at hand. Velvet had her underwear and a bra on, but that didn’t mean she was ready for class.

Despite her monstrously obese yet somehow mobile body making it impossible to wear clothes made for normal people, Beacon had a rule that all students must cover 50% of their skin to be considered “publicly decent.” 50% was the lowest the academy was willing to go thanks to its three fattest students.

Velvet’s most recently custom-tailored uniform did not meet that requirement.

Coco sighed as she dragged what looked like a large, brown tarp. “Well then it’s a good thing I let it out in a few places. It should stretch just enough to cover you.” She looked over Velvet’s gargantuan, cream-colored body and hummed. So much supple, flawless, adorable, magnificent…Coco trailed off as she looked at how fat Velvet was. She slowly walked around and noticed how her teammate had an almost iridescent quality to her. That was thanks to how much she sweats. It was unsurprising given she weighed more than two, possibly three, Goliath Grimm.

Velvet’s head had a wreath-shaped mass of neck fat. Her second chin was thick enough to rest in the palm of Coco’s hand, and her cheeks were as big as grapefruits. It helped her look even more adorable when she was flustered and blushing. That was often as Velvet’s confidence didn’t rise with her weight. She was conscious of how much she sweat and the puddles of said moisture she left behind. She squeaked when people bumped into her and apologized profusely whenever she ran into someone. Most didn’t hear the apology as they were bounced clean out of earshot though.

Coco had the hardest task this morning. She had to help dress Velvet in her jumpsuit. It mostly prevented the sweat puddles she formed whenever she stopped somewhere, and it helped contain her smell. Given how overweight Velvet was, she couldn’t easily take a shower. Paired with how much she sweated, a natural musk built up and was practically trapped inside of her rolls. No amount of perfume helped either. So, her jumpsuit was the best option as it would trap the smell. Though as the day went on, the fabric would become damp and the smell would seep through it.

“Let’s get started.” Coco got onto all fours and crawled under Velvet. She went to the bunny’s side, so she only had to slip past where the side of her belly met her thigh. Holding her breath would only make things worse, so Coco took small breaths and tried to adjust to the smell. It wasn’t easy, but it was something she dealt with often. The heat was the real issue as there was nowhere for it to go. Velvet’s underside had walls made of her belly and thighs. This meant plenty of heat was trapped there. It was almost like a foul-smelling sauna.

Velvet’s cankles rolled over the sides and back of her feet. The fat even managed to stretch to her toes. Coco had to be here most careful here. Each of Velvet’s feet had to be stuffed into her jumpsuit, but if she lost her balance and fell…Full aura or not, Coco would be trapped under Velvet all day if that happened. She knew from experience. One time Coco was almost stuffed between Velvet’s butt cheeks on the day her teammate had decided to binge on breakfast burritos. So, the fashionista was careful.

The fabric was inched under Velvet’s toes. This was one part of the blubbery bunny that could be moved easily. So, Velvet helped as best she could. Then Coco scooted the fabric further along and slowly stuffed cankle fat inside. As Coco pulled the fabric up higher, she stuffed it into folds. This way a sort of safety line was established. If her fingers became sweaty and she lost her grip, the fabric would only snap back a little. It was like how rock climbers secured anchorage points as they climbed.

Velvet’s legs quickly thickened the higher they went. Her cankles were so thick that Coco couldn’t wrap both of her hands around one. Before Coco reached Velvet’s knees, the fat had become so thick that both of her arms would fail to reach around. That forced her to stuff an arm between Velvet’s legs to tug the fabric higher, then she would shift around to try and hike the fabric up from a different angle. She didn’t bother to poke her head out for fresh air. Being this close to Velvet made any breath of air smell like her.

The widest part of Velvet’s legs were her thighs. They were like giant pillars only made of sweat-coated adipose tissue instead of a solid material like marble. Their width was equal to more than half of Coco’s height. Her legs weren’t segmented into rolls and were instead large and slightly lumpy. That made it more difficult to pull the jumpsuit up. Coco had to pull with all her might until she reached the rolls that formed where hip fat curled over the top of Velvet’s thigh. This was especially difficult as Coco couldn’t stand up. There were literal tons of belly fat above her, and it might have been soft, but it was also incredibly heavy. She was stuck on her knees and had to slowly inch fabric up until she found a roll to secure it in.

Coco sighed heavily. Half of Velvet’s thighs were covered. She would get the backs soon. For now, she had to take care of Velvet’s underbelly. It was a waste of effort and time to crawl out, go behind Velvet, and slip under her butt cheeks because then she would need to return to the underbelly.

She had to mentally prepare herself. She tightly gripped two handfuls of fabric, laid on her back, and slowly started to slip under Velvet’s belly fat as it stretched in front of the obese blob of a bunny girl. It was tight, hot, exceptionally damp, and idly suffocating. It had to be done though. It had also been done many times, so Coco knew what to do. She slowly inched her way out and pulled the fabric as she went. Her mouth instinctually opened for a breath of hopefully fresh air. Instead, flab filled her open mouth and a salty taste hit her tongue. The smell that rushed into her nose wasn’t pleasant either, and Coco almost passed out. She just focused on squeezing free and pulling the fabric with her. She managed to get it to stick to Velvet’s lower belly before waiting to catch her breath.

Velvet’s belly was a two-tiered glob of dough. The lower roll was just below chest level with Coco, and the second roll was just barely higher than her head. In the middle was a belly button so large and deep that Coco could completely conceal herself within it. That size meant it needed to be vacuumed at least once a month. The upper mass of Velvet’s belly was almost as large as a queen mattress, but its dome shape made it hard to properly measure. If it was laid out flat like a slab, then it would be enough to flatten said mattress. The lower mass of her gut was far larger and thicker. Two whole teams could sit on the fold that ran along the top of the immense mound of pure dough-like fat. It was so soft and supple that standing on it would cause someone, most often Coco, to sink up to their knees.

And she’d have to climb it to dress Velvet. Later as she still had more of the bunny’s thighs to cover. She walked around and started to tug fabric up toward Velvet’s hips. When one was so impossibly obese, they became ludicrously wide too. Velvet’s hips were soft and lumpy like the rest of her, and their weight caused them to sag. This roll managed to sag to the middle of her thighs. Thankfully that was about where Coco had gotten the jumpsuit before she squeezed out from under Velvet. She gripped the fabric and pulled back as much as she could. Thankfully this was one area of the jumpsuit that had major upgrades. The fabric easily stretched over Velvet’s hip and was stuffed under her love handles. A short walk to the other side of the blobby bunny preceded the other hip being covered.

Now was the next hurdle. Velvet had an abundance of butt fat that needed to be covered. Just like with the front of her legs, Coco would need to squish between twin mounds of fat and pull the fabric under them. The urge to at least try and hold her breath hit her, but she knew it was a bad idea. She looked over Velvet’s giant butt and took a moment to marvel at it. The cheeks were about as tall as her for starters. They were large enough to touch the ground and reached out just as far behind her as her belly did in front of her. The curves rose higher and higher until they finally ended at an elevation equal to the back of her neck. She had to drag her fat butt everywhere she went which was just another pleasant to look at. Something about it invoked images of a mountain looming over a traveler. The glistening surface gave it a shine pleasant to the eyes too. The smell was another issue though.  Coco just tried to breathe through her mouth as she looked at the gargantuan mounds of butt fat that were as tall as her, far wider than her, and could likely serve as a crash pad for someone falling at least a hundred feet.

‘Could that be good for a dramatic entrance?’ Coco thought and rubbed her chin. She could think of it later as she prepared to crawl between the bottom curve of Velvet’s butt cheek and the back of her thigh.

That was when she remembered something. “The hook!” Coco exclaimed and rushed to the closet. She returned with an extendable pole that had a small hook on the end.

Velvet couldn’t see it though given her neck was too fat to turn. An additional nervous sweat started to come over her as the word “hook” didn’t comfort her. She let out an “EEP!” When she felt the pole slip under her butt cheeks.

Coco fished around until she felt some resistance. That meant she hooked the fabric and she started to pull. The fabric emerged a few seconds later. Coco grasped it and leaned back on her heels. This helped pull more fabric free, and she quickly started to tug and shake the material. Velvet’s butt fat wobbled and bounced, but with each bounce, more flesh was gradually fitted into her jumpsuit. This was where Velvet’s sweat helped. Coco could simply press the fabric against Velvet’s butt, and the moisture helped it stick in place. That saved Coco the effort of climbing Velvet’s butt which was much more difficult than her more gradually sloping belly.

After the walk to Velvet’s belly, Coco realized how tired she was. There needed to be an easier way to do this, or Coco didn’t see how it would be possible once Velvet got fatter. Taking care of such a massive fatty was exhausting. She simply heaved a tired sigh and started to climb Velvet’s belly. It was easier to ascend the areas already covered by the fabric. It gave far more grip than her bare, sweaty skin would.

Easier didn’t mean easy though. Just light pressure and the minor application of Coco’s bodyweight caused her foot to sink into Velvet’s belly fat. Blubber covered her ankles before she felt anything solid to gain purchase on. She just pressed down until the fat eventually started to push back. This was just above the middle of Coco’s shins. That was the average for most of Velvet’s body. Coco held her arms out for balance and took a second step. This was the hardest as she had to balance on a material that had practically no stability. All the while, Velvet just watched, impressed. Once Coco got her second foot down, she knew she passed the first hurdle. The third and fourth steps went easy enough, then she reached the end of Velvet’s jumpsuit. Now she had to cross the second hurdle. She had to move from the support of fabric to the unreliable and slippery exposed blubber.

Coco pressed her foot down. At first, her foot simply slipped from how slick Velvet’s upper belly was. She applied more pressure and had to keep her foot steady as it now wanted to try and slip in any which direction. Her tongue slipped out as she tried to focus. Once that foot was as steady as possible, she moved her other foot. She almost fell then. A fall wasn’t a terrible risk of injury, but she didn’t want to climb Velvet again. Her other foot touched down and she was able to get as close to an even balance as possible.

“Alright…now let’s just…” Coco talked as she slowly turned around. She gripped the fabric of Velvet’s jumpsuit that she had tucked into the middle of her belly roll. Coco pulled up with as much force as she could.

Only she slipped. Her back hit Velvet’s belly and she bounced. That should have sent her forward to the ground below, perhaps a fall more treacherous than Coco had thought, but her feet were caught in the fabric of the jumpsuit. Instead of being thrown forward, she slipped down Velvet’s belly like a soft, smelly, waterslide, and she stopped at the bottom of the girl’s belly. Now with a face full of damp fabric and her back to over a thousand pounds of belly fat, Coco realized that the jumpsuit was still skin tight. She slowly turned and was now face to belly with Velvet. The sour smell of Velvet’s body odor assaulted her nose and made her shudder.

“Coco?” Velvet called out. “Are you…ok?” She asked hesitantly. The answer felt obvious ask Coco did have a reputation for being a diva. Even Velvet wasn’t spared from a little bit of cattiness.

Coco didn’t reply at first. She focused on gripping Velvet’s belly button as a handhold. “I’ll be fine. Just have to…dammit you’re slippery.” She groaned and slowly crawled out of Velvet’s clothes. She was soaked with sweat and Velvet’s signature stink now clung to her. “I’m glad we started this early because I am going to need a nice, long shower.” Her eyes flicked up to Velvet’s who glanced away just as quickly.

Being much more careful this time, Coco grabbed the hem of Velvet’s jumpsuit and started to drag it up. This time it slowly crept up the giant belly and covered more of it. She managed to pull it higher to the top of Velvet’s belly. The fabric snagged on the rolls and lumps that lined Velvet’s side. They would pop free with an audible THWIP each time.

It was break time. Coco sat on one of Velvet’s breasts and sank into it. She didn’t care about the sweat because she was soaked. She didn’t care about the smell because she was as close to nose-blind as anyone could ever get. Each of Velvet’s breasts was the size of a beanbag chair, but their texture was much more comfortable. If not for the giant bunny smelling so foul, many people would leap for the chance to sit on one.

Idly, Coco moved her hand and touched Velvet’s chins and neck fat. She just let her fingers drag over them or occasionally poke the folds. “You are so fat, Velv,” Coco murmured and listened to her friend stumble for a response. “But I let you get this big, so I’ll always do my best to help you out.”

Coco got up and moved around Velvet’s side. This was the easiest part. There were plenty of rolls on Velvet’s side, and Coco could use them all as sturdy footholds. It was even easier because they were now covered in fabric. All Coco had to do was stuff a fat, hammy arm into two sleeves.

Velvet somehow managed to have three lumps that composed her arms. That was if her shoulder was counted. From her neck, her shoulder rose in a fat lump. This continued seamlessly with her underarm. Beneath her armpit was a roll of fat that sagged downward. Then there was the heavy mound of blubber that congealed over her upper arm. Giant bingo wings were to be expected, but the upper half of her arms were almost just as fat. The only thing that made it look smaller was because gravity pulled the fat down. The hardest part of this particular area was poking and prodding the heavy, hanging fat into the sleeves. It also tickled Velvet, so she laughed. That made her jiggle which in turn proved hazardous for Coco. Falling, again, was an issue. The more dangerous event that could happen was if the fat covering Velvet’s armpits moved too much.

Which it did.

Like a shifted piece of earth that released trapped methane gas beneath, Velvet’s arm folds moved just enough that a pocket of trapped BO slipped out. Coco’s vision quickly went dark before she almost fell back. Thankfully she came too quickly and leaned forward. ‘That was close…’ She thought and finished packing one arm into the sleeve. Velvet’s lower arms and hands were easy to deal with.

“Almost there,” Coco said aloud, speaking more to herself rather than to Velvet. She used the folds on Velvet’s sides to climb atop one of the blob’s boobs. There she could stand and move to Velvet’s shoulders. 

Now there were two upcoming moments where she had to be careful. If she slipped, then she would fall back into the jumpsuit. She’d have a lot further to fall, and escape would be much more difficult. So, Coco tucked her feet under the sides of Velvet’s neck fat. That tickled Velvet and made her giggle.

“Easy with the shoulder bouncing,” Coco murmured and leaned forward. She pulled the fabric over Velvet’s chest with more ease than she expected. She brought it up to Velvet’s chins without much issue. The zipper that used to bind the outfit was a pain. It had been replaced with expensive, stretchy fabric. When pulled, the fabric stretched. When released, it returned to its intended shape. 

Coco turned to face Velvet’s butt. Velvet had yet to eat breakfast which meant Coco didn’t have to be assailed by gaseous outbursts from her partner’s rear end. That didn’t mean Velvet’s butt smelled much better though. The task was almost done though. Coco reached forward over the curves that came up to Velvet’s neck. She had to lay atop one cheek to reach for the place she tucked the fabric in. Once her fingers curled around it, she slowly started to arch her back. Eventually, she just needed to lean back and gravity helped her pull the jumpsuit up. With a small FWIP, it closed around Velvet’s neck.

Exhausted, Coco fell onto her back. This landed her partially between Velvet’s breasts and partially on her belly. 

“And done. Thanks for sitting still.” Coco panted and looked at the ceiling. “Try and get yourself something to eat. Mama needs a shower.”

Velvet nodded. Coco certainly was a good leader and friend for doing all this. If she could, Velvet would have hugged Coco as tight as possible. In the meantime, she decided to move her bulk toward the bathroom. Coco didn’t move, aside from being bounced slightly by Velvet’s idle jiggles. One foot after the other and through the sound of her butt and belly dragging against the carpet, Velvet got it to where her belly pressed against the open doorway to the bathroom. “There, I shorted the walk a bit.” She said and smiled.

Coco grinned too. “Thanks, bun bun. What would I do without you?”


There was a small gathering at the corner of the dining hall. All of the tables around the gathering were left empty. That was because the combined scent of one table was such an appalling scent that even flies were deterred from it. This was where Team RWBY, Pyrrha, Velvet, and Coco gathered.

The three reeking blobs of the group were busy stuffing their faces with their respective breakfasts. Syrup, grease, and melted cheese ran down the corner of Ruby’s mouth as she scarfed down handfuls of various foods she had mixed together. Ruby claimed she wanted to enjoy all the flavors at once. Weiss, seated at the furthest end of the table, had no idea how she could taste anything when her food was basically reduced to pig slop as it was mixed and mashed within her mouth. Blake and Yang didn’t seem to care about Ruby’s smell. They actually helped her eat. Blake moved various plates and bowls closer while Yang would mix them up and placed them before Ruby’s mouth or within her fat fingers. This gorging caused large amounts of gas to burst out of her. Weiss tried to ignore it while Ruby, Blake, and Yang didn’t seem to notice at all aside from the booming sounds.

Coco, Velvet, and Pyrrha didn’t seem to mind either.

The latter was just trying to fill her belly which groaned loudly. She couldn’t tell if these were the groans of hunger or digestion. Pyrrha would occasionally stop, blush brighter than she already was, and try to be quiet. Her gas didn’t get the memo and loud farts or belches erupted from her. Eating in public was embarrassing for her, but she had run into her friends by the time she reached the dormitory. Having to waddle even further than she already had and after her workout wasn’t fun for the former champion. That being said, her cravings got the better of her. She waddled the entire way, dropped her fat ass onto the bench which caused it to almost break, and she had crammed food down her throat ever since. A growing part of Pyrrha wanted to gorge until she couldn’t fit another crumb inside of her. Her belly, which swelled from the food she had already glutted on, agreed.

Velvet huffed and wheezed. Her jumpsuit felt so stuffy and it clung to her in patches where her sweat was especially heavy. Dark stains could be seen under her arms, across her back, and where rolls formed. These rolls easily caught moisture and led to the darkest stains. Her musk already started to seep through the fabric which added to the whirlwind of horrendous odors around the group. The back of her suit would momentarily inflate whenever an especially powerful fart ripped from her backside. The tented fabric quickly fell when the gas seeped through her clothes. It would then carry with it the heavy stink of her sweat-soaked mass.

Those who could stand to be in the dining hall while it was occupied by the three disgusting globs could only wonder how the four skinny students could be so close. They had no idea how anyone could become nose blind to such a horrible odor or how they could listen to the noisy sounds of their chewing or their bellies digesting.

It was all very simple though. Ruby, Pyrrha, and Velvet were the only girls in the world who weighed at least a ton on their own. They were naturally drawn to each other more than simply by proximity. Ruby loved being friends with two fellow obese blobs, Pyrrha felt less ashamed of how fat and smelly she was thanks to these two, and Velvet felt like she needed to guide the globular girls around her as their senior. Coco was supportive of her blobby bunny friend, Yang would never let her sister down or skip a meal, Blake enjoyed helping her friend be the fattest blob she could possibly be, and Weiss…had no other options.

That was how the group worked though, and it was how they would continue. At least until Beacon tried to do something about the three girls, or they became too fat to do anything other than eat, grow, and pollute the air around them.



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