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Jaune once more goes on a date with a sugar sized mama. This time it’s the towering bunny, Velvet Scarlatina.


Series: RWBY
Characters: Jaune, Velvet
Contains: Female weight gain, mini giantess

Commission for MinotaurSlayer

Jaune strolled down the pathway in a luscious green park. The sun shone down and cast everything in a gentle warm glow. The young man was well-dressed in an open button-up shirt with a t-shirt underneath and dark jeans. He was there for a date, but this one wasn’t through the Rent a Boyfriend app. This was a favor for Coco to have a nice date with her friend Velvet. From what Coco said, the girl was very shy and severely lacked confidence.

Jaune was happy to help, and he already had eyes on his date. She sat on what he thought was a park bench, an incredibly large one. As Jaune got closer and closer, Velvet seemed to grow even larger. He had a confident walk and smile, but it slightly diminished when he realized how massive his date was.

Velvet wore a large, caramel-colored sun dress with floral decorations along the hem. A sunhat was atop her head with holes for her tall bunny ears to poke through. For shoes, she wore simple flats which she used to idly trace circles in the dirt.

Jaune had to stop nearly a dozen feet away from Velvet just so he could see her face past the curve of her bust and belly. She utterly dwarfed him in size and was far larger than Coco, Emerald, and Ruby.

The giant woman had noticed Jaune by now and let out a nervous squeak. “O-oh hello down there.” Velvet looked down not to look at Jaune but to hide her face in her chest. Even the brim of her sunhat came down to conceal the rest of her face.

The short glimpse of her face had revealed it to be adorably stout and rounded. Just one cheek was as large as Jaune’s face and her extra chins were thicker than his upper arms. He couldn’t easily differentiate where her neck started or ended seeing as it was a thick slab that rested atop her shoulders.

“Hello,” Jaune spoke and smiled. “You must be Velvet? I’m Jaune, Jaune Arc.” He greeted Velvet and waited as she slowly looked up. A small smile was on her face as she quickly looked Jaune up and down.

“Jaune? Yes, Coco told me you’d meet me here. Um…let me do a better introduction.” Velvet sat up straight which added to her already incredible height. “I’m Velvet Scarlatina…um you know I’m Coco’s friend…uh, I own the bakery down near main street, and I’m uh…t-twenty nine.” Velvet felt nervous saying the last part, but she felt she needed to be upfront and see if her potential date was still interested.

Jaune, to Velvet’s surprise, didn’t turn and run for the hills. He remained where he was and continued to smile. Velvet waited a moment before she started to lean forward. She struggled to see her date past her breasts. Just one was as large as her friend Coco’s belly. That meant they were about as large as a recliner chair to Jaune. As she shifted forward, her bust pressed down on her belly which was then squished against her expansive lap.

That caused Jaune to subtly move back. Velvet didn’t notice the movement, but her belly looked like it was about to leap forward and smash Jaune. Her breasts might have been mind-bogglingly massive, but Velvet was belly heavy. It was as if the young man stood before a living wall. Round, curved, and folded in many areas. The fabric of her dress covered most of it, but the outlines of each roll could still be seen. Each was so large that Jaune could be completely buried in the smallest ones. Larger rolls would have given him enough room to stretch out. That was if the weight didn’t smother him in that hypothetical scenario. The sun dress’s fabric came to an end at one point, and it was before the belly fat met its final curve. It was designed to reach Velvet’s knees, but her belly hung to the middle of her shins. With her being seated as well, the fabric was drawn higher. Jaune guessed that the belly fat would be level with his waist when Velvet stood upright.

“Um…for my date I just wanted to do a picnic. There’s a nice spacious area nearby if you don’t mind the walk.” Velvet spoke so softly for someone her size. “Just let me.” Velvet groaned and leaned back before she threw her upper body forward. The bench beneath her croaked and almost collapsed before Velvet got to her feet and towered even further above Jaune. His head only came up to her groin. “Oh…w-where are you, Jaune?” She couldn’t move back or she’d trip over the bench, but she was afraid she’d run over her date if she stepped forward.

Soft footsteps managed to be heard by Velvet’s sensitive bunny ears. “Don’t worry, I’ll step back,” Jaune called as he walked backward until he could see Velvet’s face once more. “Yeah, I don’t mind a short walk!” He said cheerfully as he continued to take in the details of his date.

Just one of Velvet’s legs was as thick as Coco’s body. That woman was already a giant that made Jaune look puny, and so it was a testament to how truly gargantuan Velvet was. Jaune would have to extend his arms by four times if he wanted to wrap around them. Then her arm fat sagged almost four feet. From her core to her extremities, Velvet was massive. Jaune noticed one arm held a purse that he could fit his entire body in.

Velvet started to waddle, ensuring she moved so that she would be on Jaune’s left. Each step she took caused her hips to bounce. The fat was tossed upward before it fell only to bounce again. Belly heavy or not, Velvet managed to boast titanic hips and an ass that could smother a car. Fat protruded out and sagged downward to just past her upper thighs. Behind her, her butt swung left and right with her steps like two giant wrecking balls. Jaune just ensured he stayed away from them seeing as they outweighed him by at least sixfold. He’d likely be knocked twenty feet if struck.

“You know it’s funny. Coco and I have known each other for over a decade, but she’s never talked about anyone like you, Jaune.” Velvet giggled softly as she looked down at Jaune. She could see his head full of blond hair and almost felt compelled to touch it. Something about him being so much smaller than her made it sound cute.

“She certainly left an impression on me, that’s for sure,” Jaune replied and looked at Velvet’s hand. He felt it would be very boyfriend-like to hold her hand, but he’d have to reach over her hips to grab it. That was also when he realized her hand was so much larger than his. Velvet could pick him up as if he were a doll. Still, he steeled his resolve and leaped up. He gently took one of Velvet’s fingers in his hand and resumed his walk. When Velvet looked at him surprised, he just smiled which made her blush.

Velvet looked away as a smile spread across her bright red face. “S-such a little gentleman.” She almost squeaked as her heart fluttered. ‘I’m so huge, but he’s holding my hand like I’m just any woman. Keep cool Velvet, don’t get carried away and squish him.’  Velvet looked back and Jaune and gently rubbed the back of his hand with her thumb. “I think I understand why Coco likes you already…Now how about we start that picnic?”

The setup was quick. Velvet had everything hidden away in her giant purse. A large, checkered blanket was spread about in a clearing. It had enough room to park a bus on it yet Velvet acted like it was a totally normal thing. A rustic picnic basket had been placed down and opened to reveal sandwiches, cold drinks, and plenty of desserts. All sized like Velvet too.

“Sorry um…I’m a little too big to make normal-sized sandwiches.” Velvet had sat down and nervously rubbed her hands over her thighs. “I was going to buy some things from the store, but it felt more personal if I made them by hand. You don’t have to eat a whole one! Maybe just…nibble on it?”

Jaune almost chuckled. Velvet, the largest woman he had ever met, acted so reserved and timid. He merely moved to sit by one of her giant legs and gently leaned against her. His head sank into the side of her belly which was softer than any marshmallow could hope to be. “If you made it, then I’m sure it's amazing.”

Velvet got flustered again and moved her arm towards Jaune. She was especially careful not to smother him, but it was an impossible task. Her arm draped over him heavily and the weight not only pinned him in place but forced him deeper into the giant woman’s belly fat. “You’re being too kind. Coco did set this up as a date though so could I ask for something?”

“Of course.”

“Oh gosh…I want you to hand-feed me a bit. Just a little!” Velvet’s ears twitched uncontrollably. “I’ve just always wanted someone to feed me. Well, Coco has but we’re just friends so it’s super different and I’m so huge so like who could even feed me?!”

Jaune had managed to pull one arm free and gently caressed soft arm fat. This settled Velvet again and she lifted her arm. Jaune then moved over to the picnic basket and grabbed one of the large sandwiches. He reacted surprisingly calmly despite carrying a sandwich as wide as his torso.

Perhaps Jaune was so calm because now he had to climb into his giant date’s lap. He had hung around Coco a few more times, and even Ruby and Emerald requested him too. He thought he had adjusted to being around colossal women. Velvet was just an entirely different magnitude. At least she seemed as nervous as him.

Velvet placed her palms flat against the picnic blanket and subtly leaned back. “I don’t think I’ll be getting up if I lay down…so.” Words stopped abruptly in her throat. Coco had bombarded her with all sorts of one-liners and pick-up lines that she claimed would make Jaune fall head over heels for her. Velvet couldn’t even think of saying the tamest ones.

Thankfully Jaune just nodded and walked over to her leg. He slowly paced further down Velvet’s legs and hoped to find a place to step up. A blush coated his cheeks when he gently tapped Velvet’s foot with his.

“Huh? Oh, here you go.” Velvet flatted her foot which Jaune used as a ramp and began to walk up her right leg. Despite it quickly becoming as broad as his shoulders, Jaune struggled to balance. Velvet’s shins were so fat that his feet almost sank in up to his ankles.

‘I should have grabbed the basket.’ He thought to himself and passed Velvet’s knee. Her thighs were plenty wide to walk across, but most of them were buried under her belly. So, he awkwardly shimmied forward. One knee was pressed into deep belly fat while the other foot moved along the sliver of exposed thigh fat. “Almost there.”

“Take your time.” Velvet was momentarily overcome with excitement instead of embarrassment. It felt strangely good when Jaune walked across her, but the sight of him slowly trying to inch up her giant body was too cute. It made so much sense why bigger girls were after small guys lately. Soon he could only walk on her belly and Velvet felt most of his legs sink deep into her blubber. The movement stopped when he was in line with her cleavage. “I think we’re both a bit embarrassed here. I know what you’re thinking…and it's ok. Just go on in.”

Jaune sighed in relief. “It’s nice to be on a date with someone who understands that.” He chuckled, slowly slipped through Velvet’s breasts, and stopped at her chins. “Hello there.”

“Heh, hello Jaune.” Velvet gently blew on her date which ran over him like a more than gentle wind. Her eyes widened when she noticed the giant sandwich in his hands. “Y-you know on second thought, maybe I should feed myself!” She started before the crust of the sandwich was gently pressed against her lips.


The beat of Velvet’s heart was powerful enough to be heard aloud. She opened her mouth and took a large bite from the sandwich.

‘NO, Velvet no! You do not fall in love that easy!’ Velvet scolded herself but she had utterly melted. Jaune was doing this because Coco set it up. That was what she told herself. Yet Jaune had greeted her kindly, never shirked away despite her age or size, and even climbed her just to feed her! Velvet had finished the sandwich before she realized it. “Thank…you…”

Jaune smiled and Velvet felt faint. “You’re welcome, Velvet!” There was no sign of annoyance in his voice. Just a warm tone that seemed to convey genuine enjoyment. Despite the cool exterior, he too had felt his heart flutter. ‘Her face is so cute when she’s eating, and her breath is so warm and she smells nice and aargh!’

Two dorks had fallen in love.

Jaune cleared his throat. “Well, let me go and get you something else.” He said and shimmed out from between Velvet’s breasts before he slid down the side of her belly. The fall was enough to make his ankles feel fuzzy, but he ignored it and moved toward the picnic basket. Thankfully he had gripped the handle before Velvet gently grasped him with both hands. Like a kitten grasped at the nape of its neck by its mother, Jaune remained still as Velvet placed him on her belly. The picnic basket was balanced there too.

“I could have done that the first time,” Velvet admitted sheepishly and gently patted Jaune on the head. “I can’t let you get exhausted in the middle of our date either.” She teased and giggled. It felt strangely nice to be the one who teased. Velvet had only ever received the playful teases so far.

“Thanks, Velvet,” Jaune replied and stacked a few of the giant sandwiches in his hand before he returned to Velvet’s puffy face. Velvet truly had an adorable face that radiated soothing warmness. Jaune kept himself under control though and started to feed Velvet. She eagerly accepted each sandwich and finished them quickly. When the task was done, she rewarded Jaune with a kiss on the cheek.

One of Velvet’s hands had snuck up behind Jaune and very carefully coaxed him in. The kiss almost covered his entire cheek, and Velvet quickly became a flustered mess after it. “Sorry…I just felt the motivation to go for it, and I didn’t want the chance to slip away.” Her timid nature started to slip back into control. It was dashed away as Jaune leaned in and kissed Velvet on one of her cheeks.

Jaune rested on his knees and smiled. “There’s no need to apologize. Coco told me you were a very sweet and affectionate girl. You just have some trouble expressing it sometimes.” Jaune leaned in and hugged as much of Velvet as he could. “We can take it slow and easy. There’s still some more food in the picnic basket too. Are you ready for the desserts?”

Velvet had to suppress a giggle. If she let the laughter loose, then Jaune would be subjected to earthquake-like conditions as ripples would have run through her body. “Yes, I would like that very much!” She replied and watched Jaune return to the basket. ‘He’s very sweet.’ She thought to herself before he returned with what appeared to be cupcakes.

It's because they were, to Velvet at least. To someone like Jaune, they were the size of small cakes. These were ones the woman had made from scratch in her bakery. She wanted to show off her skills as it was a tail as old as time that cooking was a way to express oneself creatively and to find love.

“Did you make these at your bakery?” Jaune asked.

Velvet thanked the stars above that he had asked. It saved her some explaining. She nodded her head frantically which caused her hair to swish. “Y-yes I made them from scratch! Before you worry about feeding me, please try some for yourself!” She blurted out. Velvet hadn’t noticed if Jaune had eaten any of the sandwiches, so she had to make sure he tried some of her signature carrot cake cupcakes.

“I bet they must be amazing then.” Jaune tore off a small piece of the fluffy cake and dabbed some icing on it. He wasn’t disappointed by the flavor. In fact, he was blown away. The cake was delicately fluffy and moist while the frosting was incredibly sweet. It took him some time to formulate a response because he was so blown away. “This is the best cupcake I’ve ever had!” Was what he finally managed to say.

Velvet’s eyes lit up. “Really? Do you mean it?!” She asked and felt her heart putter away faster and faster. “To tell you the truth…I enjoy baking because I want to see how people react when they eat what I’ve made. Nothing makes me happier than when a customer’s eyes light up after their first bite!” Before she could go on, Jaune held the cupcake to her mouth.

“I’d say that’s more than enough reason to want to pursue something. Honestly, I like helping people because it makes me happy when they’re happy.” Jaune explained. It was mostly the reason he was here, but his interests were still genuine. “Velvet, you’re such a sweet person, and I can tell you have a great big heart full of love. That’s why I want to help you in any way I can. I’m sure Coco wants you to live up to your full potential too! So could we maybe talk about why you’re nervous about your height?”

Velvet finished her cupcake and slowly nodded. Jaune’s words touched her heart and she felt like she had met a kindred spirit in him. “Well, it’s a bit of a long story…”

“And I’ll spend all the time you’ll give me.” Jaune caressed Velvet’s soft cheek with his comparatively small hand. Velvet leaned into it and her smile widened. Soft, brown eyes met his blue ones and the two felt even closer.

“I’ve always been bigger than my friends. It didn’t even take me long to grow bigger than my parents. I sprung up like a weed and ballooned like a blimp.” Velvet chuckled at the last part and rubbed her belly. “Coco was the first friend I made in high school, and that made me feel better. She’s cool and collected, doesn’t judge for silly things like height or weight, and she helped me maintain a wardrobe that kept everything covered. Honestly, she was the best friend a giant bunny like me could ask for!”

Velvet looked upward as her bunny ears twitched. “Then we met the rest of our group in college. You’ve already met Ruby and Emerald, right?” She asked and saw Jaune nod. “There’s a few more, but I’m sure you’ll run into them eventually.” Velvet smiled and patted Jaune on his head. “And I’m sure they’ll love you a whole lot. Coco has been hyping you up. Ruby and Emerald only have good things to say too.”

Jaune blushed before he remembered what they were talking about. He shook his head to clear his thoughts and scooted closer to Velvet’s face. “Velvet, the way you just spoke to me. That was all confidence. You don’t need me or Coco to give that to you. It’s all right in here.” He poked Velvet’s chest.

“My boob? N-no, wait, sorry. My heart, right.” Velvet smiled sheepishly.

“Yes, your heart. Anyways, sure Coco helped you be confident, and she thought I could do the same, but the rest is up to you. You know Coco and I will always support you. Now you just have to take a big step forward and let this confidence shine! You’re sweet, funny, beautiful, and with confidence, you’ll be unstoppable!” Jaune exclaimed and stood atop Velvet’s belly.

Velvet shrunk back slowly. “It’s just hard to summon it up on a whim. I get what you mean, but taking that big step…is hard.”

“If it makes you feel better, I was nervous for my first date with Coco. I was nervous when I met Emerald and Ruby too.” Jaune leaned in and kissed Velvet’s cheek. “And yes, I was nervous to meet you too. My heart beats like crazy, my hands get sweaty, and I feel like running away. Part of it is because I’m super small compared to you all.” He smiled warmly. “But I’m so happy that I’ve stuck to this. I’m so happy that I get to meet you girls and have these fun dates. Now I’ll be at my happiest when I help you realize that you can shine brighter than you ever thought possible. Think you can try?”

Velvet giggled and looked back at Jaune. “Jaune, could you grab something from my bag?” She asked. By the time she finished her sentence, Jaune had already hopped off her belly and went to her purse. “Yes, go ahead and grab my heels from there. Coco picked them out for me, but I didn’t think I had the heart to wear them. Until now that is.” A confident note rang in Velvet’s voice.

Jaune opened the purse and his eyes widened in shock. The heels were massive! Each weighed thirty pounds and was the size of his chest. Still, he pulled them out and placed them before Velvet. He leaped out of the way as when Velvet stood up, her belly swung past and almost hit him. His speech about his confidence was sincere, but he was still very aware that these women were a lot more durable than he was.

“Here we go. I’m glad Coco forced me to bring these along. Now that I’m putting them on, oh gosh, my heart is beating so fast!” Velvet slipped the heels on and instantly gained half a foot to her height. Jaune only came up to her knees and had to move back further if he wanted to look past the curves of Velvet’s immense body to see her face. His eyes tracked up her thick thighs, the multiple curves of her belly, past the lumps of her breasts, and at the top was an adorably puffy face that radiated with confidence. It also looked like Velvet let her bunny ears stand to their full height. “Thank you Jaune, you’ve helped me out more than you could ever know.” She hummed in thought. “I guess I can start repaying you by warning you. Emerald and I are the medium-sized one of our group. There’s another like us, Neo. She’s uh…nice. Then Coco and Ruby are the small ones.”

“So what you’re saying is…” Jaune gulped nervously.

“Yep, they pretty much only get bigger from here.” Velvet patted Jaune’s head. “If you keep using this app, you’re going to run into the rest of our group. Just bigger and bigger ladies. For now, want me to carry you home?”

Jaune cocked an eyebrow. “Do you mean walk me home?”

“Nope!” Velvet easily picked Jaune up and hugged him to her chest. The weight of her arms was oppressive, but it was nothing compared to how soft and warm she was. Velvet gave him a squeeze and a kiss on the cheek before she started to stride down the park’s pathway.

It felt surprisingly safe in Velvet’s arms. So much so that Jaune was ready to fully relax. Then he remembered something. “Uh, Velvet? We still have to pick up the stuff from our picnic.”

Velvet stopped abruptly. “Shoot I forgot!”



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