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Series: RWBY
Characters: Weiss, Blake, Ruby, Yang
Contain: Immobility, weight gain

Reward for TheMaximumCaliber

Weiss breathed heavily. She was unable to move, and part of her felt restless. Though there was an overwhelming sense of excitement that assailed her body. Each excited shudder made her jiggle. Waves traveled through her helplessly obese body like ripples on the surface of a lake. It was natural seeing as the heiress was well into immobility. Her heavy body rested on and covered a large portion of the floor. Her belly was a massive mound of pale fat that piled atop of itself and formed a few scattered rolls while her breasts remained perked on top. They weren’t large enough to be necessarily proportional, but the globs of fat were still like yoga balls. Her hips had gotten so wide that she could completely bury two of their beds if they were placed together lengthwise. Her upper arms were large flabby disks of fat that were far too heavy to lift. Her forearms were nestled atop the mass of her upper arm. The limb’s length hadn’t been extended by her weight, but the fat only grew more abundant. That left Weiss’s arms fully extended at all times. So much fat pushed and rolled forward to the point that Weiss’s puffy hands were barely visible. Her legs were much thicker than her arms with thighs as big around as a grain silo. The roll of her thighs easily rolled past her knees where a smaller roll was almost overtaken before her feet rested in a large divot. Any space between her massive assets or lard-ladened limbs was host to massive rolls of fat.

Weiss’s face had puffy cheeks the size of basketballs and a row of extra chins. All of them were smeared with frosting as the heiress panted heavily. A few seconds later and a puffy hand stuffed a large chunk of cake into her mouth. She moaned around it and swallowed. By the time she opened her mouth for more, a different hand stuffed her cheeks.

“We’ve still got a lot of cake to go, Weiss. I hope you can keep up~” Yang grinned as she playfully bounced Weiss’s cheek. Yang was obese, but she was nowhere near Weiss’s blobby level. That didn’t stop her from squishing her sizable breasts against Weiss’s cheek and chins as she fed the girl more cake.

Ruby wobbled her rump about excitedly as she crouched down like a cat about to pounce. Truthfully, Ruby just wanted to squish her body against Weiss’s. She pressed her belly and breasts down against whatever lump of fat was between her friend’s lowest chin and above her breasts. She had been feeding Weiss, and herself, cake, but now she just wanted to lay on her blobby friend and sink deep into the soft, warm flab. She rolled about and leaned from side to side which made her gelatinous form wobble. Her fat butt and its soft cushion-sized cheeks nearly bounced out of her pajama pants as the fat violently and noisily bounced and jiggled. “Ah Weiss, you’re so soft! I feel like I could just sink into your fat until I’m completely buried. Ooh, it could be like a comfy cocoon~ Yang, don’t stop! We need Weiss to be softer!”

“You could help, you know?” Yang suggested,

“Nah, arms are tired,” Ruby replied and remained snuggled into Weiss.

“We should have gotten a tube,” Blake suggested as she stuffed a handful of cake into Weiss’s mouth. “My arms are tired.” She groaned. Her arms jiggled as she fed Weiss, but the heavy limbs hardly had the strength to keep moving. It was Weiss’s birthday, so Blake would continue to work hard and feed her. She just also took the time to think about how she would get spoiled on her birthday. If she would push her arms to soreness, then she would break Weiss’s wallet. That could wait. For now, Blake leaned in and kissed Weiss. It was something she almost regretted as the heiress was in food mode and almost bit Blake’s lip. “She’s completely out of it.” Blake pressed her belly against Weiss’s cheek. The large, round mound of a gut squished against Weiss’s cheek. Some of the frosting that clung to Weiss’s face was now rubbed on Blake’s belly. That wasn’t planned, but the faunas thought of something. She moved her stomach over Weiss’s mouth. The food-drunk blob started to lick Blake’s belly clean.

Ruby quickly got up and watched this. She then smeared a piece of cake on her belly and used her superior hips to knock Blake aside. As the girl tumbled down Weiss’s belly, Ruby thrust her belly against the blob’s face. Yang got the same idea too and stuffed a whole slice of cake between her boobs before she got in line.

Weiss was happy. She had eaten as much cake as she wanted, she was being coddled, she was as spoiled as could be, and all the fat being squished against her face had her feeling incredibly tingly. She could easily say this was her best birthday ever.



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