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Sorry for the day late post


Series: RWBY, Fire Emblem Three Houses
Characters: Yang, Hilda
Contain: Weight gain

Reward for LoverofRamen

Hilda sighed as she unlocked the door to her apartment. It had been a long day at work, and the only thing she wanted was that cake she had brought from a nearby bakery. The cake was expensive, but the bakery it came from was amazing. So, it was well worth the money. Her mouth watered and her stomach growled at the thought of the fluffy cake and moist frosting.

Her hopes were dashed when she opened the door. The apartment was a mess with food containers and wrappers strewn about the floor. The fridge door was left open, and loud snoring came from the same direction. Hilda walked around to see her roommate, Yang, on the floor with an especially bloated midsection and the fancy cake’s empty box next to her. Hilda wasn’t surprised and just tiredly nudged Yang’s gut with her foot.

Yang stirred before she bolted awake. “Huh? Oh, hey Hilda. You just get back from work?” She asked and slowly got to her feet. It was difficult as Yang was well into obesity. Her stuffed gut hung over her waist and to her knees as she braced one soft hand on the kitchen counter.

“Yes, and I was hoping to have that cake I bought. Seeing as you clearly ate it, then maybe you could tell me how it was?” Hilda asked sarcastically and smacked Yang’s belly. It offered a dull yet heavy THWAP and wobbled from the impact. A slight red mark appeared where Hilda’s hand had struck. It didn’t hurt as much as Hilda’s wrist did from the shock.

“Sorry about that…” Yang smiled nervously and looked a the floor. “I was streaming all night, and I think you left for work before I passed out. When I woke up I sort of ate everything that was in sight.”

“I can see that!” Hilda snapped and stomped her foot. Again, she wasn’t surprised. Yang was huge after all. She tended to eat a lot, even when it was something the blonde considered a ‘light’ snack. It was the reason her breasts were twice the size of her head and threatened to burst out of her yellow tube top. It was why her cheeks were as big as grapefruits and as soft as marshmallows. Yang also had an extra chin as thick as a sausage. That chin was also smeared with the velvety frosting that topped what should have been Hilda’s cake.

Yang used to be a fighter, but ever since she started to shirk off her training in favor of snacking and playing video games, then she turned into an utter whale. Her arms had bingo wings the size of pillows, and they weighed almost as much as twenty-pound dumbbells. Maybe if Yang had used them for more than stuffing her face and playing video games, then they probably would still be powerful and muscular.

There was no way they would be like that anytime soon. Yang could barely stand for more than a few minutes. Her thick legs got tired far too easily. Muscles had been deeply buried under a thick layer of fat. Just one leg was nearly as big around as an oak tree’s trunk. Even now they trembled from exertion, and the look on Yang’s face indicated she wanted to sit down desperately. She just forced an incredibly nervous smile and slowly tried to waddle away. That earned her another smack, this time on the butt, from Hilda. One fleshy cheek wobbled. It quaked enough that the force was transferred into its equally thick twin. Yang’s butt was like a built-in seat cushion that had destroyed three chairs so far. It seemed like it would soon claim the life of Yang’s current chair. The springs in it were already exhausted, and the cushion was as flat as a pancake. The armrests had been removed thanks to Yang’s wide hips and love handles. Their combined weight and mass being thrown around when Yang got ‘intense’ had been enough to break them clean off. Now Yang’s fat ass was free to flow over the seat’s edge.

Hilda rubbed the bridge of her nose. “Fine, I’ll let you get away with it this time. Just buy me a new cake with that streamer money of yours sometime…” An idea occurred to Hilda. “Actually, why don’t we make a deal?”

“A deal?” Yang asked and raised an eyebrow. Hilda’s deals had normally been ways to shirk off work in the past. “What did you have in mind?”

“You always stream with that little avatar of yours. Why not ditch that, turn on a camera, and show yourself off? I bet there are tons of people who’d pay big bucks to see all of this!” Hilda gestured around Yang’s body. “Yeah, that way you can pay me back for all the food you ate. Maybe I can afford to take fewer shifts at work too?” She murmured and planned. Yang watched her with increasing nervousness.

‘Something tells me this plan is going to make me fatter.’ Yang thought as the idea of Hilda fattening her more to get more views and donations came to mind. It was somewhat enticing though. In the end, Yang shrugged. Whatever was to come of this, she would just roll with it.



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