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Series: RWBY
Characters: Reader, Pyrrha
Contains: Blueberry inflation

Reward for Gardefan

You checked your phone one last time to ensure you had the address right. You had walked downtown to a small bakery. Typically visiting a new store wouldn’t make you nervous, but you weren’t here for a few pastries. You had come here for a blind date.

‘I’ll be blue.’ Was the message your date sent you. You thought it was a typo, and the message had meant to say ‘be in blue.’ There was never any correction though. So, you pushed inside and looked around. It suddenly felt quite obvious that you were looking at Pyrrha Nikos as she was quite literally blue.

Pyrrha Nikos had perfect cerulean blue skin, a blueish purple set of eyes, and soft violet hair. She was dressed in dark jeans and had a purple, turtle-neck sweater. Her cheeks turned a darker shade of blue as she slowly waved at you. If that didn’t prove that she was your blind date, the fact the bakery was empty aside from a portly Faunus behind the counter was another good indicator.

The girl slowly stood up to reveal a robust, round figure. Pyrrha wasn’t necessarily “fat” but she was thicker than average. The way her jeans were stretched around her thighs gave the impression that they could very easily burst out of the fabric, and their curves seemed to continue into her hips which were far wider than yours. Her hands nervously settled over a large, bloated-looking belly. As her fingers drummed on the surface you heard small sloshes as she approached you. Each step had a notably louder slosh as her stomach rocked side-to-side. You also noticed that her chest was quite large, with each boob being larger than her head. You felt it was rude to stare, but you didn’t know where to look.

“Hello, I’m Pyrrha Nikos.” The blue girl stated as she tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. “I’m sorry if this is a surprise to you, but I hope you understand why I elected for this to be a blind date. I have a peculiar semblance that…” She trailed off and bit her lip nervously. “Makes me a blueberry.”

You didn’t back away nor turn to leave. This was a large shock, but you couldn’t help but blush. Despite being big, blue, and round, Pyrrha was incredibly beautiful.

Pyrrha slowly reached out and took hold of your hand. “Seeing as you didn’t try to leave…could we give this a try?” She asked and smiled as you nodded your head. Her eyes even seemed to sparkle as she guided you back to the table she had been at. “Great!” She paused before she sat down. It looked like a shiver crossed over her before she suddenly pulled you into a hug. Her arms squeezed you tightly as her round belly and chest was pressed to yours. “I’m sorry, but I’m just so happy. This is the furthest I’ve made it into a date…ever! Plus I’ve been excited to meet you ever since we started to talk.”

You slowly raised your arms and hugged Pyrrha back. She seemed to like this as she somehow managed to hug you tighter.

When Pyrrha released the hug and stood up, she had the darkest blush you had seen yet. She pulled a seat out and sat down. She also ensured she was seated slightly away from the table almost as if she wanted to remain in your full view. “I can also promise that this is a lovely bakery. Everything they make here is super tasty.” Pyrrha waved her hand and the woman behind the counter nodded back.

Pyrrha watched you sit down and tapped her fingers together nervously. “I don’t want to seem clingy, but please forgive me for being so excited.” She murmured and seemed to relax as you smiled back at her. “Thank you…” She slowly slid her hand across the table. It didn’t stop until her fingers gently touched your hand.

You understood what Pyrrha wanted and slowly interlocked your fingers with her. She squeezed back firmly. It was impressive how strong she was despite her appearance.

“Oh and just to explain. As I said, my semblance essentially makes me a giant blueberry. I swell over time, so I can get bigger or smaller. This is just…a base size if you would. I could be juiced until I looked thin, but I tend to fill out to this shape pretty quickly.” Pyrrha explained, but you felt curious about what ‘bigger’ meant.

It was obvious, but Pyrrha didn’t explain it. The dimensions of that word lingered in your mind so much that you didn’t notice your free hand subconsciously move to your date’s stomach. Your fingers leaped back when you made slight contact. Pyrrha’s sweater was soft, but it didn’t hide the texture of her belly beneath. It was noticeably firm yet with some give. It was like an old rubber ball that had been slightly deflated with time. Her skin felt too sturdy to liken it to a balloon though. You looked at Pyrrha as she stared back in surprise.

“…You can keep touching it…er, I mean my stomach. I don’t mind.” She explained after a moment of silence. Her breath seemed to grow heavier as you touched her. It became even more so once your hand slipped under her sweater and gently rubbed her skin.

The texture was smooth, perhaps the smoothest thing you had ever touched. You moved your hand in a large circle and applied light pressure. It caused your hand to gently sink into the surface, but only enough to make a slight depression in Pyrrha’s round, blue belly. You were so occupied that you didn’t notice the pastries being set on the table. Pyrrha however eyed the sampling array and reached for something. Her attention returned to you, and so she didn’t quite know what she grabbed.

The pastry offered a slight, sweet crunch as a tangy cream spread across her tongue. Pyrrha had already pushed the rest of the treat into her mouth and swallowed before she identified the taste.

“Oh no,” Pyrrha muttered loud enough for you to hear. You looked up and her smile had become nervous again. “Sorry, sorry don’t worry. I think I just accidentally ate one of the blueberry creme puffs. Everything will be fine it’s just-“ A long, deep groan was emitted from Pyrrha’s belly. “Never mind.” She changed her mind as you felt the round belly push back against your hands.

You suspected you were about to learn what ‘bigger’ meant.

Pyrrha’s body groaned and gurgled as it appeared to become rounder. Her sides curved out more and melded with her belly. It was as if her entire torso, except for her breast, had become one large sphere. The sweater she wore stretched along with her yet showed signs that it started to ride up. You blushed as you watched your date bloat like a water balloon.  Pyrrha seemed equally nervous, but she didn’t seem to do anything to stop it. She just stood there as she swelled further.

Already sizable, round breasts only became larger. As they became bigger, they seemed rounder and perkier. They were like perfect spheres attached to the larger sphere of her torso. This felt like something you shouldn’t watch too closely, but you couldn’t take your eyes away. You stepped closer and placed your hands on Pyrrha’s belly. It was difficult for her, but she placed her hands over yours. As Pyrrha became more inflated, her arms and legs were being pulled into her giant body. Her hips and pelvis became closer to the floor and covered her plump thighs while her sides and shoulders overtook her arms. Pyrrha could only hold your hands for a few seconds before her arms lost the ability to bend. You kept your hands on her and continued to caress and gently press into her large, blue belly.

“I must admit I’m overjoyed that you haven’t left yet. I was always afraid my date would run away when they saw me like this…” Pyrrha couldn’t help but smile as she looked at you. “But…be careful would you. I’m about to fall over?”

You raised a curious eyebrow before Pyrrha started to tip forward. You stepped back quickly before she bounced on her belly in front of you. Her body had overwhelmed the middle of her shins, and she was unable to balance herself any further. From here it seemed like a short time before only her hands and feet jutted out from her sides.

Pyrrha’s neck had also sunken into her body which made it almost impossible to move her head. Though she felt your hands on her side as you pushed in. She felt an increase in pressure on the two points on her belly as the skin was slightly indented. It caused a strong wave of pleasure which made her almost moan. “Um, what are you doing?” Pyrrha asked as she rolled onto her side. She wasn’t near her full size yet, and you had to hunch over slightly to be level with her face. Her blush intensified when you caressed one of her plump cheeks. A second later and you kissed her gently on the lips. When you pulled back her smile was giant and twitchy. “So you don’t mind if I’m a berry?” She asked as you shook your head. “You don’t care that I’m blue, or that I occasionally grow like this?” You shook your head again. “You…don’t mind that I’m not done yet?”

You shook your head.

Pyrrha sucked in air excitedly and visibly trembled. “I just can’t hold this in anymore…I love you!” Pyrrha cried out and looked at you. She couldn’t move at all, so it was up to you to kiss her again. You obliged, but after you kiss you fed her another of the very blueberry treats that caused her to swell. Now Pyrrha looked very meek and timid. “Um…could you pinch me, please? I think I might be dreaming.”

That seemed to come out of nowhere. You didn’t know why you wanted to feed her more blueberry treats, but you had done it almost subconsciously. Still, you reached out and pinched part of Pyrrha. It was what you thought was part of her shoulder.

Pyrrha gasped loudly as two stains appeared on her sweater. “O-ok…I’m not dreaming.” She looked at you and smiled. “I think we’re well beyond the point of worrying about what’s weird, and so I’ll say that what you just did is one of my oldest fantasies. I’m more than happy with someone who doesn’t mind that I’m a blueberry…but someone who loves it, feeds me, and caresses me…I just love every second of this!” Pyrrha’s voice practically squeaked as she trembled with pure excitement and what was likely rising pleasure.

You glanced at the counter and noticed the shopkeeper was gone. With that in mind, you fed Pyrrha a few more snacks as her body filled with more juice. She was now at the point that her head was level with yours while she was on her side. If you rolled her upright, then you would be face-level with her belly button.

Her sweater covered her breasts which were now almost like oversized yoga balls while her entire abdomen was like a human hamster ball. There was a long stretch of beautiful blue skin before her jeans started. They had stretched with her, but they rode low on her waist. You slowly ran a hand across the area above her pants button, what was possibly above her pelvis. It made Pyrrha twitch and let out a soft moan.

All of her skin was stretched and very sensitive, but some areas were so delicate that a gentle touch made Pyrrha moan. You moved your hands over more areas, you felt the juice swirl beneath her skin, you realized how dense and full she was, and each little revelation made you love Pyrrha more. Even though she had bloated to twice your height, was filled with gallons of sweet blueberry juice, and likely going to pop if this went on…you fell head over heels for her.

Time passed as you stuffed her with every treat that you had both planned to share on your date. This of course had her grow until her side touched the ceiling. You had to kneel on top of a chair to continue kissing her, but neither of you wanted it to stop. The mysterious stains on her sweater, suspiciously on her chest, had spread further and stained the fabric. That didn’t stop you from running your hand over her chest or any exposed skin as the way it made Pyrrha coo into your ear set your heart aflame.

At this point, Pyrrha seemed to have stopped growing. If she still did, then it was so slow that you couldn’t notice. She looked at you and smiled with slightly quivering lips. It wasn’t that Pyrrha was in pain, it was just that her pleasure and happiness were so immense that she couldn’t stay still. “I can keep going. Mmff just a bit…more…” She closed her eyes and started to coo. You continued to touch her body. Your hands pressed against her and drew louder moans of pleasure from Pyrrha.

Pyrrha’s eyes eventually opened and she looked at you. “Normally I get nervous when I’m this big. I’d probably rush for someplace to hide if I was half this size in public.” Pyrrha paused and her smile steadied on a warm expression. “But with you, I’m so happy. I feel perfectly safe at this size, and I’m eager to get bigger.”

You felt your heart beat faster. You leaned in and kissed Pyrrha gently. She kissed back as you both felt your passion pour into each other. Pyrrha grew in the background. Her skin groaned louder as the juice within her sloshed and flowed about noisily. A sound like an open faucet was soon heard and you felt droplets splatter the legs of your pants. When you looked down, you noticed that Pyrrha’s chest leaked freely. The dark spots over her breasts poured steady streams of dark blue juice onto the floor.

Pyrrha laughed after the kiss. It was someone drunk on love yet also desperately trying to steady themself. “Y-yes I love you and I want to get bigger for you…but I think I’m going to burst if I don’t get juiced soon. Um…oh I’ll have to pay the owner for the mess. Please, go flip the open sign to c-closed and…n-no there’s no time! I’m sorry but I need to be juiced now, please!”

Pyrrha’s body had started to rumble and shake. Instinctively, you rolled up your sleeves and prepared to get to work. You already knew you liked Pyrrha, and you were more than fine with her being a giant berry. This was just going to be part of your life now.

“WAIT!” Pyrrha’s eyes shot open and you were worried for a moment. “Just juice me enough so I don’t explode. I want to stay a little full, ok?”



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