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Series: RWBY
Characters: Ruby, Blake
Contains: Weight gain

Reward for TheMaximumCaliber

A bed groaned in anguish as it struggled to withstand under the weight of its two occupants. It didn’t help that one of them giggled and squirmed beneath the covers. Every time her bulk shifted, the bed croaked increasingly louder. If both the figures moved as such, then the bed surely would have been crushed.

“Ruby, settle down,” Blake murmured as she tried to suppress a smile. The smile before her was too cute. Ruby Rose looked at her with eyes bursting with love. That wasn’t to mention the beaming smile on her puffy, round face. Blake melted at the sight of such squishy, round cheeks and her two extra chins. She began to blush at the memory of how often she kissed them. While distracted, Ruby leaned in to kiss Blake’s cheeks in turn. Seeing as the Faunus was fatter by three hundred pounds, she had rounded cheeks and a third chin. “That’s cheating you know. We’re going to break the bed if we aren’t careful.”

“Meh~” Ruby replied and nuzzled her face against Blake’s neck. It was a thick ring of fat that seemed to start where her third chin ended. “Plus your mom kept saying we should move to a bigger bedroom. Think of it, Blake! More room to snuggle!” The girl wrapped her right arm as far around Blake as she could and nuzzled as close as possible.

Blake sighed and gently ran one puffy hand through Ruby’s hair. She liked how warm Ruby’s arm was. ‘We aren’t getting out of bed for a while anyways.’ Blake thought and kissed Ruby on top of her head. “Well, we could use more space. We just keep getting fatter after all. I mean your arms are like big fluffy pillows.” She murmured in a sultry voice. It caused Ruby to twitch before she squeezed Blake tighter. “Mine are a bit bigger though. My arm fat sags to the middle of my rubs. It’s so hard to just lift them.”

“I’m catching up though,” Ruby replied and pulled her head back. She pushed her chest forward so it squished against Blake’s. Both girls were in their pajamas, so it wasn’t full skin-to-skin contact. “I mean…jeez this is embarrassing.” She whispered. “My chest is almost as big as yours. Sure yours are like…big soft melons but mine are-“

“Bigger than your head? Soft and squishy?” Blake interrupted which flustered Ruby into silence. “They aren’t much compared to your belly. Last night, I’m pretty sure it sags past your knees.” Blake started to rub the other girl’s belly. Her fingers sunk into the supple fat as she slid the pudgy digits across the large surface. Whenever she squeezed, her fingers vanished beneath the surface. “Not to mention how squishy your rolls are. They look so cute stacked up your sides~”

Ruby pushed her gut against Blake’s. Her smaller belly sank into the far larger mass of Blake’s midsection. “Hey, quite that! Don’t turn this around on me! Your belly touches your feet! It goes out like twice as far as your arms can reach too!” She huffed and started to pout. It was hard to keep that up when Blake continued to rub her belly. “Fine, two can play at that game! Your side rolls and back fat are so thick that I can fit my entire hands in them. Then your giant super cute butt can cover a small couch! It’s so blubbery and thick that it crushed the cushions flat! I don’t think they’ve gone back to normal actually.”

“They haven’t,” Blake replied before the two started to giggle together. “Well, your butt is pretty big for your size. It’s just barely smaller than mine. You can hardly fit on my lap anymore.” The mental image of how Ruby used to sit on Blake’s lap came to mind. Her thighs were much thicker than the palm trees in Menagerie. Even then Ruby’s rump spilled over both sides. That also made Blake remember that she had to rest her belly atop Ruby’s butt just to make that amount of room.

“I still want to try again later. Your lap is super soft.” Ruby lifted one thigh and rested it atop Blake’s. “Your thighs are better than any pillow or cushion in the world.” She added and rubbed her thick leg against Blake’s.

Blake responded in kind and moved one of her legs between Ruby’s. The smaller fatty straddled the squishy limb and squeezed it. “Your thighs are catching up too. Don’t forget. Every bit of you is growing bigger by the day. We’ll probably be the same size in no time.” The elephantine cat Faunus pulled Ruby closer. “I don’t think any of my old belts could wrap around one of your legs even once.”

A low groan started in Ruby’s chest before it elevated into a nervous squeak. “Agh I can’t win like this! You’re too good at the pervy stuff!” Ruby leaned back before she shoved herself forward. Her momentum carried her, and she rolled on top of Blake. This pushed the girl in question onto her back. “Suffer my snuggle attack!” She shouted and started to wobble and bounce on Blake.

Blake’s cat ears twitched as the bed let out a horrific croak as Ruby subjected it to stress and weight it was never meant to. “Wait, Ruby-“ Blake cut herself off. She was about to tell Ruby to stop.

But she didn’t want Ruby to stop.

Blake was worried about the bed being broken and possibly being scolded by her mother. As Ruby continued to roll, push, squeeze, and even tickle her barely mobile body, Blake felt her heart beat rapidly. She relaxed on her back and let Ruby tire herself out. When that didn’t come, Blake started to roll about too. The act was so fun that both girls couldn’t help but let their quiet giggles escalate into bellowing laughter.

Meanwhile, outside the room, Kali waited with their breakfast. “Oh to be young and in love.” She sighed contently before she heard a loud CRASH and the girls yelp. “And there goes the bed…” She sighed again, more exasperated this time.



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