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Series: RWBY
Characters: Pyrrha, Jaune, Weiss
Contains: Rapid female weight gain

Commission for Javier-Belmont

Jaune felt nervous as he held the still-warm lasagna tray in his hands. He had gone over the plan in his head already. This wasn’t an attempt at flirtation. Jaune was merely offering the lasagna to Weiss as a peace offering. It was something she could share with her whole team.

Of course, he forgot to mention the rest of Team RWBY when he went to talk with Weiss. The girl merely stared at the dish, perplexed before she cleared her throat.

“While I appreciate the sentiment, I will politely decline.” That was all Weiss said before she walked away.

So, Jaune returned to his dorm room with an extra large lasagna. It was quickly evident once he stepped inside that Ren and Nora weren’t there. Only his partner, Pyrrha Nikos, sat on her bed. She looked at the young man and then at the lasagna. Her nostrils flared as she smelled the aroma that managed to cross the room and reach her.

“Is everything ok, Jaune?” Pyrrha asked as she slowly crossed the room. She carried herself with pride and elegance, something all too natural for her. There was also a noticeable concern in her voice. Due to a combination of her friendship with Jaune, their shared team, and the simple fact she had a crush on him, Pyrrha felt distressed when he appeared upset.

Jaune forced a smile. “I’m fine. I tried to give this lasagna I made to Weiss in the hopes it’d make up for when I used to try and flirt with her, but she shot me down for this too.” He shrugged and placed the large dish down. “I guess we can still have it though, but I’m not really hungry and Nora and Ren are out apparently.”

A spur-of-the-moment set of words leaped off of Pyrrha’s tongue. “I’ll eat it! All of it!” She exclaimed and sat down in front of the lasagna. It was clearly made for a group of people with plenty for leftovers. Pyrrha didn’t care at the moment and took up a fork. Just one bite confirmed that the lasagna tasted as exquisite as it smelled. It didn’t take long before she had easily cleared one serving and moved on to the second.

“You seem to really like it,” Jaune murmured as he felt his face become flushed and his heart beat faster. Something about the sight of someone enjoying his food with such gusto filled him with pride. Though he wondered if Pyrrha was serious about how she’d eat all of it. They had a fridge in the dorm after all.

It seemed that the fridge wouldn’t be necessary as Pyrrha had already made her way through half of the lasagna. At that point, something strange began to happen. At first, so much food being forced into her belly caused it to distend and become rounder. Seconds later, seemingly before Jaune’s very eyes, the orb shrunk. The mass didn’t simply vanish though. It was instead multiplied and placed in other areas. Pyrrha’s hips began to widen until they reached the edge of her chair. Her rump developed a softer curve and pressed firmly against her backrest. The wood had started to groan as Pyrrha’s weight increased and strained the furniture. Her thighs were plumped and pressed together like two soft cylinders. Within seconds there was no gap between them, and they almost began to push her feet further apart.

Atop all of that, Pyrrha’s chest billowed outward like two inflating balloons. Though this couldn’t be air. Pyrrha’s breasts seemed far too weighty to be filled with a gas. Every calorie Pyrrha consumed was multiplied and added to her as thick, weighty fat. It all just happened to favor an exquisite hourglass shape. Her form already had natural curves to it, but now they were exaggerated with breasts larger than her head and a set of hips almost twice as wide as they should be.

Pyrrha stuffed the tenth and final serving of lasagna down her throat before she leaned back in her chair. This was when Jaune noticed that a slight layer of pudge had remained on her stomach. It was a gentle curve, one that you would miss if you didn’t look closely.

There was something that both of them had missed. Back when they first met, when Pyrrha had unlocked Jaune’s aura, she had set him on the path to developing his semblance. No one knew that Jaune’s semblance would revolve around his secret love of cooking. Still, his aura was put into the food he lovingly crafted, and that aura would then serve as the fuel to multiply the calories in whoever ate it.

“Oh…I’m sorry.” Pyrrha murmured and nervously placed her hands on her stomach. She looked down only to stare into her cleavage. One hand slowly slid up from her stomach to a much more padded breast. It felt firm and weighty, but her hand still managed to gently sink into them. “This is…unexpected.”

Jaune nodded wordlessly at first. “Y-yeah, I can honestly say I didn’t expect this.” He murmured. “It’s probably a good thing Weiss turned it down."

That caused Pyrrha to laugh. “Are you sure? She might have appreciated this.” Pyrrha laughed harder as she weighed her chest in her hands. They wobbled and almost bounced in her palms.

Jaune laughed at Pyrrha’s joke, but his eyes were stuck on her chest. “Well, do you want dessert or something?” He asked and walked towards the cabinet. “I could whip something up in a few minutes and…” Jaune stopped as he felt Pyrrha’s hands on his shoulder. They slowly slid down to his sides as the girl hugged him from behind.

Pyrrha hugged Jaune firmly. Her breasts squished against his back as she nuzzled against him. “Jaune Arc, I’m beginning to think you like what your cooking has done to me~” She teased him and stepped back. She kept her hands on him as he turned to face her. “Because if that’s true, then yes. I would love some dessert.”

The two leaned in and shared an awkward kiss.


The dining hall table wasn’t completely quiet, but the atmosphere was notably different from usual. It was mostly because Pyrrha Nikos seemed so different from her usual self. She was still cheerful, kind, and polite. She was just fat. The girls hadn’t explained it, and no one was brave enough to ask.

What the group didn’t know was that this was a second growth spurt. After her first, as a result of Jaune’s lasagna, he cooked even more food for her. She always made sure to scarf down every single bite. The result was her putting on at least a hundred extra pounds which she seemed unaware of. That was from the outside perspective though. In truth, Pyrrha loved every pound and curve she gained.

Her hourglass shape had persisted, and each of her breasts were like smooth, round melons. Each was more than three times the size of her head, and their firm texture kept them perky. Her top struggled to contain them, but the fabric appeared like it would hold for now. Pyrrha’s face was mostly untouched. There was only a noticeable softness to her cheeks and chin. The same couldn’t be said about her arms for the most part. The upper segment had more pudge on the underside with a notable thickness to the upper side. That was all that was visible though with how her chest proved wide enough to obscure each limb partially.

In the shadow of her bust, Pyrrha’s belly was a pillow-sized lump of soft fat. It was much smaller than her breasts or butt and hips. Yet a small portion of the calories managed to reach the area, and it swelled up when she first started to stuff her face. For now, it seemed small as she hadn’t eaten anything yet. She was the only one without food in front of her.

The wooden bench beneath her was hard to see. Pyrrha was wide enough to take up one and a half seats, but the bench could have been wider to support her butt. The two broad, heavy cheeks extended far enough that they drooped off the back of the bench. The wood croaked quietly as the heavy girl bounced one leg atop the other while she hummed excitedly. Each of her thighs was bigger around than her waist used to be. They paired with her hips and butt in a trifecta that made her shorts hold on for dear life.

It was Ren who first managed to address the situation. “Pyrrha, I hope you aren’t planning on skipping lunch. It isn’t exactly healthy.” He spoke calmly. Everyone else noticed how he cleverly avoided the topic of Pyrrha’s weight.

“Oh, don’t worry Ren. I’m not skipping lunch.” Pyrrha shook her head. “My new diet only consists of food made by Jaune though. He’s still preparing lunch, and I wanted to sit with you all until then.”

This at least pointed out a likely cause. Somehow Pyrrha’s weight gain was linked to Jaune’s cooking.

Nora perked up. “Ooh, can I come with?!”

“No,” Ren replied and placed a hand on Nora’s shoulder. The Valkyrie was on a diet that was much less fun than whatever Pyrrha was doing. Ren only shopped at the health food market, and Nora had only eaten food that tasted like algae or a flower mat. Nora sulked and slumped against the table as she was shut down.

“Ruby, never put us on a team diet like that,” Yang whispered to her sister.

Ruby just nodded in reply. She loved to organize her team, but enforcing a diet was a hard no. Mainly because she would be the most affected by it.

Suddenly a heavenly aroma filled the air. Anyone who followed the scent would see it came from Jaune who carried a platter with a large meat pie on it. The crust glistened with a light buttery coating, and everyone who laid eyes upon it could only assume that it was delicate and flakey. Beneath it was a more savory aroma that only hinted at what succulent meat was hidden within it.

Jaune was only a few steps away from the table by the time Pyrrha had gotten up. He smiled as she approached and held the tray out in front of him. There was a fork and knife ready. “Sorry for the delay! I hope I didn’t make you wait too long.”

Pyrrha leaned over the tray and kissed Jaune gently. That was a second surprise for the group. Jaune and Pyrrha were officially a couple, and this was the first they had heard of it. When the kiss was complete, Pyrrha took the fork and knife. The meat pie’s crust easily gave way to the knife with a light crunch. Pyrrha quickly scooped a bite up and placed it in her mouth. “Mmm it’s fantastic Jaune.” She took another bite and the world around her melted away. Within a few more seconds the meat pie was gone, and she had pulled her boyfriend in for a hug. He almost dropped the tray with how close Pyrrha pressed herself to him.

“I’m glad you think so because there are more back in the room,” Jaune said before the hug got even tighter. A wave of excitement rushed through him as Pyrrha’s chest squished against his.

Pyrrha looked back to the table. The smile on her face radiated a smug aura. “I’ll see you all later. Jaune and I will be in our dorm for lunch~” She kept one arm around Jaune’s waist as the two walked away.

It was no secret that many at the table were jealous. Weiss knew culinary excellence when she smelled it, and she almost scolded herself for turning down the lasagna Jaune had offered her. Yang’s stomach growled in a way that she knew her normal lunch wouldn’t satiate. Part of her was also jealous of Pyrrha’s enhanced assets too. Ruby idly mused the idea of what Jaune’s cookies would taste like if he made them. Blake’s expression cracked slightly and curiosity was evident. Finally, Nora just wished for any food that was hot and delicious. 


Pyrrha had barely finished the last of her meat pies when she grabbed Jaune tightly. Her arms wrapped around his body and she pressed him to her chest. She kissed him with such a ravenous fervor that he could hardly keep up. Though Jaune did his best by squeezing Pyrrha’s soft form.

His hands gripped her hips as hard as they possibly could. Fat bulged between his fingers and Pyrrha thanked her boyfriend by nibbling on his lower lip. Jaune took the brief moment to take a deep breath before Pyrrha reclaimed his lips. She pushed harder against him which caused them both to move across the room. Soon enough, Jaune fell back onto his bed, and Pyrrha wasted no time and got on top of him.

Pyrrha’s plush thighs straddled Jaune’s waist as she pressed her hands down on his shoulders. She leaned in until her breasts rested on Jaune’s chest. Their full weight wasn’t even pressed into him, yet he felt a surprising weight atop him.

Pyrrha loved Jaune’s flushed face. She was sure hers was just as red, but she was more excited than flustered. Her thighs squeezed Jaune tightly. The fat squished against his slender waist and quickly caused excitement to rush through his body. Pyrrha grinned and leaned in close.

“Jaune, I want you…no, I need you to make me fatter.” Pyrrha whispered and pressed her chest hard against Jaune’s. It was enough pressure to force some air out of him. Slowly, she dragged her breasts up so they smothered Jaune’s face. “Not just a little fatter though. I want you to make me much, much fatter. A hundred times fatter, make me the fattest woman that has and will ever live.” Pyrrha went on as she began to grind herself against Jaune.

Jaune had gone back to groping at Pyrrha. His hands squeezed as much of her butt as he could, they slid across her back and felt the delicately soft rolls, and he even moved one to caress one of Pyrrha’s breasts that currently sandwiched his head. Despite his words being muffled, he replied. “Yes, I’ll do my best.”

Neither noticed at the moment, but Jaune already had. The more the two went on, the more passion built in Jaune. His aura was activated and poured into Pyrrha. This caused her to grow fatter without even having to eat anything. It started with her hips where Jaune’s hands rested. They grew outward and started to stretch across the bed. The fat retained its firm yet springy texture and the added weight pressed Jaune’s waist into the mattress below. Her thighs then started to become thicker around until they were like grown oak trees. Jaune couldn’t grip them with his hands, but Pyrrha was sure to squeeze him tightly between them. Behind her, Pyrrha’s rump covered more of Jaune’s legs as it grew in size. The two cheeks had already buried half of his thighs. After a few minutes, his knees were buried.

Jaune thought it was strange that Pyrrha started to feel heavier and that more of his body felt weighed down. At first, he thought his legs had fallen asleep, but he could feel Pyrrha’s belly grow and press against more of his chest. He merely sank into Pyrrha’s belly as it grew and maintained its rounded shape. It easily morphed around his sides and touched the mattress below.

Currently, Pyrrha had her breasts pressed against Jaune’s face. He had a thin passageway to claim air. Each breath served to keep him conscious as well as tickle Pyrrha’s skin. Though as her breasts became larger, this space for airflow lessened further to the point that Jaune couldn’t breathe at all. He just couldn’t bring himself to make Pyrrha move though. The boy held on tighter, pushed more aura into Pyrrha, and she became fatter. Her softer arms held his head in place as she moaned. She thought Jaune was kissing her chest, unaware that his lips were simply being pressed to her breasts.

“Oh, Jaune~ I love you more than words can express. I just want us to stay together forever. To eat your food every day, to grow fatter, to use this blubbery body to smother you~” Pyrrha went on and panted as she felt her core heat up. She couldn’t get enough of it all. Her body tingled with what she thought was join, the aura was a part of it, and she leaned her head down to nuzzle against the small portion of Jaune’s head that poked out from between her chest.

A sudden SMACK alerted Pyrrha. She felt her haunches sting as Jaune had roughly brought both hands down on them. She sat up quickly and heard Jaune suck in air. Though Pyrrha couldn’t see her boyfriend. Her breasts took up so much of her view that she merely couldn’t see him. This was when she realized that she had gotten fatter. It didn’t make sense but part of it felt obvious.

“Jaune, did you do this?” Pyrrha asked and tried to change her angle to see Jaune. Nothing worked though, so she waited for him to regain his breath.

“I…think so?” Jaune replied. “I guess it isn’t just my cooking that does…this.”

Pyrrha reached around out of view until her hand caressed Jaune’s cheek. “It would appear so.” Pyrrha blushed brighter as she felt something poke between her thighs. She smiled and resumed grinding on Jaune. “Though something far more clear is that neither of us seems to mind.”

Pyrrha quickly removed her shirt and bra. Despite the lack of support, Pyrrha’s breasts remained nice and perky. She didn’t waste any time getting up to remove her skirt and underwear. All the woman did was drop the fabric and rip them away in a quick move. She saw Jaune toss his shirt off to the side, so she lifted her hips up just enough so that her semblance could yank Jaune’s pants and underwear down to his ankles.

“Jaune, I hope you’re as ready as I am.” Pyrrha grinned. It was a slightly more twisted grin than pure happiness. It was a smile that showed she was about to subject Jaune to ALL the pent-up and suppressed emotions she had before he finally realized she loved him. “Because I plan to be on top.”

Jaune was silent before he finally spoke with a meek, “O-ok…”

Jaune was already more than prepared. Pyrrha just had to move her hand between her thighs and alight Jaune with her opening. A tingle shot up her spine when the head of his member touched her. It felt instinctual as her hips lowered and took Jaune’s length into her. Velvety walls were stretched around him, and they squeezed tightly in a warm, wet embrace.

“Oooh~” Pyrrha arched her back and cooed as her hips pressed down on Jaune’s. A new sense of joy and elation filled every inch of her body. She had finally become connected to Jaune, the boy she had been helplessly in love with for so long.

Jaune was also excited, and Pyrrha certainly felt good. It was just that her weight was nothing to sneeze at. Just Pyrrha sitting on top of him was a lot of weight to deal with. He didn’t know how he would hold up when she started to move. All he could do was grip Pyrrha’s hips and prepare himself.

Pyrrha easily lifted her body only to drop down. The bed squeaked and Jaune groaned. Pleasure shot through both of them before Pyrrha started to move faster. Her body bounced up, dropped down, and then back up. Her body wobbled and bounced along with her. Pyrrha’s hips were limited to more powerful jiggles which carried through her butt cheeks. Meanwhile, her breasts bounced heavily and chaotically. Her belly acted like a springboard for the twin masses and jiggled with each impact.

Pyrrha also let her head roll about as she moaned without restraint. Each time she dropped down on Jaune’s member, her head went fuzzy. She just wanted the pleasure to continue, so there was no way for her to stop. Even though her body was heavy and it took all of her strength to keep bouncing, she wouldn’t stop until she was satisfied. Though she did start to add hip rotations to the mix. That made Jaune grip her tighter as she ensured he was as deep into her as he could possibly go.

“Jaune~” Pyrrha ran her hand over her lover’s chest. The other hand reached over to play with his hair. “Does it feel good?” She asked and continued to rotate her hips. The smooth motion was occasionally interrupted as her hips twitched or bucked. Tiny explosive bursts of pleasure caused her to suddenly tense up and squeeze Jaune like a vice.

“Y-yes…” Jaune groaned through clenched teeth as he squeezed Pyrrha. His hands couldn’t stay still, so he moved them to fondle handfuls of her love handles. The flab was so soft and malleable that it almost drove him crazy. When that wasn’t enough, he moved one hand to her belly. Four of his fingers squeezed the soft mass while his thumb dove into her deep belly button for an enhanced grip. That elicited a purr from Pyrrha before she spoke.

“Say it, Jaune.” Pyrrha cupped Jaune’s face in her hands and leaned down. She kissed him gently as she let her weight rest on him. Her belly and breasts were pressed against him once more while they were still connected at the hip.

“It feels amazing,” Jaune replied, almost breathlessly before Pyrrha kissed him again. The girl remained laid on top of him, but her hips started to bounce again. This time they had more speed and power put into them. The intensity built up more and more while Jaune held onto Pyrrha’s back fat as if his life depended on it. Based on how good this all felt, he sort of thought his life was on the line.

The pressure between Pyrrha’s legs built more and more while the limbs began to feel weak from a mixture of exertion and pleasure. The pleasure began to radiate outward from her core, up her back, and soon enough it wracked her entire body. Everything in her head went fuzzy and she let out a long, low moan as she climaxed.

The intense spasms of Pyrrha’s womanhood pushed Jaune to his brink too. He stuffed his face between Pyrrha’s breasts and squeezed her soft body as best he could. His member throbbed and pulsed inside of Pyrrha before he came. Both lovers clung to each other and cried out in pleasure as they felt like their very souls had touched. It was too much pleasure to bare and yet they embraced it before their tired bodies relaxed.

Jaune was still beneath Pyrrha and thus couldn’t move anywhere. Thankfully Pyrrha had just enough strength to roll off to the side. She leaned in and kissed Jaune on the cheek while one arm and leg draped themselves over him. Pyrrha wanted to hold Jaune close as they basked in their afterglow.

“I love you. More than words could ever express.” Pyrrha kissed Jaune again and giggled as his hands returned to her body. The soothing caresses of his strong hands also made her shiver in excitement.

Jaune kissed Pyrrha back. “I love you too. I promise to never stop loving you.”

That made Pyrrha grin as she mustered up the strength to pull Jaune closer. “Good, then maybe you can make me a snack once you can feel your legs again. We’ll need the energy for round two~”


A Grimm slowly trudged through the forest. Its movements were lethargic and it soon collapsed to the ground. Seconds later it began to break apart, dark particles floating into the air. This Grimm hadn’t been injured in any way. The two huntsmen who watched from a distance had made no move against the creature.

“Curious. That is the fifth Grimm this hour.” Glynda Goodwitch said and looked at Headmaster Ozpin.

Ozpin watched the decaying monster and nodded slowly. “Curious indeed.” He murmured as if not entirely interested.

Glynda looked at her scroll and rewatched the records of the other Grimm that suddenly died. “What with this and the state of Pyrrha Nikos, I feel Beacon has suffered many strange anomalies. What do you think we should do, Ozpin?”

“Hmmm,” He started and turned to walk away. “I think for the time being, we ignore them. Grimm dying on their own is no issue for us.” Ozpin looked towards Beacon and thought to himself. ‘Perhaps that old prophecy has some merit after all?’




It took a few months but I'm glad my commission idea will finally be seen.


and it'll get to DA at the end of the month. And part 2 will be started shortly. It's all coming together