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Series: RWBY
Characters: Reader, Neo, Emerald
Contains: 2nd person POV, male weight gain, teasing, nudity


You panted softly and leaned back on the couch. The heavy breaths weren’t exactly the product of being exhausted though. Two sets of hands ran over your body. They touched large expanses of exposed flesh. The only part of your body that wasn’t covered was due to underwear, and your obese state ensured there was ample blubber to touch.

On your left, Emerald Sustrai leaned in and kissed your round cheek. Her engorged breasts and round belly covered your side as her lips moved to your neck. You blushed and looked away only for your mouth to be claimed by Neo. The mute girl straddled one of your thighs and pressed her belly and bust against your rotund body.

You winced as Emerald’s hand roughly smacked your gut and caused it to jiggle chaotically. “Look at you. Damn you’re huge~” She bit her lip and sucked in air. “You were such a small fry when Neo and I found you. Aw but look at you now big boy.” Emerald pinched a handful of your belly fat and shook it.

Neo couldn’t speak, but you had come to understand her well. The look in her eyes conveyed her agreement with Emerald. She squeezed one of your heavy, pancake-shaped moobs and wiggled her eyebrows.

“You’re right Neo. He is so much fatter than us too. Almost like he’s totally helpless when two big fat girls like us snuggle up and stuff his face.” Emerald pushed you back with ease and tried to climb onto your other thigh. She faced some difficulties as her belly was already caught between her thighs. “Or maybe he had such low self-control that we just needed to indulge him a bit.”

You felt embarrassed and excited at the same time. Something about what Emerald said made you go crazy. Neo didn’t help you calm down as her hands explored your side while she scooted in closer.

Emerald was right though. You had been skinny when you met them. One spontaneous trip to a bar to try and be social got you introduced to these two. They were well into obesity and you were putty in their hands. A year or so had passed and you had spent the last few months like this. Your weight hit a critical mass and you just couldn’t leave. Neither girl would help you if you got stuck in a door, and your stretched underwear was all that fit. Emerald and Neo seemed in favor of it though. You couldn’t get away and they easily toyed with you.

“Hey? You still in there?” Emerald smacked your belly again. “You were looking off into space…hmm or were you looking at your belly? It sure takes up a lot of space~” Emerald poked Neo who nodded and rolled to rest on your right side. “Get a good look. All of this is you.”

An embarrassing moan slipped past your lips as you did as you were told. Your stomach was huge. It was mostly round but that didn’t stop it from sagging to your feet. Both of your feet were obscured from view, but you could feel your belly press against the top of them. It was like a heavy dome was laid across your lap and affixed to your torso. You couldn’t stand up like this either. You had to roll onto your side and push up with your hands if you wanted the chance of standing. Then you would be forced to push the heavy mass of fat with every single step.

Neo’s hand entered your view and rubbed the upper portion of your belly. It only took a few seconds before it continued up and squeezed your right moob. Her thick fingers sank deep into the plump, flabby mounds. Neo seemed to love your chest a great deal. Her hands fondled the wide, almost flat pecs every day without fail.

Emerald groped your left moob as a chuckle rose in her thick throat. “You’re right Neo. These are as big as dinner plates hmm? How does that feel? You almost have tits as big as ours!” Emerald and Neo squeezed your chest until another moan slipped out of you. “Good boy.”

You shifted in your position which made Neo and Emerald move their arms to grab both of yours. Both had sagging bingo wings the size of pillows, but yours managed to outsize both sets. Your arms hadn’t been lifted above or even level with your head for as long as you could remember. The only workout they got was when you stuffed your fat face. That was also when neither of the girls was the one stuffing your cheeks to their max capacity.

“We aren’t done here, fat boy. What’s wrong?” Emerald asked as she thought your movement was an attempt to get away. “It’s been a week since we gave you a survey.”

Survey was the word Emerald used when she and Neo took their time to observe your body and measure your progress. It was just hours of being groped and teased, but that wasn’t too different from a normal day.

“How far do you think he’d get Neo? With these fat legs? Probably halfway to the door before he gets tired. Hey, you know your legs are like tree trunks, right? Hell, they’re thicker than mine!” Emerald shook her head and pinched your thighs. It was true. Your legs were so fat they squished together at all times. Neo and Emerald’s did too, but they could separate them if they tried. You couldn’t.

Neo looked skeptical. She shook her head and gestured behind your padded shoulders. Emerald had suggested that your legs wouldn’t carry your weight far while Neo felt you wouldn’t be able to lift your giant ass from the couch. A tabletop was an accurate word to describe your bloated cheeks especially as the upper half was completely exposed. The stretched waistband of your underwear dug into your hip and started to tear in multiple places. Fat even started to roll over the waistband like an overflowing dam.

Emerald nodded. “You’re right. He won’t be able to haul this very far. How does it feel to have such a fat jiggly ass?” Emerald whispered and breathed on your thick neck. “Because I love it. Maybe that’s why I shove so much food down your throat?” Neo joined in silently as she playfully tapped the top of your right butt cheek. It wasn’t a rough smack but a gentle tap so that the surface rippled.

You didn’t say a word. Once you made the mistake of claiming they were fat too, and that resulted in you being smothered, stuffed, and fondled by the two for hours. It was a good time, that you had to admit, but there were limits to stamina and stomach capacity.

Both of the girls had soft, round faces though Emerald’s neck was flabbier while Neo had rounder cheeks. Wide shoulders were padded with fat that met heavy, plump arms where they sagged down. Emerald boasted the flabbiest set of bingo wings as they reached the middle of her ribs. They wobbled like bags stuffed with jello every time she moved them. When they were stationary, they squished against the stacked rolls that lined her sides. Neo’s arms had a moderate sag to them, but they appeared more puffy and cylindrical. They also thinned much more past her elbows and towards her wrists. That however allowed her fingers to remain nimble when they groped and teased your blubber.

Two surprisingly round and perky breasts squished against your right shoulder as Neo teasingly leaned in close. Even as the twin orbs expanded beyond the size of their owner’s head, each boob retained a plump and rounded shape, partially supported by her belly. They stretched her shirt and were unrestrained by a bra which made the contact feel especially close. Neo leaned in as if she were about to kiss your cheek and instead pinched your cheeks in her hands. She backed away with a silent chuckle.

Emerald’s boobs were larger than Neo’s but it wasn’t immediately obvious. Her chest looked more deflated and flat like yours. Wobbly breasts, obviously not supported by any bra and hardly by the loose-fitting moss green tank top, laid atop her belly like thick pancakes. You and Emerald were in a very similar situation when it came to chests.

The trend between the two continued. Neo managed to remain more compact and round despite her width while Emerald’s fat was looser and sagged. Neo had a round belly like a dollop of ice cream. Her pink tank top didn’t cover any of it as intended and let the smooth, cream-colored skin remain exposed. When she leaned against your side, her belly dipped beneath the surface of your fat. It felt as if Neo intended to rub it in. She did the same when you were thin, and so the continued tradition was incredibly embarrassing. Your body used to sink into hers, but the tables had been turned as she and Emerald made a pig out of you.

A heavy-sounding PLAP was heard as Emerald lifted her belly and dropped it on top of yours. Before the meaty mass was dropped atop you it had been stuffed into her white sweatpants. Both of your stomachs jiggled like two water balloons that were smacked together. Emerald’s belly was a shapeless apron of a gut. It naturally sagged below her knees and now rested atop your belly like a tanned lump. It felt like a weighted blanket only softer like thick marshmallow fluff. Thick rolls scooped down from her sides into the low curve at the forefront of her belly. The mass of fat reached out further than her thick fingers could reach and wobbled often. Whenever Emerald tried to waddle, her stomach swayed like a meaty pendulum. That was only when she wasn’t lazy as it took plenty of effort to carry.

“Come on fat boy, do something!” Emerald teased and grabbed your shoulder. Her fingers sank into the supple surface before she shook you gently. She coaxed you into action knowing it would open an opportunity to tease you. “If you don’t then maybe I’ll just have to move.”

Emerald grunted as she got off of her knees and quickly pivoted. You saw a white blur as Emerald swung her hip and clashed it against Neo. The other fatty’s eyes opened wide as she tumbled across the couch and nearly fell off. Before you realized why she had done that, Emerald sat on your lap.

“Not making it easy. Damn you got lazy when you blimped out. Show some chivalry and move that blubber gut so a lady can take a seat.” Emerald bumped her fat ass against your belly as you blushed and stared. You couldn’t see her butt exactly but you felt two large masses squish against the front of your belly. You slowly slipped your hands under your fat midsection and tried to lift. The effort made your arms burn, but you managed to lift it so Emerald could scoot back. She didn’t stop until she was perfectly on your lap and your belly laid across the top of her butt like a blanket.

Emerald placed her hands on her hips and looked over her shoulder at you. “Thanks, fat boy. Mm, you are just about the right size and softness for a chair. Yeah~ I bet you like it huh?” She rotated on your hips as you felt your throat dry. Your heart raced faster than your obese body ever could while the slightly less obese girl rotated her lips on your lap.

Like the rest of her body, Emerald’s ass was thickly padded with blubber and saggy. She lugged around saddlebag cheeks that smooshed and flowed across your thighs. They had a history of smothering or smashing chairs and now it lay on your lap. Your squishy thighs wouldn’t break under the weight, but your will was gradually being weakened as Emerald bounced and jiggled atop you. You groped at the sides of her hips and felt the flab smoosh between your fingers. It elected a coo from Emerald who leaned back. Based on how far her back was from the contact you felt on your pelvis, you guessed that the heavy butt cheeks reached over a foot behind their owner while they were at least three feet in width. As she sat there, her broad thighs brushed past each other as they idly kicked. The legs of her pants were skin-tight and lightly torn in some places. Emerald desperately needed a larger pair yet seemed too lazy to get a larger size.

Suddenly Neo got to her feet, the short fatty having struggled for several minutes, and she appeared cross with Emerald. She spun on one heel and slammed the side of her butt against the fat on your lap. The impact only made Emerald jiggle and snort confidently.

Neo, like everyone in the house, had a fat ass. She just managed to have the roundest, bounciest of the bunch. Emerald often claimed she used her semblance to appear so round and bubbly, but you could never tell. All you knew is that Neo had cheeks that took up a minimum of two chairs and smashed the flimsier ones. Her pink short shorts squeezed them like they were about to burst off of her, and helped boost the rotund globes. The fabric was so tight that it gave a clear outline of her panties and allowed the top half of her butt to remain exposed.

Her hip checks didn’t generate enough power to kick Emerald off of you, but it did cause her to jiggle further. At this point, it was just another way to torment you as the fat girl on your lap wobbled like warm jello. Emerald’s jiggles also carried through her. When the girl’s belly jiggled, her hips jiggled, then her ass jiggled, and when her ass jiggled your belly jiggled. The chain continued until you felt you were about to lose it.

Suddenly there was a blur as Neo leaped at Emerald. Now her weight managed to knock the girl aside. Now both of the fatties seemed to be in a wrestling match. The entire room shook as they stomped and shoved against each other.

You leaned forward and groaned as you tried to stand. Your legs stretched as your feet searched for the floor, and your hands reached for anything to push off of that wasn’t a part of you. It wasn’t easy as your hips were too wide to not touch and your heavy belly didn’t want to allow you to lean forward. You had to spread your legs so far that you suffered discomfort. You just needed a gap between your thighs so your belly could droop between. Once the fat started to slip off of the couch, it acted like a counterweight and hauled you forward. A final push got you to your feet, exhausted and out of breath but upright.

Now that you were on your feet, you didn’t understand what you were supposed to do. Emerald and Neo still shoved and grappled each other. That was when you remembered that you were the biggest, fattest of the trio. You took a deep breath and stepped forward. Your bulk was forced between the two and momentarily caught the two off guard.

Then the situation flipped on you.

Both girls grinned and their hands eagerly fondled your fat. Emerald grabbed a handful of your left butt cheek and as much upper belly fat as she could. Meanwhile, Neo squeezed your right butt cheek while her other hand made a riskier move and pinched your fupa.

“Well, Neo it seems there’s still a little backbone in this fat boy. He can be our not-so-little-pig and a big, independent boy.” Emerald grinned and slapped your belly and watched it jiggle. Then that hand slowly traced up until she firmly grasped your bare moob. “Does this deserve a reward or punishment?”

Neo just smirked and waddled over to a drawer. She swiftly opened it and returned with a bottle of purple dust. You didn’t know what it did, but you understood it was the start of some sort of entertainment for Emerald and Neo. The short stack just winked and tossed some of the sparking substance on you. It looked like glitter momentarily clung to your belly before it was absorbed into your skin.

Emerald then shoved you back onto the couch. She didn’t climb on top of your lap or sit next to you though. She and Neo instead stood in front of you. The two bumped their hips together and seemed to have gotten over their brief scuffle.

You realized why when you noticed your stomach expand outward. Emerald and Neo often used their semblances to tease you. The first day you were brought over, Emerald had used her semblance to make you appear fatter. She called it a glimpse into your future. This felt different though. Emerald could only cause visual illusions, but you felt your stomach creep over your legs. There was even the sensation of your hips creeping outward and eating up more of the couch cushions. You were getting fatter.

“Like it? Neo got this custom dust for us. I’ll spare you a long story and just say it makes our illusions real.” Emerald bit her lip. “I hope you’re ready to get big.”

Your stomach lurched forward and passed your feet within an instant. Neo had joined in and now two semblances affected the dust. All you could do was watch as your dwindling mobility was dashed away. Your hips rolled across the couch, your butt climbed the back wrest, your belly spilled onto the floor, thighs bulged outward, cankles began to roll over your feet, bingo wings became so heavy you couldn’t lift your arms, and your fingers became so fat that you couldn’t even make a fist.

Neo seemed giddy with excitement as she couldn’t wait before she jumped on your belly. It was as large as a king mattress now and she loved it. She didn’t climb on top of you, but she wrapped as much of her arms around it as she could. Her lips kissed the curved surface before she took a few nibbles. Emerald couldn’t stay away either as she started to rub one of your thighs.

“Don’t get too excited. You’re just filling a couch now, but I think I want a room-filling fat boy. I’d suggest you take some time to come to terms with the fact you’re going to be a blob.” Emerald bumped her hip against your leg. “I mean you’re immobile now. No more walking and you definitely won’t get out of this house again.”

Neo waddled around to Emerald and pointed at your waist. You couldn’t quite see what she exactly pointed as your neck was so fat that it was hard to turn your head. That wasn’t to mention how broad and meaty your shoulders were now.

“Holy shit, you’re right.” Emerald sounded shocked. “I don’t know what brand of underwear you wear, but there is no way it should have stretched this much. That’s enough fabric to make a tent!” She shook her head and crossed her fat arms under her voluptuous chest. “Those aren’t staying on. Get ready for round two fat ass.”

Emerald sounded more stern and serious now. Neo nodded and the two stepped back. Your underwear had apparently challenged the two. These were the girls who made you too fat for shirts and pants. Not even stretchy leisurewear could cover you. Not one piece of fabric dared to stretch over your impossibly fat ass.

You blushed as you heard your underwear rip. The fabric gave way first until a sharp snap sounded as the elastic waistband finally broke. Your ass wobbled and blubber surged outward in all directions like flood water that overwhelmed a dam. From that point, you could only get bigger. Your fat billowed outward until it overwhelmed the couch. The wood splintered and collapsed under the impossible weight it was supposed to bear. Your hips rolled over the arm and backrests, it pushed against the wall and caused you to slide forward, and soon the couch was completely buried under you. The fat rose higher and stretched wider until it touched the walls at your side and rose above your head. Your neck was too fat to turn and see, but you felt your rolls of back fat being squished up until they were behind your head.

Your thighs swelled and swelled with new fat. It pushed you higher as each upper leg became so thick that they rose to Emerald’s chest and above Neo’s head. There was no sign of where your knees were, only the barely noticeable slope from your shins and calves that ended in a donut-shaped roll where your feet had been absorbed. You blushed as Emerald playfully wiggled her fingers in the divot. Her index and middle finger reached up to their third knuckles and still didn’t touch your foot.

“Look at him go Neo~” Emerald teased and climbed up on your left leg. “Don’t stop now fat ass. I want to see how huge this dust will make you.” She bit her lip and smacked the side of your belly as she leaned against it. So many words swirled in her mind, and all of them were meant to tease you or ramble incoherently about how hot the scene before her was.

Neo had climbed onto your right leg and groped as much of your belly as she could. She had no shame as she pressed and rolled her hips against you with as much fat straddled between her legs as possible.

Your stomach looked utterly massive. Blubber rapidly appeared in so many areas that your gut constantly changed shapes. Fully round folded into a double and then a triple belly all before it rounded out again. Neo and Emerald had to climb up you as there was no more space on the floor left as your flab slammed into all four walls of the room. The fat rose higher as if the room were flooded with some sort of semi-solid liquid. So many intense situations assailed you as you felt like you were about to lose your mind. Embarrassment and shame melted into twisted pleasure as you felt your body be dissolved into a giant mound of pure lard. You had been fat for so long at this point, but this was a step up you were never prepared for.

As you looked down you realized how large your moobs had gotten. It looked like you had two flesh-colored king-sized mattresses attached to your chest. Though your moobs were flabbier and sloped at the sides which gave them a more round, pancake shape than a mattress. A jolt shot up your spine as Emerald and Neo reached your chest. They pinched, slapped, and rubbed the large expanse of sensitive skin. Emerald kissed one of your nipples while Neo boldly bit as much as she could fit into her mouth. This was enough to make you pant and wheeze with excitement. Quivers ran through your body as pleasure built, but you were too fat to do anything about it.

Emerald entered your view and laid across your left moob. Her belly sank into the doughy surface while she hoisted her fat ass into the air. Thick arms slowly pulled her forward while she arched her back just enough to show off her cleavage. “Is that the sound of a pent-up fat boy eager for some love? Aw so sorry big guy, but there is no way me or Neo can get down there.” She feigned a pout and got closer.

Neo jumped up and landed her thick butt on your moobs. She looked pleased with herself as she bounced. Some sustained eye contact and an alluring yet twisted grin made you blush. Despite what these two had done to you they still managed to drive you crazy. Their own sexy, flabby forms, the feel of their skin, their smell, the faces they made when they teased you. The more helpless you became, the more you fell in love.

The two girls were at your face now, and this was when you realized how this area had grown too. Your neck was encased in a ring of fat the size of a tractor tire while your cheeks were as thick as beanbag chairs. In unison, Emerald and Neo sat on your cheeks as if they truly were chairs. They even patted your head playfully while Neo also gestured in the air to show she counted up your chins. She proudly held up five fingers when she was done.

You were so big that it was hard to tell how much more you had grown, but you felt as if a sensation had stopped. You assumed that the girls halted your growth…for now.

Emerald leaned back and you felt her butt cheeks press against the side of your head. “Well, that was fun. I can’t help but wonder what we do from here on out. The dust that reverses this won’t be here for a month.”

Neo’s eyes sparkled and she formed a ball with her hands and then suddenly threw her arms open wide. You had known her long enough to understand this meant she wanted you bigger.

“Later.” Emerald stretched. “I mean for now…Eh, I’ll probably sit on your face a bit, Neo will be nice enough to give you a kiss or two, and maybe after we tease you for a few hours we can get dinner. I bet you just want us to strip to our undies, cozy up on your chins, and stuff you like the big fat hog you are. Right?” Emerald didn’t let you answer. Instead, she just leaned down and smacked your chins and said, “Yep, that’s right.”

Neo bounced playfully and scooted back. Emerald did the same until your view was obscured by their asses. You felt painfully excited again. It didn’t matter what happened next. You just needed these girls to do something. Thankfully experience showed that they certainly would.



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