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Series: Xenoblade Chronicles 3
Characters: Mio, Eunie, Sena, Manana, Noah, Lanz, Taion, Riku
Contains: Rapid weight gain, sweating

Reward for SymmetryFats

The sun beat down on the Eagus Wilderness. Most creatures took shelter in the shade while some managed to shrug it off and wander the open spaces. Of those on the move, three figures stood out like a sore thumb. While all of the group of eight were tired from the heat, some looked as if they would collapse any second.

Those three were Mio, Eunie, and Sena. They waddled slowly and awkwardly as their bodies jiggled. The three used to be slender and powerful. It was what you’d expect from soldiers. Somewhere along the way, and very likely at the end of a fork, the girls had fluffed up. Their trim bodies got soft, training failed to stave off the inches being added to their waistline, and eventually, they just seemed to bloat like dough left out to rise. It didn’t mean they couldn’t bash monsters along the way, but it became notably harder. Mio failed to swing her dual moonblades past her belly, Eunie couldn’t shoulder her gunrod without having it squished inches into one of her breasts, and Sena couldn’t hold her comet mallet properly with her belly rolling over the handle.

Mio struggled the most and suffered the worst as most of her weight sunk to her lower half. Her legs had to carry her heavy bulk as well as the blubber that coated them. Her ankles were so thick that she couldn’t wrap both of her hands around them. The fat pressed against the insides of her shoes and nearly touched the ground without them. Both of her shins were coated in a layer of pudge that made them protrude slightly outward. Behind were two thick calves that waggled with each step. Her knees were squished between the meat of her lower legs and the thicker fat of her thighs. Mio’s thighs were so thickly coated and packed with fat that she couldn’t separate them unless she squatted down. Normally she’d fall on her butt if she did that though. Even her feet were pushed further apart due to her thickness. Her leggings managed to stretch over most of her legs, but they failed to fully encapsulate her butt.

Wide hips and two giant, boxy cheeks wobbled behind Mio. Each step caused a corresponding butt cheek to bounce up. This was enough to make the other move slightly, and so Mio’s gelatinous rump had little rhythm. Instead, it was merely corpulent chaos as she tried to keep her body moving. A white skirt covered the top third of her butt, yet the rest sagged too low or stretched further than the fabric could hope to. It looked like she had two flesh-colored boulders stuck to her.

Above her waist was thinner but by no substantial margin. A plump double belly folded over the front of her skirt and sagged to her upper thighs. The rolls added onto her until she was twice as wide as she used to be, and that still came up short compared to how wide her hips were now. A white tank top failed to cover the entirety of the second belly roll and half of the upper slab of fat. Though the occasional breeze made the fabric flutter and settled above the first fat roll. Mio was too tired to adjust it anymore. Sometimes her pudgy fingers pinched at the hem of the shirt, but a feeble tug failed to pull the fabric down. Seconds later and Mio let her heavy arms drop to her sides. She didn’t possess the thickest of arms, but the fat that clung to them was enough to make keeping them lifted hard. Her arms were still thick enough to stuff her jacket’s sleeves like sausages though.

Funnily enough, Mio’s breasts were nowhere near as substantial as the rest of her. They were plump and remained quite perky, but not much extra weight had been distributed to them. They were half the size of her head and no larger. It didn’t bother her, but she hoped they could have given her a counterbalance to her heavy rump. Her face covered for that. Mio had thick round cheeks as if she had stuffed two softballs into her mouth and a plump second chin that squished against her neck. The little divot only served as a receptacle for sweat to pool into as the fat cat tried to stave off the heat.

Sena appeared on the verge of collapse too. In front of her was a belly that sagged well past her knees with numerous rolls and folds. The glob of tanned blubber was also soaked in heat and was drenched with sweat. It bounced and jiggled as her knees hit its underside while the girl merely tried to waddle. The curtain of flab was Sena’s largest asset just like how Mio’s butt and hips were hers. Sena had thicker love handles that extended as far as her hips did. Some rolls were connected with her back fat too. Like Mio, to a lesser extent, her bust didn’t get much weight added to them. Sena was very petite when it came to her chest before she gained weight, and now the globes had become as large as her head. It would have been a substantial increase if not for the rest of her body having swollen like a sponge in water.

Sena’s puffy round face was drenched in sweat. It wasn’t too dissimilar to Mio, but she had slightly smaller cheeks and a rounder chin instead of a thick roll. She let out a harsh whine like a deflating balloon as she cupped her cheeks in her hands. Thick fingers sank into the soft flesh as meaty arms squished against her sides. No matter how many weights Sena lifted or how many pushups she attempted, her biceps became soft and doughy.

Thankfully her leg muscles weren’t weakened to a state that she suffered as much as Mio. Her legs were thicker around than the head of her hammer, but they were smooth too. Mio’s thighs were divided into rolls while Sena’s were one giant lump that thickly ensheathed the muscle and bone. Her knees were hardly visible, and her lower legs were rounded until the fat curled over the tops of her shoes. She couldn’t wear her shinguards anymore as the metal felt uncomfortable on her padded shins.

Eunie hardly managed on too, but her legs felt divine compared to her labored back. The Kevesi woman had enough breasts for her entire team, and this meant she was incredibly top-heavy. Her black tank top tried to hold her breasts back, but the marshmallow-textured mass looked like it would spill over at any second. The shoulder straps were nearly enveloped by the pudge that stacked liberally on her shoulders while her boobs pushed against the fabric. Just one boob was twice the size of Eunie’s head. Their mass gave them a slightly-sagged and lumpy shape and an insanely jiggly texture. Each step caused them to bounce up and smack her chin which was as thick as a donut. An annoyed grimace crossed her face and sent a crease into the corner of her round cheeks.

She wanted to reach forward and tug some fabric over her breasts, but any movement of her arms caused her jacket to groan in protest. If she moved the giant clumps of fat too much, then she’d undoubtedly shred the sleeves of her jacket. Each arm had pillow-sized mounds of fat sagging beneath them and sandbag-sized pads on top of them. The stretch from her elbow to wrist was thinner, but still almost as thick as the average person’s thighs. It made the limbs incapable of any sort of exercise.

Eunie’s belly was in the shadow of her breasts, but her black clothing clung to it thanks to the elastic fabric. It felt like she would have to peel the entire garment off when it came time to change. In the meantime, it was a sweat-soaked mess that agitated the girl further. The tight confines at least kept the belly relatively still, but that made it a perfect platform for her breasts to bounce atop. It wasn’t too strange considering how Eunie’s midsection was as big and round as a Nopon.

Her hips were wide and her ass thick, but Eunie was undoubtedly smaller in the rump compared to Sena and Mio. The tight fabric of her outfit just clung to her lower body like a second skin and made it seem larger than it was. Nothing changed with her thighs as they rubbed against each other with her labored waddles. She just didn’t realize how much easier it was to force her legs to move than it was for the other obese girls.

Thankfully Mio and Sena leaned against each other and supported their heavy, sweaty bodies together. Eunie however had no one to assist her. She slowly leaned more and more forward as she felt like the weight of her chest was about to drag her to the ground. She glanced behind her to where most of the boys were.

“Oi, Taion, help a lady out wouldn’t ya?” Eunie asked and lifted a heavy, sagging arm that dripped with sweat. The raised appendage also revealed the side of her shirt was soaked through with sweat.

Taion visibly slowed down. “I apologize, but I doubt I’d be able to assist you.” He replied yet didn’t add the fact he thought Eunie would drag him down with her.

Eunie groaned and looked at Lanz. He was a friend since they had both left the pod. “What about you Lanz? Could you carry me for a bit like old times?”

“Oh snuff that!” Lanz shot back with a firm shake of his head.

Finally, Eunie looked at Noah but gave up before she asked. If Taion and Lanz refused, then Noah obviously wouldn’t be able to help much. “Snuffin heat…” She groaned and willed her thick legs to push on.

Mio suddenly dropped to her knees and nearly pulled Sena down with her. “I can’t…go on…” She panted and tried to get to her feet. If not for the counterweight of her ass, the girl would have flopped onto her belly by now. She was too tired to move another inch, and to make matters worse…


She was hungry.

Like a chain reaction, Sena and Eunie’s stomachs growled too. All three girls blushed and looked about awkwardly. None of them denied they were fat, and it was obvious they’d get bigger the more they ate. Their appetites just wouldn’t die down with all the traveling and training.

There was also a certain Nopon who had a policy about noisy bellies.

“Did Manana hear the sound of rumbly tummies?” An upbeat voice sounded as the fattest Nopon in Aionios bounced into view. She had always been fluffy, but now she was undeniably fat. Her round body just seemed to grow outward almost proportionally. The only reason one could tell she was fat and not just a larger Nopon was the roll beneath her mouth that was similar to a second chin. Her tiny nub arms and legs appeared thicker while the extra set of arms near the top of her head were noticeably bulkier.

Manana and the girls’ weight was solely the blame of her cooking.

“Manana sees a spot to rest up ahead! Hurry there now so Manana can start cooking!” The nopon exclaimed and rolled forward. She struck Mio’s butt with enough force to get the girl on her feet. Mio and Sena hastily waddled away before they could be struck again.

“Ah sparks…wait for me you two!” Eunie huffed and tried to waddle after. “Damn these things!” She groaned under her breath as her chest heaved and wobbled.

The fat nopon eagerly bounced behind the surprisingly hasty fatties as the men lagged behind and watched.

All three heads turned to the other nopon, Riku.

“Mate, you’ve honestly got to tell Manana to cut back on the cooking,” Lanz said with his arms crossed.

Riku watched ahead stoically before he spoke. “T’would be rude to comment on a lady's weight. Riku wishes to be alive to see next year.”

Noah couldn’t blame Riku for his stance. It wasn’t like he could bring the subject up to Mio either. He had secretly hoped Taion would be the voice of reason, yet he kept his mouth shut. “Let’s just catch up with them.” He murmured and followed the girls. Ahead he could see a large overhanging rock that shaded a small oasis with a large pool of water. There was no telling when they’d find a spot like this again.


Manana handled herself in the kitchen better than the entire team combined, and so the Nopon shoed everyone away. The group decided they’d use the time before lunch to cool off in the oasis.

Shielded from the harsh sun, the water in this hidden pool proved a cool respite. It also happened that the group had come across swimsuits along their journey. Noah, Taion, and Lanz easily changed and the first two had already gotten into the water. It took Eunie, Mio, and Sena much longer to get changed, however.

“Feels so good to get out of my clothes.” Mio huffed and tugged at her frilly bikini bottom. It was comically small on her doughy rump. The frills were supposed to modestly cover her butt, yet less was covered than her proper skirt. The top had an easier time covering her breasts, but the corset strings that were supposed to draw over her belly only dug into the fat. She didn’t care though. Mio had suffered through the heat, and she had half the mind to jump into the water fully naked.

“Right there with ya,” Eunie replied as she followed behind. Nearly the complete opposite of Mio, her bikini bottom was close to being tasteful despite the amount of butt fat that sagged freely. Her major issue was the bikini top that seemed to be on the verge of snapping. The straps were thicker than mere strings, but they sank into her shoulders while the cups failed to hold most of the breast tissue back. They flowed, rolled, and all but billowed past the fabric like a dam about to burst. That wasn’t to mention the adipose that seeped out near her armpits and beneath the swimsuit’s cups. Eunie put up with this because she thought the little outfit was cute, and she was also the one who insisted Mio put hers on.

Noah leaned next to Taion. “Is it just me or did the water rise when those two got in?” He whispered quieter than a ghost.

Taion didn’t answer immediately. He was still rough around the edges when it came to light-hearted humor, but he knew Noah didn’t make these jokes often. He also could have sworn the water level rose when Eunie dropped in. Instead of answering Noah, he asked a question. “Where are Lanz and Sena?”

Rapid footsteps approached before Lanz leaped into the air. “Cannonball!” He shouted before his body slammed into the water. Everyone in the pool was splashed with the cold water before the culprit surfaced with a laugh. The sound was promptly cut off when Eunie smacked him in the back of the head.

“Watch it would ya?!” Eunie groaned in agitation as a smaller splash was produced when she dropped her heavy arm back into the water.

Lanz huffed and swam toward the other boys. “I could say the same to you. Do you not realize how heavy your arms are? I swear you could knock a ferronis down with those things.”

Before Eunie could verbally bite Lanz’s head off, heavier footsteps were heard.

“CANNONBALL!” Sena’s voice echoed as the girl somehow managed to jump high into the air. Everyone scrambled to move out of the way as they saw the large girl begin to plummet.

Sena had taken longer to get changed as her sweaty blubber made it difficult to stuff herself into the wetsuit. Whereas Eunie and Mio had two-piece swimsuits, Sena opted for the large one-piece that covered everything except her shoulders, hands, feet, and a small window over her chest.

The water erupted into whiteness as Sena made contact. Everyone was hit in the face with a blast of water as they felt the waves rock into them. When the sound cleared and the water settled, Sena floated in the center of the pool with a proud smile.

“Did you see that? Pretty sure mine was bigger than Lanz’s…What? Did no one see it?” Sena asked genuinely and looked around.

Mio waded over and guided Sena to the corner by her plump arm. “Yes, yes we all saw it.” She murmured before Sena wrapped her in a hug. Mio couldn’t help but hug her friend back as their blubber midsections squished together while soft arms sank into thick backs.

Taion shook his hair out. The normally fluffy hair now laid flat on his head. Sena’s cannonball had soaked it completely through. He was surprised by a slight giggle. When he cleared some locks from his eyes he saw the girl smiling at him. Thankfully some hair covered his cheeks and hid the faint blush.

“Seems like I’ll have someone to confide with. Feathers are a bitch to dry, and I bet your hair isn’t too different.” Eunie chuckled harder which caused her chest to heave. Each burst of laughter raised her breasts in and out of the water which caused a bevy of splashes. Eunie didn’t seem to notice Taion’s silence and settled next to him. “I didn’t want to say it to those two,” She jerked her thumb towards Mio and Sena, “But these things are a hell of a lot more…floaty than I thought they’d be. I can hardly keep em down! Oi, where are you going? Are you avoiding me or something?” Eunie huffed as Taion slowly drifted away.

Sena, Lanz, Mio, and Noah had congregated at the other corner of the pool. Lanz had his arms crossed in front of his chest and scowled. Sena wore a grin nearly as wide as her hips as she confidently bumped the tall boy with her belly. “Aw, you upset my cannonball beat yours?” She teased.

“As if, and watch that thing!” Lanz shot back as he tried to push Sena back. His hand just sank into Sena’s thick stomach. He was especially surprised as fat squished between his fingers. ‘That’s the softest thing I’ve ever felt.’ He thought to himself. Lanz never realized that he had yet to touch Sena since she got so bulky. They had sparred hand to hand in the past, but that was well before the girls sized up. “Soft…” He absentmindedly murmured.

Sena blushed despite how her stance remained confident. “Y-yep…enough grabbing though! Let’s…let’s wrestle right here!” Sena exclaimed and pushed against Lanz. “Just because I’m lighter in here doesn’t mean you can let your guard down!”

A chain reaction occurred as Sena shoved herself against Lanz, eager to bury some stirred emotions. That unintentionally caused Lanz to bump into Noah which pushed him against Mio. The strong push caused him to collide with Mio’s back and sink into her. The young man hoped it was Mio’s front, but the angle of her perked cat ears confirmed he had collided with her rump.

Noah had moved back in a second, but it felt like an eternity. The sensation of Mio’s soft butt having squished against his waist with enough fat to morph around his sides and flat stomach was seared into his head.

Mio slowly turned around, her face lightly flushed. Her hips managed to cause a wake at the water’s surface. Either that or it was how they jiggled from the simple turn. “Accident huh?” She asked as Noah seemed equally flustered. Beneath the water, she caressed her rump. Her fingers easily sank into the supple cheek, and she had hardly applied any pressure. The two embarrassed comrades almost laughed the little mishap off before another splash of water struck Mio’s face.

“Sorry, Mimi!” Sena exclaimed and waved nervously as Mio moved wet hair out of her face. Her friend smiled, but the twisted state of her brow didn’t bode well. “Ehehe…heh…” She slowly scooted behind Lanz, her silhouette comically larger than his.

“Noah,” Mio spoke sternly.

“Right!” He replied as the two worked in sync to splash their friends.

Eunie watched and grinned. “Oi seems like it’s getting serious. Come on you!” She reached out and gripped Taion by the wrist firmly. She pulled him along with ease as the sides of his hips bumped against hers. Eunie didn’t seem to care while Taion blushed out of sight.

At the campfire, Manana heard the splashing and shook her head. “Meh meh, those ones are so noisy! Though it seems they’re working up their appetites. Right, Riku? Riku? Meeeeh where did Riku go?!” Manana spun on her little nub feet. Her face remained in place, but her midsection seemed to continue her pirouette before it snapped back. The hefty nopon wobbled like flan as she scanned the area.

Riku had hidden himself behind a rock and sweated nervously. He was just as nervous about his fellow Nopon’s weight as the boys were worried for the girls.


Manana called for everyone and proudly proclaimed that lunch was ready. They returned to the campsite to see the table covered from end to end with food. There were more than enough chairs for everyone, but some were placed very close together. The girls took these seats, and the spaces were buried under their fat butts. Sena and Eunie fit within the two seats, but Mio managed to overwhelm both. She tried to ignore it while the edges of her hips managed to roll past the chair’s edges and sag toward the ground. Mio also made sure to remain still as any movement caused the chair to groan.

That wasn’t to say the other girls weren’t without their own issues. Sena struggled to remain within arms reach of the table. The table tilted when she tried to scoot closer, and she nearly fell backward when she moved away. There wasn’t enough space between her thighs and the underside of the table either, so she couldn’t just stuff the fat down. Eunie could sit within arm's reach of the food, but her breasts sagged enough to rest atop the table. She couldn’t see whatever was in front of her, and she’d only be able to reach items beside her chest. Then Eunie would have to struggle to lift her arms over her chest to eat whatever she managed to grab.

“Meh meh, these three aren’t thinking with their heads.” Manana sighed and hopped into action. She nimbly seized up plates and drops some atop Eunie’s chest and Sena’s belly.

“Why didn’t I think of that?!” Eunie exclaimed and started to dig in.

Sena smiled gratefully and wanted to hug the Nopon, but she also didn’t want to drop any of her food. “You’re the best Manana!”

Manana stopped in front of Mio and looked the girl over. “Meh meh…Manana cannot think of anything for this one. Just be careful to not fall!” She waved a wooden spoon to gesture around Mio before she waddled away.

“Umm.” Mio leaned forward and her chair groaned. She quickly ceased the action. A growl from her stomach coaxed her to try again only for the chair to groan more urgently. Mio felt something nudge her hip. When she looked up she saw Noah with his chair.

“You might need this more than me…Let’s call it repaying you for earlier.” Noah smiled as Mio lifted herself. They managed to add the third chair in a surprisingly synchronized move.

Mio shifted to the right, and the additional chair left her just enough space. She leaned left and right to test if the chairs would hold. The groans produced were much less fierce than earlier. “Thank you, Noah.” The two stared at each other for a moment before they realized everyone was staring at them.

“A noble sacrifice, mate.” Lanz nodded.

“Such a gentleman.” Eunie teased.

Sena held a hand over her mouth, her cheeks stuffed with food. She tried not to laugh and swallowed hard. As one hand stuffed food into her mouth, the other hand playfully pinched Mio’s love handles.

Mio ignored the comments despite her obvious blush. Now that her butt was stabilized, she could reach over the table and pick up one of many fish filets. Her embarrassment immediately subsided when her teeth sank into the tender fish. Within a few seconds, she had already stuffed two more filets into her mouth. That set off a veritable feeding frenzy as Sena and Eunie followed Mio’s lead and dug in.

Thick fingers reached out and grasped any food they could. The plates around them were quickly stripped empty while crumbs or small fragments tumbled down their chests and onto their bellies. Cheeks jiggled as their owners vigorously chewed, arms wobbled as they reached for more, and stomach growls of hunger turned into content groans as they were filled.

Mio managed to nimbly seize fish and quickly stuff it into her mouth. She was on a mission to devour every bit of fish she could. So, if she didn’t get all of it, then she would at least have the lion’s share of it. There was something stranger than her ravenous desire to eat any scrap of seafood before her though. The most bizarre thing was how her stomach seemed to instantly swell with fat. It appeared that the second food reached her stomach, fat was added to her frame. Her belly expanded outward and stretched across the large plateau of her thighs, but it didn’t expand alone. Most of the weight was pushed to Mio’s lower body. Her thighs became thicker, wider, and softer while her hips enlarged their reach until they were at the edges of her chairs again. The backrest of the chair began to bend backward as the surge of butt fat pressed against it became too much. Fat already bulged and bubbled through the ornate gaps in the wood, but the weight became too much and the wood snapped. What were chairs had become stools, and their side-by-side nature made it appear like a bench.

The wings attached to the side of Eunie’s head fluttered excitedly as she shoveled pasta into her mouth. Towards the beginning of her binge, she had to be careful to not knock off any of the precariously placed plates that rested on her breasts. It became easier as time passed, and her bust subtly increased in size. Though some plates toward the center teetered and threatened to slide between her breasts. Somehow they managed to avoid the plunge as Eunie cleared them quickly before they were moved aside. There were however plenty of sauces that splattered the smooth skin, or crumbs and morsels that fell into her cleavage. The strings of her bikini top also appeared increasingly strained.

Sena ate the most voraciously of the group. She managed to cram as much food into her mouth as possible before she slowly gnawed through it. It was like she had treated eating as an exercise routine for her jaw. When there was no more room in her mouth, she swallowed with a noticeable strain before she started to stuff her cheeks again. Her stomach grew in a wave that resembled waves. Swallow, a surge of fat that almost visibly rolled, another swallow, and so on until her stomach started to push and roll atop the table. It was just a small roll of pudge at first, but soon it grew to the size of a dinner plate.

All of the girls were so enthralled in their eating that they failed to realize how their swimsuits struggled to contain all of their pudge. Mio had already started to droop from all of her chairs at every possible angle. Butt fat flowed over the back of the chair, her hips sagged from the sides, and her thighs hardly rested on the wooden seat. Soon there was a quiet snap. Practically no one heard it aside from Mio and the two Nopon’s, one of them not even knowing the source of the sound.

Mio blushed, her cat ears perked high. She remained deathly still and thought to herself. ‘Not a problem…The bottom is still on. Just a little break somewhere on the waistband. Just got to subtly-‘ A sudden gust of wind caught the broken bikini bottom and dragged it. It hardly changed Mio’s state of modesty, but now all of her butt was exposed except for the previous two-thirds.

“Mio, are you ok?” Noah asked. The girl’s startled expression had caught his attention.

Mio swallowed the food in her mouth and nodded. “Yes, everything is fine. I just-“ She almost admitted her issue before another quiet snap was heard.

“Bloody hell!” Eunie exclaimed as she thrust her arm forward. The fabric slipped down her breasts, and she barely managed to get her hands over her nipples before they were exposed. Though Eunie had also just barely managed to reach them at all. Her arms squished against the sides of her massive breasts while her fingers were almost fully enveloped as she tried to keep herself covered.

‘Thank you Eunie.’ Mio mentally sighed in relief as her friend’s brash nature and colorful vocabulary took all the attention.

Sena burst into laughter and pounded a fist on the table. The energetic movement of her diaphragm made her belly wobble like a chaotic sea of jello. That was enough for her swimsuit to relent in its struggle and split open. Tan belly fat spilled out of the open fabric and hit the table with enough to jostle it. “Aw man,” Sena murmured. She had liked that swimsuit.

Taion quickly got to his feet. “Well, I think it’s time to patrol the campsite.”

“Yep, come on Noah.” Lanz agreed and grabbed his friend by the arm and quickly pulled him up.

Noah’s heart was too pure. He still wondered what Mio had been startled about. He believed he found the cause as Lanz dragged him away. For a brief second, before he shut his eyes, he saw the fully exposed mass of Mio’s rump.

“Meh meh, where are they off to?! Manana just finished dessert!” The Nopon grumbled and looked at the three girls at the table. “More for you three Manana supposes!” She exclaimed gleefully and bounced toward the table.



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