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Series: RWBY and Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Characters: Yang, Raphael
Contains: Female weight gain

Commission for LoverofRamen

“Phew! Talk about a workout!” Raphael exclaimed and wiped the sweat from his brow. The burly young man had spent every second from sunrise to noon training without break. Normally he would only train half of that time, but he had finally found someone who could keep up with him.

Yang sighed and stretched out. “Yeah, can’t beat it.” She replied and looked around the empty training ground. “Can’t believe we were the only ones though. Meh, their loss. How about we go grab a bite to eat?”

Raphael grinned. “You just read my mind!”

Yang and Raphael had formed a quick friendship at Beacon Monastery. The two students were both members of the Officers Academy, and they shared incredible strength and stamina. No one could keep up with training like they did, so they naturally were drawn to each other as training partners. That also meant it wasn’t uncommon for them to share a meal afterwards.

Though this was where the difference between the two became noticeable. Raphael had the superior appetite, but he maintained a muscular physique easily. Over time, his eating habits rubbed off on Yang who didn’t possess a similar metabolism. Whereas Raphael sustained his sturdy muscles, Yang had started to grow softer. That wasn’t to say Yang was weaker, she just had a softer body that exhibited incredible strength.

Yang’s rump took up enough space for two people while plush thighs were squished together under the dining table. A round, soft belly filled her lap, and growled ravenously as she stuffed her face. It would continue to growl like that until she managed to stuff herself with more than her daily recommended caloric intake. Though that wouldn’t stop her from eating more. That habit is what turned her chiseled abs into a bloated belly. Fat already spilled over her knees and the sides of her thighs, and the girl had yet to reach the middle of her semester. A favorable amount of fat also settled on her chest. Each of her breasts was the size of her head, making them hard to manage, but a powerful bra and surprisingly stretchy uniforms helped her keep them under wraps.

“Hey Yang I think I noticed something, but I’m not sure…” Raphael looked at his friend and squinted. “Hmm yeah, I think I see it. Could you flex your arms?”

“Like this?” Yang asked and lifted both arms and flexed. The muscles that used to be there were no longer visible. They were coated in a thick layer of pudge that covered the tops and sagged heavily from the bottom. Any semblance of muscle was impossible to see. They even idly wobbled just from being held up.

Raphael nodded. “I knew it! You’re bulking up like a champ!” He said both cheerfully and honestly.

Yang grinned in response. “Heh of course!” She responded pridefully despite how her arms quivered like jello.  “Soon enough I bet I could take on anyone.” Yang picked up her fork again and stuffed a large cut of beef into her mouth. She wasn’t wrong honestly. Even if her body got heavier, she only trained harder.

This merely led to a sort of paradox. Yang trained harder, she got hungrier, she ate more, she gained weight, she trained harder, and so on. Even the meal she devoured now would add more fat to her frame, but that added weight would just make her next workout all the more effective. She honestly wondered how big she would get by the time she graduated from the officer’s academy.


No one had expected such a day to come. One where Adrestian soldiers would attack the monastery. The assault seemed to have reached its end, but everyone had also been forced to evacuate. Currently, Yang worked on ensuring Raphael’s injuries were bandaged. “You’re lucky I got to you when I did. You were five seconds from being overwhelmed.”

Raphael just laughed. “Yeah, you’re right. I was almost a goner!” He chuckled and winced. As strong as he was, a seven-on-one fight would be hard for anyone. Just as Yang said, she leaped into the fight just in time. She took out two soldiers before they even knew what hit them.

Yang had a lot more weight to put into her punches these days. She had never slowed her eating or training, so she only got stronger and fatter. Even when her arms sagged and wobbled, they packed enough force to smash through a steel helmet. “Yeah well, you returned the favor by taking that last guy. He got pretty distracted when his sword bounced off of my gut.” Yang said and patted her stomach. It was bruised, but the dull blade had failed to cut her. If it had managed to, then it would have to get past a solid foot and a half of belly fat before it got to anything important. “Though maybe let’s avoid close calls like that in the future.”

“Yeah…” Raphael replied and looked despondent for a moment. “Where are you planning on going? We can’t exactly go back to the Beacon Monastery.”

Yang didn’t answer for a few moments. “Don’t know. I’ve already heard that my village got ransacked. So, I don’t exactly have a place to go to. I guess I could travel around but…yeah.” Yang didn’t like the sound of having to waddle her fat butt around aimlessly.

“You could come back with me? My grandfather and little sister run an inn. I was likely just going to work there.” Raphael offered. He understood it probably wouldn’t be the most fulfilling life, especially compared to the officer academy, but it would give them both a place to stay and something to do. “If it sweetens the deal, then I can promise free food!”

A small smile snuck onto Yang’s face. “Deal.”


Two young figures rushed out of the front of a small inn and ran as fast as they could down the steps. A few seconds behind them, a larger figure burst through the door and yelled.

“Hey! Get back here!” Raphael bellowed. He was about to chase the dine and dashers, but he knew they were too fast for him. Thankfully he noticed a bulky shadow from around the corner.

An immensely obese woman rounded the corner like a flash of lighting. The two runners slammed into her belly and fell flat on their butts. She grabbed them by the collars of their shirt before they could scramble to their feet. A swift move and their heads were knocked together and both fell into a heap. They would be fine, but they would be in for a major headache when they came too.

Raphael walked over and rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. “Thanks for that Yang. If it weren’t for you they would have gotten away without paying for the most expensive stuff on our menu!”

Yang sighed but had an obvious smirk on her face. “Then maybe you should keep an eye on the people who DO order the most expensive stuff we have.” The two laughed as she stepped over the unconscious duo. “You’re just lucky I woke up from my nap when I did.”

Some time had passed since Beacon fell, and Raphael had made true to his promise of free food at the inn. That quickly combined with a snag in her normal training. Yang quickly packed on the pounds in her downtime, and it was very obvious.

Her chest took the largest leap proportionally speaking. Each breast was more than three times the size of her head. Her top managed to stretch and contain all of their mass, but they notably wobbled with her every step. That was because there was no bra beneath the shirt. Yang simply hadn’t found anything large or strong enough. The lack of support combined with their weight caused Yang’s breasts to lay almost flat atop her belly. They weren’t like pancakes, but the tops were notably more flat compared to the sharper curves at their sides. Yang also wasn’t able to see her feet or anything directly in front of her if it was below chest level. She had yet to fully adjust to that.

Slightly in the shadow of her breasts was a hefty and round belly. It curled over her waist and remained mostly exposed. The pale fat was soft and jiggled in a swayed wobble when Yang moved. It appeared slightly larger when she stuffed herself at meal times, but after her routine afternoon nap, it softened.

Yang’s underarms were as thick as pillows, but that didn’t stop her when the time came to smack around some rowdy guests or wanna-be dine-and-dashers. It did make kitchen duty or cleaning hard though with the fact she couldn’t hold a mop or precisely chop things with a knife. Thankfully everyone was fine with her being a bouncer and it still earned her room and board with plenty of food too.

Her sides were lined with fat rolls, her back hosted thick slabs of fat too, and her hips managed to be wide enough to need two chairs. Though her bulbous butt cheeks had her sitting on the edge of her seats. The one time she was too confident and leaned back, her butt snapped the backrest and she flopped to the floor. The entire inn had been shaken and she almost broke through the floorboards. Thankfully her legs were strong enough to carry her, but the test of time would be the final judge of that. Her thighs were thicker around than her waist used to be when she was thin. There was dense muscle deep under the soft flab, but they had begun to struggle against the ever-accumulating fat.

As Yang walked through the door she drummed her thick fingers on her belly. She never thought her life would take her here, but she was undeniably happy with it. The food was good, she had a soft bed, and if all she had to do was catch punks who try to run out on their bill, then she would be fine. So, she stretched her arms above her head, bingo wings squishing the sides of her cheeks, and she waddled over the to bar to order her next meal.

