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Series: RWBY

Characters: Weiss, Yang, Blake

Contains: Barely mobile, weight gain

Reward for TheMaximumCaliber


Today was Weiss’s birthday, and so she had decided a few things to spoil herself. She wasn’t lacking in such…but more was always nice. The day started with a short waddle. It was only possible due to clothes laced with gravity dust. It exerted force in the opposite direction of gravity. This allowed Weiss to waddle with relative ease. Despite that, she had one meaty arm looped around Yang’s. The blonde gladly supported her morbidly obese friend’s weight, but she occasionally let loose a joke or teasing remark. Some managed to pull a chuckle from Blake, who walked at Weiss’s other side. She would have also supported Weiss’s weight, but she was busy pushing a cart with a giant cake on it.

Weiss felt her body wobble and shake as she took each step. From her thighs that were so broad they constantly squished together, her belly that sagged until it rested atop her feet, hide hips and beanbag chair butt cheeks that bounced and swayed, doughy arms that waggled idly, a (less than) proportional chest that jiggled lightly, and even her chubby cheeks and extra chins quivered. She didn’t mind in the slightest, though. In fact, Weiss was quite pleased with her voluptuous form. An ideal future would see her much fatter.

Blake and Yang were far from skinny, too. They weren’t even half as bulky as Weiss, but they had curves and mass that put them well above the average weight. Yang was more top-heavy, with breasts that threatened to burst free of her top. They hung over a rounded belly that was just large enough to curl over the waistband of her shorts. Her hips were wide enough to brush the sides of doorways, and her thighs brushed against each other. However, they weren’t so large that they actively pushed each other apart like Weiss’s and Blake’s did. Blake boasted a far thicker and bubbly rump than Yang. It strained her shorts and threatened to rip them at every seam. Her belly was also larger and sagged to the middle of her thighs. In exchange, she had a smaller chest than Yang. Her breasts were almost as large as Weiss’s, though.

The trio finally reached their dorm. The door had since been modified to allow Weiss easier passage. If it were still a narrow, single doorway, then it would be impossible for her to squeeze through. Even Blake and Yang’s combined efforts wouldn’t push Weiss through. Yang would have been able to walk through, but Blake would have needed to shuffle through sideways. The upgraded door was simply a necessity.

Weiss was the first to enter. Her puffy fingers reached across her and unbuttoned her jacket. She shrugged the garment off where Yang took it. The lack of gravity dust was immediately present, and Weiss started to pant heavily. She kicked off her shoes and lifted her dress over her belly. This also exposed her wobbly rump and giant, white panties. This was as long as she cared to stand. She pivoted on one foot and landed on her bed. Again, Yang used her strength to aid Weiss further into bed. She then remained at the girl’s side and rubbed her belly with a large grin.

“Is the birthday girl ready for some cake now that we worked up your appetite?” Yang asked and kissed Weiss’s neck while her hands groped as much fat as they could. Pale flab oozed through her fingers. Weiss moaned softly from the intimate contact. She loved how good it felt for her extra mass to be treated so affectionately.

Meanwhile, Blake set up the cake before she joined the two in bed. She kissed Weiss’s other cheek and rubbed the girl’s belly. She slid her hand under Weiss’s dress and pushed the fabric higher. “The cake is ready. Just say the word~” Blake’s words came out low and sultry. She had even positioned her mouth right beside Weiss’s ear for them. It made Weiss shudder and glare at her with a burning pink blush.

“Ugh, you two…” Weiss tried to summon up her words or some sort of focus. That was nearly impossible when she was being kissed, groped, and teased. It was so much that she swore her heart was about to explode. “Fine! I want you to feed me the cake. Be sure to have some yourselves, too.” She huffed.

Blake and Yang momentarily stopped groping Weiss. They reached out for the pre-sliced cake and started to stuff the pieces into Weiss’s mouth. Frosting smeared the corners of her mouth while she moaned approvingly. Weiss suddenly gasped when Yang slammed her hand down on her belly, stuffing two of her fingers into her belly button. Yang proceeded to wobble the entire mass and chuckled as she fed more Weiss cake.

“Y-mmfff Yang, get your mff fingers out of mmmmffff there!” Weiss squeaked between mouthfuls of cake. This distraction allowed Blake to smack her butt. Weiss had hoped there would be more focus on being fed, but Blake and Yang were skilled at multitasking. They could stuff her face and play with her fat at the same time. It was as easy as breathing and walking to them. Thankfully, Weiss (not so) secretly enjoyed this. If she wanted to stop them, she could. The fact that she didn’t was plenty of evidence to show that she wanted to be stuffed and squeezed.

The cake would be gone in no time, but the three would be together all night. The thought of such activities made Weiss blush far brighter.

“Oh wow! Her face is like a giant tomato!” Yang exclaimed and pinched one of Weiss’s cheeks.

Blake knew precisely what Weiss was thinking. “My my, someone sure is naughty.” She leaned in, practically on top of Weiss’s belly. “We’ll be sure to celebrate until the sun comes up~”

Weiss tried to look away, only to see Yang’s bust hovering over her face. “W-wait, let’s calm down here. I want to take it a bit slower a-and…” Weiss’s words failed her. A growing part of her mind wanted things to heat up now. That part was more than enough to snuff out any hesitation. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and prepared herself for even more fun.



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