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Good news, everyone - I'm launching pre-orders for issue 3 to help me with the costs and all our patrons are getting a 20% discount!

Just use the code DWPATRON20 at the checkout - it's active till 14th April. If it doesn't work for whatever reason, let me know!

In addition to that, if your lifetime contributions to us equal $30 or more, you can get a free sketch with your order - I realise there's no easy way for you to check how much you've paid in, so no worries - all qualifying parties will get a message from me in just a sec. :) Thanks for all your support!


Drugs & Wires #3: Pre-Orders by Drugs & Wires

The product Drugs & Wires #3: Pre-Orders is sold by Drugs & Wires in our Tictail store. Tictail lets you create a beautiful online store for free - tictail.com


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