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Some of you might remember that I had two drafts  for the cover of chapter 3. Originally we had a bit of a miscommunication with Io and as a result i picked the one none of us actually wanted! So yeah, now that I'm about to release a print version for it, I thought I'd redo it how I wanted to. I decided that the painterly soft look wasn't really my thing either and went with simple bold colours and cellshading. I dunno, i just think it grabs the eye more and works better with my style. In some ways this cover is like a reverse version of issue 2 (with blue on pink) so hopefully they'll look nice together. 




Whic means the original cover now suddenly turned into a rare collector's item! 😃


It would be if it ever got printed! :p sadly, no budget for variant covers as of yet.


It would be if it ever got printed! :p sadly, no budget for variant covers as of yet.


Love it! Dan's reflection in the Fixer's glasses is great. At first I thought it looked like an intervention/judgement but then I realised it was a jack in the Fixer's hand so now it's mildly threatening. Can't wait for the first page :)


Technically, issue 3 is already done and free to read online! :) Though I do know many people (mostly convention regulars) who wait for the print version to read it. -cryo


Ohh I was confused - it was very early when I looked at this post! I have read issue 3 online - and loved it :D... I was thinking this was the cover for chapter 4 (note to self - get sleep before venturing onto the Internet!) the cover makes a lot more sense now, and definitely matches what happened in issue 3