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Greetings, patrons who stayed with us ;) Thanks for supporting us in February and I hope we'll keep delivering content that's worth your while! :D

So I was looking through some random documents folder and found this doodle I did in Tegaki (online drawing app back then) of proto-Eve. It was definitely pre-Dreamspace comics, way before I had her personality down or even a basic design. I knew two things - that I liked drawing sad edgy punk girls and that Dan's miserable life wouldn't be complete without a failed relationship to mop about. So, Eve happened (who was initially called Troy and then hastily renamed for some dumb reasons - in retrospect, I'm glad I changed it to Eve since it can easily work as a Russian name, unlike Troy)

It took me forever to start drawing her consistently, all the early doodles had different faces and clothes and everything. As I was developing her personality a bit more she became less of a Sad Punk Girl and more of a diligent psych student with a Mother Theresa complex who was going through a brief rebellious phase when she met Dan. I did end up dropping the giant spikey leather jackets  and multiple piercings/tattoos/shirts with obscenities  and made her fairly modest/feminine looking in the end. I mean, she wouldn't want to make her mom too mad. She's very much an opposite of Dan in that way and I really can't wait to bring her back into the comic.

As for the drawing, i found it and thought "hey, the colours are neat, but boy she looks terrible!" So I figured I'd re-do it with the canon Eve, this time rushing with her course work getting soaked in rain, because life. 

I don't consider this an improvement piece, mind you - it wouldn't be fair. Those who follow me on twitter and tumblr have already seen my various attempts at showing off my "progress"  over the years. Truth to be told, it's quite hard for me to track my progress past my late teens/early 20s as it's never been linear. Yeah, the drawing from 2012 is wonkier than the 2017 one, but I could also see myself painting the 2017 version in 2009 when I did lots of painting in general. I guess my art progress has always been more of a wobbly zigzag than a straight line, especially since i've been chasing so many different styles before settling in with what works for D&W.

I'm just gonna stop ranting now. here's the new piece on its own, i'll probably post it for the public eventually, but for now:






So you know, all 3 of those Tumblr links are missing a : after http, so they don't load.


Tis a shame the spiky jacket didn't survive, that looked badass (even if no one could hug her without fear of being impaled).