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You know how a couple years back I posted a D&W shoujo parody cover and everyone was like "Yeaah do more of that!"

Well. I'm drawing these things unironically now. Unless Io comes over to my house and sets my Cintiq on fire, which he totally should do.

But no, I'll probably come up with a better one later. I kind of fucked up a lot of things in this drawing wise, but I was determined to use my insomnia for evil. I should probably start drawing the damn comic before i mess around with covers anyway

Also, needs way more random ass signs and lettering everywhere for an authentic shit doujinshi cover, at least that's what my research has lead me to believe.




This is actually the best shit ever, I support this


This is seriously so good though???? Super pretty. I live for that old school shoujo aesthetic. (I am a person of contradictions.)