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So you know how we've been wanting to revamp the original prequel for ages? Well, after having this script lying around for ages, i thought I'd start laying it out and filling out the blanks as I go along. Now that I've got the time and with DW hiatus approaching, i think now is a good time to do it. I also want people to learn more about Eve and the ops and Dan's relationship with all of them before the next chapter! Not sure how we'll go about posting it yet - whether we'll keep all of it patreon-only, or release selected pages as extras on our website, but you guys will definitely get first dibs on this. Really excited to draw Dan pre-everything going wrong, too (not that things haven't gone wrong for him alraedy at the start of this comic, but hey, can't spoil everything) And exploring his grudge with Fixer's gonna be fun too :D


(No title)



Hiatus? 😨


Well, we do go on a break after each chapter. Having said that, now that I'm freelancing I don't think it'll be longer than a month and I'll make sure to make plenty of patreon updates/extras in the meantime so hopefully you guys won't be bored :D -cryo