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Hey, as you all know my Patreon’s been on a break for 2 months due to a move and a new job, but it’s gonna be unpaused from now on as I have decided to hire an artist to help out with the coming updates:) 

I talked to folks over at Hiveworks and they introduced me to a fantastic artist who’s gonna help me with inking and colouring. We’re gonna do a test page and if all goes well, this will be a regular thing. 

I expect things to look a little different but it‘s the only way to avoid an even longer hiatus - unfortunately I just don’t have as much time as I used to and right now I need my weekends to rebuild my social life from scratch. I’m still gonna be doing the writing, layouts and pencils, possibly some final tweaks - and hopefully just that will be more manageable :)

Thank you all for your patience - I really hope we can get back on track soon.



I love your art but am also looking forward to seeing what the next pages bring 😁 Fully understand that you've got to do what you've got to, best of luck out there irl!


Just glad that luck seems to finally be going your way a little!


Sounds like a sensible plan. Hope it works out for you!


Great success!