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So, while I posted most of these already in some form or another, I thought I'd do a megapost with all of it in one place and with some context. Few months ago I was contacted by a certain artist I like and was offered a musical collaboration. A D&W concept album! I was extremely excited about this and thought it would be fun to create a concept album around the Dreamspace time, especially since the original comic is so open to interpretation and left a lot of stuff untold. Io and I already had a prequel script in the works, so I decided to roll with it. I wrote up the story and broke it down into potential tracks, my new collaborators worked on the music and lyrics and things were going extremely well.

The only problem was that all of our communication happened through Facebook and I had all of my collaborators added on my personal account. That quickly led to me learning that we had very different beliefs regarding different issues and the like, but I hid them from my feed and tried my best to either justify or ignore it and focus on the work. Until last week, when things got a bit too far for my liking. Anyway, I decided to limit interactions with them by removing them off FB and telling them I'd prefer to keep the politics out of our collaboration and keep our relationship professional. Sadly, one of them took it extremely personally, decided I'm no longer fun to work with and cancelled the project just like that.

I was pretty angry at myself for not keeping my mouth shut and ruining a cool thing I've been working on. But, after what happened in US politics today, I don't think I could keep working with those guys anyway. Maybe it's for the best that we all go our own way. They're amazing at what they do and I do think we could've done a fantastic, ambitious thing together, but I guess it's not meant to be.

Anyway, I'll stop rambling now. Here's some more arts!

I'd like to expand these into a comic somehow, but I'm not yet sure how. I'd definitely want it to be fairly traditional and decompressed to counterbalance the original Dreamspace comic which was flashy, but also a hot mess plot-wise. I just wish I had the time.




Have you considered putting some of these into your Redbubble store as prints? Because I will swipe them all up. This is some gorgeous stuff. I'm really sorry things didn't work out with those guys, but you made the right decision. Ideological differences would have clashed at some point. Though I'm sad this project won't come to a head in the way you intended, I'm glad you did what was right. <3


Definitely thinking about it :) My Redbubble needs an overhaul, anyway. Though I'm also thinking of doing prints myself like I've done for conventions, and just having them up in our book store, but we'll see! And yeah...important lessons were learned. Like not adding people I don't know on Facebook, no matter how long I've liked their work for. -Cryo


these are nice. The club scene is awesome


The holding hands one got to me more than I thought it would.