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A bit late, but here you go! A new page : ) After a shocking lack of drugs for a comic with our title in the previous chapter, Dan's slowly getting back on the stuff. I remember suggesting Io we make him steal some morphine from Lin's place, but had some doubts about whether pure morphine even comes in a pill form. But according to a quick google search, it does indeed? Worst case scenario, I'll rename it to something else later. Not too happy with the layout of this page - I feel like the last row could do with a bit more space, being the focal point of this interaction, but you live and you learn. I spend a ridiculous amount of time on the layouts, and yet they often still don't come out as intended in the final versions. I do like how the panel with the hand came out, though :D Hands are so tricky to draw, and yet so rewarding when you sort of get it right.


(No title)



Love it! Pages with a strong recurring background colour in all panels are really pleasing and their expressions are nice. Didn't think of Lin as one to label her floppies, but whaddayouknow :-)