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It only took us some 3+ years (and 3 chapters) to get some closure on Dan's final rehab visit and the big dramatic ending to Chapter 4. 

I always wish we had more time to like, reflect on the things happening with Dan, particularly his Progress Bridge incident which just..never got brought up again. But we're also acutely aware of our sparse update schedule (for modern Webtoon standards) and needing to finish the story before we die. 

And as we're constantly learning, Dan's not the kind of guy to wear his heart on his sleeve, and even when he tries to open up it's to people who just couldn't care less. Not Eve, who would probably prod too deep and care too much.

So what I imagine to be Dan's inner monologue of "you not showing up was the final nail in the coffin of a long series of misfortunes that is my post-Skullfuck life and I've really needed to hear something wasn't my fault"  in the end is just an "Oh".




"Yup, fine. Totally fine! Totally haven't had either a suicide attempt or an overdose in the club in recent times. Totally! ...I'm totally saying totally too much, that's why you're looking at me like that, right?"


On the other note, let's take a minute to appreciate a deeply worked out plan of Lin's campaign, that is probably "1. Create party 2. ??? 3. PROFIT!"