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Seeing as the action has just swung back to Troy and Mira, it's an apropos time to dig up this rejected scene from the digital wastebin.  

"Rejected" is framing it a touch harshly, though - this is just a fun little moment that got orphaned when we decided to shake up the narrative a bit. In the published comic, Troy bailed on Dan after our boy nearly pill-baggied himself to death; the original game plan, however, was to have Dan find alternate accommodations for Troy once it grew obvious that his rat-trap of an apartment wasn't really up to the job. So off they go on a little expedition: 

Troy and Dan are wandering down another of Unylsk’s main-ish streets with the luggage in tow. The luggage has a walking map out and seems to be trying to orient itself. Dan appears to be scanning the environment; Troy just looks bewildered.
Sorry, but where exactly are we going now?
We’re trying to find a phone booth.
TROY (skeptically)
Why not just use your cell phone?
It’s a specific phone booth. Now I just need to remember what street corner it was on.
His face brightens as he spots something off-panel.
There we go.

Troy stops dead in her tracks, staring in disbelief at an object we can’t quite identify yet.
Sorry, that’s what we’ve been wandering around the last 20 minutes for?

Dan walks off.
Yeah, I just need to check something.
Now the viewpoint switches so we can see what’s gotten Troy worked up, and it’s, yes, a phone booth - nearly sagging from the sheer number of phone sex ads plastered on the interior and exterior.
A second later in the interior of the phone booth. Dan has a finger out and is running it over the ads, clearly looking for something specific.
His finger comes to rest on one of Mira’s ads, which we previously saw in Chapter 1.
Cut to: Mira’s apartment, a mostly non-descript Soviet-style flat with bits of Oriental decoration doing their best to cover up very bad ‘70s decor. It’s clearly not a high roller’s flat. Mira is in the middle of touching up her nails when her phone rings.
Mira has slipped on a headset and has one hand on it to suggest she’s still adjusting it.
Hi there, handsome. Looking for a bit of fun today?
Cut back to Dan in the phone booth, who’s looking a little annoyed and pretty visibly embarrassed as he cradles the receiver.
No. No. I... actually need help with something a little different.
Mira chuckles as she gets comfortable.
Different, huh? That’s no problem at all. I can do all kinds of different, big boy. Just remember to give me your safewords up front, mmkay?
Dan is not having a great time of this.
No, seriously. I need your help. It’s Dan.
Back to Mira’s lair.
Ha! Knew I recognized that voice from somewhere. Well, as long as you’ve got the cash...
DAN (over the receiver)
Legitimate help. It’s for a friend.
And this friend wouldn’t happen to be a grumpy ex-op with a worm in his head, would he?
No. No, not like that. Look, it’s probably going to be easier to explain it in person, so can we just-
A date, huh? What the hey - as long as you’re buying. Meet me at the Cafe Ceaușescu in thirty.
Dan emerges from the phone booth still shaded a little red.
Do I even want to know what that was about?
No. No, you don’t.



> Cafe Ceaușescu what can ever go wrong with such an aptly named place, anyways