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That's right! 19th of April is both Dan's birthday and the day he got hit by the worm. HE'D BE 48 IN 2019. Thankfully in the comic we barely went through a month worth of events in all these years, so...guess he'll never hit his 25th birthday at this rate.

I should really come up with birthdays for other members of the cast, too - or at least the most prominent ones.

Also, sorry there hasn't been an update this week. I'm currently working on a page, but it's running late. I'll probably post it on here before the website in any case though, especially since our website is...having issues at the moment and needs some serious maintenance to function again. In the meantime you can find WIPS as I work on the page in our #patreon channel on Discord.

I'd also like to thank all of our new patrons! My financial situation hasn't been great since I've gone back to freelance so this helps a lot. I would've never been able to draw Blue Pill Arcade with a full time job so the longer I can put off looking for one, the better :'D 




Happy birthday Dan! It's definitely weird to think of him being 48...


Damn! Today is my birthday too!! 😍