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Should hopefully colour this tomorrow, but I figured since everyone's charges just went through, i should resume posting asap :) Besides, i rarely show any pure linework. Mostly because I don't think it's my strong suit, but so far this cover's coming along nicely. 

As you can see we're about to get yet another new character, and if I'm correct, the last big player to join the comic. I'm sure you'll learn all about them soon, in the meantime, I think this cover might have a couple of clues to keep people guessing :p

(if your charge went through, don't forget to check out the earlier post that I posted last month that was closed off from most backers due to Patreon being on a break!)




Exciting! First impression is something like a hacker-version of Neil Gaiman's "Thessaly". A bookish exterior that belies skill and ruthlessness. Maybe we're seeing a clinical "hoarder", a gollum-like character? There's a tie and a trenchcoat, does she masquerade herself? And OMG IS THAT AN IBM MODEL-M KEYBOARD? :-D <3 <3


A, the classi hacker-chick-with-a-murder-tic. I already like her^^


Mulling over the zine-photos in chapter 1, page 14... Is she another Skullfuck.exe victim?