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Much as I hate to go and deprive Mary of potentially juicy blackmail material, I wrote up entirely too much crummy slam poetry for this week's installment and by god, I'm sharing it. 

We'd originally given reasonably serious thought to crowdsourcing suitable prose from our Discord crew, but after that idea stalled out, I just spent ten minutes riffing in Notepad and told Mary to choose whatever lines struck her fancy. Enjoy:

Speak Up!

Sirens with plastic souls

Fingers on my mind

Sweetheart, what you're touching

Ain't for rent, ain't for sale

Ain't open five to nine

You wanna know my business?

You wanna know how the universe spins?

You wanna get dizzy with me?

Baby, if I knew Matisse

Baby, if I knew Lautrec

If I knew how to be a real cool cat

And dream laudanum dreams

I'd say - listen up!

I'd say - speak on up!

I'd raise my fists on high

Speak up!

On high!

Speak up!

Speak up!

Baby, if I knew Repin

You know I'd be all made

I'd paint the world in red and black and symbolistic grays

Speak up! With lips like dog's blood!

You can pout, baby, but you won't ever change

I know all those secrets

I know every lie they ever told

I'm the original charlatan

Ain't nobody got time for me!

Uh! Speak up!



Amazing... I reckon you've missed your calling here! ;)