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..Shame there's no way to do a seamless page transition on Patreon, but yes, i figured we haven't had any gifs in a while, and since this page is pretty simple otherwise, i thought i might as well spice it up with some RoboLuggage action. That little dude's pretty much the most popular character now, especially with Dan & Lin missing. (but don't worry, they're coming back - and $3 patrons can see the WIP of their upcoming appearance on our Discord!)




Look at the lil luggageboi go! You might almost think Troy packed them full of... Spywear


Go go gadget luggage 😎


She's adorable :-) I could read a whole spin-off series with an uplifting story about how little suitcase and grumpy SIM learn to get along. Does she have a name btw? What's a nice name for a girl suitcase? How about "Casey"