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Our schedule was once again derailed by me preparing files to print and going off to my annual goth camp last weekend. Thankfully, that's over and done with, the book is off to print and I'm already inking the next page! I was hoping to get a double update done, but I didn't want to keep you guys waiting any longer. The good news is that I'm leaving my full time job in a week and will have some more time to dedicate to our comic for a little while. The bad news is that I better start getting those patreon numbers back up as we've lost quite a few in the past months! 

"Eduard"s actually marked in the script under his Dreamspace handle "Blank" - he's not the sharpest cookie in a box and clearly couldn't figure out how to put his actual handle in? But whether it's gonna be actually shown in the comic, I have no idea!




Hooooo the plot is thickening!