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I am SO sorry for this page being almost a week late at this point. I got a little carried away with some Kickstarter prep last weekend and the rest of the week just completely got away from me. I will have a few weeks to myself between leaving fulltime work and moving in September so hopefully I'll finally catch up and have more content for our patrons!

Pages with multiple environments are always extra tricky to do, too, having said that, drawing the vaporwavey US side of our comic is always fun. For this page Io inspired me with all kinds of obnoxious 90's golf games:

In the end I didn't quite get around to making something as elaborate, but hey, at least Sleepy The Sheep is back. 




With Sleepy and Roboluggage, the cute has outweighed the depressing


I really want a robot suitcase friend.


Love this page! :-D In fact I'd right-swipe it if I saw it on Tinder


I need the pat pat bot <3