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For those who don't follow us on our Discord's #patreon channel, i figured I might make a post with everything I haven't posted on here yet.

First up is a wallpaper i'm thinking of putting on these floppies I've been working on as part of our future kickstarter. We'll also have some other stuff on there like a 100% legit demo of Dreamspace 3.03 and whatever else I can squeeze on 1.44 mb 

The label I designed for said floppies:

Which, admittedly, looks much better when printed.

Other than the kickstarter prep I haven't really drawn that much - this hiatus was for a reason!

But here's a couple of doodles I made of our characters back in...the 80's. It seems I love going back in time these days. 

(first one is Eve and Mira, second one is Dan and the Mysterious Bro, Maybe)

I should be going back to producing the pages starting...now, really. Can't wait to get those updates back on track! But i also really wanted to get the kickstarter up and running asap. It feels like it's been in the works for ages and it's just SO MUCH WORK.




YES, keep us informed on when the kickstarter will be available to support <3