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Guess we really should move the update to Tuedays. Or even wednesdays?...

 This page was quite challenging and i feel like I didn't quite do it justice, but I did what I could. I sure hope people remember Tasha, Vlad's girlfriend who finally makes an appearance for the first time since chapter 2.

I kept bugging  Io about figuring out what we're doing for Troy interacting with Russian speakers - I personally find language barrier a fascinating thing to explore, but I also realise our plot has taken 3 years to unfold and Troy interacting with a population when not everyone speaks perfect English might take, basically, an eternity. 

In one of the recent drafts with the airport Io had Troy switch on her translation device (part of the implant?), but then that got written out. In this one I tried to bring it back in a somewhat hacky way - which i guess will have to do for now?




I got that it was part of her implant doing the translating, and I knew I recognised the organiser!! So I think the page worked :)


Yeah, move the update to whenever works, really.


Great page, great seeing Tasha again. I don't have the vocabulary to discuss the uses of supporting characters, but you're doing it right, I'm sure of that! 😃