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....Seeing how BPA is in a really unexciting place right now I just had to let myself get ahead of the plot. I'm actually really behind on all of my work so wasting time probably isn't the best move. On the other hand, I've been feeling burned out from just drawing stuff in our scripts so I thought it might help if I spend more time reconnecting with my characters and just drawing random unedited crap like I used to. I'll aim for more sketches and warmups in the future, too - I feel like my work's really suffered from, well, not having any fun with it.

I might just try and shoehorn this bit into BPA eventually too.

In the meantime, here's a reminder that we have a new Patron-only room in our Discord and I've been trying to make good use of it posting old things, half baked ideas and things like these! It's much easier for me to just drop this stuff onto Discord instead of making a separate post for it all so I'd strongly suggest you check it out sometime :D Let me know if you need any help with it.



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