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Chapter 4 done! Thanks to all of you who stuck by and supported us - it'd a bit longer to get out if we hadn't hit that 5 pages a month goal. But with that, we'll still be going on a 4 to 6 week break with guest art and hopefully special extras for patrons planned in the meantime. I'm also gonna take that time to get back on track with BPA. It's been tough balancing that with my freelance work, but I'll try to do better.

Next chapter you'll finally get to learn more about Sandman and what he's been up to - even folks reading BPA on here probably don't know much about him so yes...exciting! It's nice to finally start unrevelling some of the mysteries we've accumulated over the past chapters.




Must be a pain in the ass sticking all that hair of his into a tight gas mask. Poor guy


Oooh did not see that coming!! :D


Yeah I was actually considering not drawing his "man bun" for realism, but it's a pretty important part of his design so I decided to keep it for the first appearance :D -cryo