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 ...Lots of people are going to be angry with us, but hey, all the clues were there from the start of Chapter 4: 

It was pretty therapeutic to draw as horrible as it is to say. I have a nagging feeling tumblr's gonna be angry at me if I don't Content Warn the hell out of this page, and as someone who's been struggling with suicidal ideation for years and gets contagious urges every time suicide news come up in the media, it makes sense to me. But also that part of the story isn't going to go away, so...I don't know if the spoilers are worth it. Aaaanyway I won't actually be around when this page goes up, so I guess I'll let Io deal with it :p (By not being around I mean I'm flying out to Tokyo tomorrow night. Just realised it sounded more sinister than it should've in this context!) 

But yes, unfortunately due to my travel arrangements I'm leaving you folks with the worst cliffhanger imaginable.  I'M SORRY. I really wanted to wrap up this chapter before I leave but the page count just kept blowing up. Just a couple more now. 

UPD: Did some slight scale tweaks and removed the water in the last panel as it kinda looked like the bridge isn't high enough for...uh..the purpose. And the last thing I want is people arguing about it in the comments.




Love this page.


Thanks! Though I think I might get some more aerial perspective into panel 3 later. -cryo


asdfghjkl your art is stunning, this page is so beautiful and so sad and I kinda want to keep looking, but it also makes me very sad *takes deep breath*... my heart x.x


Wow, the mood in this page is just amazing. Great job.


If it makes you feel any better, D&W's planned to be at least 10 chapters long (probably more) It'd be unwise for us to start getting rid of our main cast half-way through :D -cryo


I do so love the silent pages. Really well laid out.


Awesome, awesome page. The rain, warning tape fluttering in the wind - it seemed like I could actually hear these things whilst reading the page. Beautifully done and the sheer depth of emotion and feeling shown is stunning (and yes I take comfort in the thought that this isn't the end of D&W!!)


And I was hoping for a cyber-doggie like in the video foreshadowing :-|


Now my hopes rest on a cyber doggie coming to the "rescue" :-0


Anyway, enjoy Tokyo! Soak in the neon :-D