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Yay, wonky traditional art! ..can you put together a phrase out of those fridge letters?

I'm hoping to start doing more extra D&W art again once the current batch of BPA is out of the way. Still never got around to finishing that $400 extra, but truth to be told I've been having a hard time coming up with ideas for these things. I had some strip ideas revolving around BPA era, but it was a bit too much to do on top of the regular BPA.

 I'm planning a bit of a holiday after Chapter 4 is done in November and I'm hoping it'll help me recharge my D&W batteries and get my brain working again!




Good content. The fridge clearly says "Finalise Pi".


Or "Life is pain" which sounds like we're in Dan's kitchen... Reading the title my first thought was "ohh that's not going to end well". Lovely!