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So a few months back I posted some of my old Notepad file contents where I mentioned that I had some even older files lying around somewhere. And today I found them all. I even found that text file so embarassing I locked it with a random password. 4 years later, I would actually very much like to take a peek at it (it had something to do with Dan's family/background?), so if there's a haxxoring software for these kind of things out there, let me know. As for the rest...

Here's a summary for my very first attempt at a longform comic. Believe it or not, I started drawing it from this "story" (as seen above) and only gave up a few pages in after realising I have absolutely no idea where the said story should be going. Beware of my terrible, terrible English. In my defence, at a time I was the only person working with my writing and just needed enough to remember what the hell am I supposed to be drawing.

Many elements did end up getting passed on and used in one shots etc. For example, the "painfully sober" implant made it's debut in this script, then made it into a drawing, then got used in print version of Dreamspace before ending up as a real thing in the current comic. Even Dan selling speed to teenagers somehow made it into the current chapter.

Some less fortunate ideas got buried forever (i had a lot of utterly idiotic jokes even a 14yo in 2017 wouldn't find funny)

I was really into the whole tech-meets-occult thing, so I pretty much had this scene so I could draw a creepy bloodthirsty computer in there.

Oh, and "Lin" and "apologetic" in one sentence. Talk about out of character.

I did end up expanding those summaries into actual scripts. Apparently Dan was a lot more like Fixer back in those days. And apparently people used to actually like proto-Lin? That is definitely not the case with our current Lin who is loved by our readers, less so by her own patients. There was also a case of Dan actually trying to haggle with Lin and screw her out of cash which would absolutely not fly in the actual comic.

Wow, Lin sure is agreeable. It's like reading a really bad D&W fanfiction at this point.

But then there's this gem:

How many people would even get that subreddit reference now?

From there on there was a bit where a bored Dan wanders off and orders a triple vodka from a glitchy vending machine only to get a bright pink dildo-decorated cocktail instead. WOW SO FUNNY. Seriously, past me? How did you ever get Io to work with you? I've been shaking my head at these for the past half an hour.

Yet more files with more one shots and strip ideas.

Almost usable.

Oh, and then there's a script from a story I was working on before that, the one involving the Cryogenic Facility where Dan was supposed to accidentally un-freeze some musician/urban pirate/conman character Jack who would then troll him until the end of time. He got reduced to a lowly Icebox barman in the present D&W, but originally he more or less took up Lin's place as Dan's cheerful, more successful, mildly psychopathic counterpart. Alas in my early strips the two were reduced to making jokes about not getting laid.  Good thing that didn't take off.

Apparently 2013 Dan was in full-on James Bond mode - running scans,, climbing and breaking into places. Of course, the overall premise was more futuristic at a time. That was well before I knew I'm basing the universe in the 90's, let alone Eastern Europe.

Ok, ok. Last bit. A script I made so I could have a go at learning some text adventure software. There's probably a terrifying parallel universe out there where Dreamspace turned out to be an incredibly unfunny text adventure about jerking off instead of a comic. Let's not think about that.

And finally, since you've had to endure all of 2013 Cryo Writing, here's a 2013 doodle I found in that same folder and liked enough to give it a bit of a 2017 makeover. I know it can't undo the horrors you've just witnessed, but it's the least I can do.




You're brave sharing your old writing... I don't even like myself looking at mine! Thanks though - it's great to see the seeds of characters and concepts. And the sketch of Dan and Eve is lovely! :)


Oh, I can't stand looking at my old stuff. But I did end up drawing and posting a lot of that stuff back in the day anyway, so it's probably too late to think about dignity. -cryo


OMG. The beginning of the script sounds a lot like the intro to Jason Clarke's "black and blue" cybernoir webcomic. He must have hack3d your fil3s! :D


Now you've got me holding out for a spoof strip of 007 Dan with his pink dildo Martini's


What program encrypted that file? A possible patreon extra for elite haxx0rs :-D