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Have I mentioned I really like purple?...

We're finally back at Synacon for the next couple of weeks. The Synacon plot kept getting pushed further into the chapter, but rest assured, it'll all start making sense soon. I had a lot of fun with this page despite the challenges and I can't wait to do the rest of the scene. Doing some low effort 3D and #aesthetic pixel art for this was actually quite enjoyable and it's a nice change from my regular comic workflow. 

Here are some assets i mocked up for the scene. And yes, the icons are inspired by that jazz cup pattern. Because of course they are. 




Tasteful... :-D


Purple is the best colour after all, being the colour of royalty and magic.


Also yay for Synacon and woo for the top quality/low effort aesthetic and those pillars that weren't there before my internet died


This is such an extraordinary page haha