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TCAF and being ill set me back this week, but i'm back to pencilling and will hopefully have a page upfront for patrons again! Next weekend is MCM London (fingers crossed I get better for it) so that might make things difficult, but here's hoping we'll be back on track once that's done!

I'm trying to be more thorough with my pencils, especially now that i'm going for more delicate linework, but damn, it's hard. Page 4 still needs that green pencil treatment. Hoping I can get out of the habit of fixing major mistakes in the ink stage, but not holding my breath here.

I've also been converting my prequel/Blue Pill Arcade thumbnails back into script form. Provided Io doesn't get traumatised by what I've done to the story and decide to remove his name from it, I could potentially start drafting it fairly soon. Though at the moment I'm having a lot of mixed feelings about it - that story's gone in a very different direction from the main comic and is more similar to that Licensing mini-comic I made last summer. I'm concerned our core audience won't be into it (it's super feelsy and silly because I'm The Worst), and people who would be into it won't understand all the lore and references. I'd like it to work as an independent, stand-alone thing without any context, something you can just pick up, buuuut it's kind of hard to do with our stuff. I DON'T KNOW.  *runs away into the night screaming*




Even if your core audience aren't into the prequel/Blue Pill Arcade stuff (although I'd bet a lot of them would like to at least see it) they might share it with people who are more likely to be? You've at least got a way into an audience (it seems) with the people who regularly check out your work now. Go for it! If you build it, they will come (or something like that...)


Trust in your vision.