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Hi All, here we are almost halfway through summer somehow.  I'll be posting the June rewards very soon.

We're welcoming a lot of new patrons this month!  I'm excited to have Texarkana Galvman, Caius Cosades, Henry Owen, scott mooney, Dylan Robinson, Chandler Padgett, Francisco Lopez, Gary Peebles, astinad, John Jolie, fnscienceman, Aaron Carr, Christopher Ruiz, and Truman Lucas (am I missing anyone?), all who joined in the last couple of days.

Which leads to my question for you new patrons: how did y'all find out about me?  Was there some big retweet or share that brought you here?

I don't think I've ever had this many new signups in this short a time, so I'm curious to know what happened!


Dylan Robinson

i believe i just skimmed through a buncha artists i follow on twitter already and luckily came by your work! a pretty happy chance to occur, but glad i found my way here :)


I've been around for a few months already, but I'm pretty sure that I originally saw one of your pictures re-tweeted, then checked out your feed there, which led me here.


Reddit led me to your Twitter which led me to your Patreon, and I am glad it did.


Saw one of your works reposted on Tumblr.


I found through mewe.com in an erotic art group


Cool, I hadn't heard of that site. Do they have a lot of NSFW content? I can't find any groups of erotic art after a quick search.


Here's one of my favorites, https://mewe.com/join/sexerot