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Only about half of you have voted in this month's Image Poll (see earlier post), so do your civic duty!  As an incentive, here's a bonus image, one that didn't make the cut for my "Triptych" series.  Happy Friday, everyone!




I always find voting to be a stressful nightmare! I thought I’d already voted the other day, but when I ‘cast’ my votes, nothing ever happens, so I never know if my votes have gone through or not? There’s never a “thank you - your votes have been registered” message or anything - so when I see an email like this, reminding me to vote, it makes me wonder if my previous votes went through or not?


....so I just got the Patreon app for my iPhone (I’ve always voted on my Win10 PC before) - but I can’t even find HOW to vote on the app at all!!!!


VERY frustrating!!


Hi Steven, as we've discussed before, just by clicking the selection it automatically posts. There is no 'submit' button or confirmation. I double-checked the tally and your votes have been logged.