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I just got a request from Patreon to remove images that "glorify sexual violence".  I'm guessing they're referring to the last image I posted with the ball gag.  I'll see if I can modify it to conform more to their standards.  I'm hoping this is not a harbinger of things to come!


Jonathan Small

that brings up an interesting question: how do we show that, in this fantasy representation, that everyone is into it? That the safe word/gesture has intentionally not been uttered? This distinction has not been addressed by any kind of ESRB equivalent, and definitely not by the legislature. I suppose it's up to us to invent some kind of porn rating system? "All of the humiliation depicted in this artist's representation is secretly desired by the recipients"?


Yeah it's a tricky one. I've been kicked off other platforms before (twitter, society6) for much more nebulous reasons, so I'm trying to work to keep this going. I suspect if I just removed the ball gag and make the guy look more into it then they'll let the image stay. We'll see.


Sucks that you have to deal with this at all. I'm so tired of today's polarized political correctionist.