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You shall know pain


the 6 tail filler arc was actually pretty good :/ oh well


got my dinner and a cold beverage. it’s a good night 🥳


Itachi is on some L type of shit lol


I'm begging the you shall know pain guys to please give it a break. Lol they know now. And we know. Lol my word. Every single reaction it's the same thing. Dont you think it would be better if you offered some insight into what's going on or something. Just asking.


Nah ur not alone bro, its been years since ive watched it but i remember it being so beautiful and emotional then the epic fight at the end againt the 6 tails and you know who.

Darren Metts

But they literally don’t and you obviously don’t know what we’re referring to when we say it


depending on what we tell them it could be a spoiler

Ognjen Gajic

Finally been waiting 😂


I’m get so hyped up seeing y’all watch Naruto ❤️


Stop already😂 we spammed the hell out of this

Nate Banker

Ah the infamous episode 153


🕺 🎶


was bummed when i ordered takeout and no upload until i refreshed and boom dinner plus reactions= day made!!!!!!!!!


I still gotta wait about 2 more hours to experience this joy :,)


Are you going to react to the Naruto movies?

Azeez Saleh

It’s a fucking somber news seeing Naruto sadness killed me more than the death itself


Pain arc is goated


F sasuke , shikamaru is the real one since beginning

Davis Dambergs

Absolutely no point watching 3 for the next one. It would he more accurate to say watch the 2 next and then give us a 17 episode special. Cause it is just that. This arc is pretty much non stop. Enjoy the episodes!

Mr. Man In Black

Darren you’re a smooth brain, the entire point of them watching this is to not know what’s ahead, if they have any outside influence towards what may happen, that is a spoiler, even if isn’t specific. Knowing something is coming or not coming ruins the surprise.


Sorry to spoil it for you both but Naruto and sasuke get together


Damn it’s about to get real again 😭😭😭


The story about Naruto's love life will be in movie the Last, you should react to it, it makes u cry tears of proudness and happiness for him after all he went through. I watched it after the series but you should ask people when is the best time to watch it. Just don't skip it!


"Itachi likes him." *crow deepthroats naruto* "woah... maybe he likes him a lil TOO much" i can't 🤣🤣🤣


I'd suggest to at least watch/read a recap of the filler arc with the 6th tailed. Wasnt my kinda arc but its still good to know


It's ok Ron, them some manly tears


Shikamarus speech was so good man

MBH 77

More PAIN to come


The upcoming arc is the best arc in anime and tripple uploads will be needed like crazy. At this point you guys should consider reacting to 3 episodes instead of 2 because of that and also because of the fact that the most patreon subscribers and youtube views are Naruto fans. In conclusion: consider doing a triple drop from now on. It is once in a lifetime experience. Best anime ever and best reactions ever! Ganbate! (Keep going, you can do it in Japanese)


Yes I do know. I've watched Naruto countless times. My point is they know they shall know pain now. Why are we trying to overhype something? Just let it flow is all I'm saying. Obviously they're not gna stop. But I can at least appeal to make it calm down a little bit. Like for the past 30 episodes or so its pain this and pain that. Like yeah alright. Let's just allow them to react naturally. But do your thing still

Mr. Man In Black

What I hate is that due to everyone’s lack of reaction to finding out Jiraiya is dead means that they heard it already. Personally other than Tsunade, Naruto was the person who should’ve heard it first.


they have a lot of long running series not to mention they started one piece with over a thousand eps. I think its best to skip filler from every anime, that way its fair and it seems thats the way they are doing it


Also Itachi smiled to Naruto because he was assured with Naruto's comment about him being a brother to Sasuke that Sasuke still has someone who cares about him and loves him. Itachi, like all big brothers, was concerned about Sasuke not having friends and someone to rely on. That is why he asked Naruto what would he do if Sasuke attacked village. He was glad that Naruto said that no matter what he will not kill Sasuke. Itachi is really the best brother.. and always 5 steps ahead


I would say wait till u finish shippuden to see what style u want a character tattooed on u to be


Weird of you to assume that someone can't be excited for something and still relaxed, but okay. I'm talking to them as they are my friends and giving them advice on watchin the series, that is what patreon is pretty much for so chill xd


i need more eps 😭


This is a spoiler. They're likely gna watch this movie. Can we just have them experience this without knowingit's coming? Sigh I give up. Lol.

Jasper Deans

Are you guys going to react to the openings and endings

Justin Walkins

I suggested only watching 24 minutes of it, the forest and the end but they completely ignored me.

Living Tribunal

When a man learns to love ,he must bear the risk of hatred - Madara This episode again fking killing me , Always it's the philosophy and theme of this what makes its great. Popsicle shows the bond of a parent - child ,which Naruto experienced through Jiraiya. The melting of popsicle = tear drop of Naruto talks a lot about this bond. Shikamaru is Goat


I'm not sure if you already know but this filler was about six-tails jinchuriki Utakata and he's going to be brought up a couple times in flashbacks.

Justin Walkins

I recommended the forest part and end only but they ignored me so that's on them when they end up lost later on.


I'm sorry, but Jiraiya's death is 100x sadder than Itachi's, and I love both characters but Jiraiya's never fails to make me cry


after you finish naruto shippuden, watch "Naruto: The Last" the movie, it'll answer all your questions


Tsunade implied she would've gotten together with Jiraiya if he returned.... :/


My eyes hurt man. So next week Monday is double episodes and Wednesday is triple banger?


I just love Shikamaru, not only is he one of the very few who has never judged Naruto but I feel at this point, he was the only one that could get through to him, he knew exactly what to say! Sunade broke my heart, She lost a friend of 40 years and seeing their first meeting again was heartbreaking!


ya'lls theories about who will be with who had me dying 😂 Honestly, Jiraiya's death never really hit me emotionally or anything. The circumstances of Jiraiya's death were too removed from reality for me to process it as anything more than an important plot point. BUT the sorrow and grief of Naruto losing someone of such importance in his life, hits close to home. It's absolutely relatable and it's these episodes that made me choke and tear up.

Derrick Gregory Hale Jr

fun fact: pervy sage and itachi died within hours of each other on the same day.

Zeke Gamez

Lmao “this is awkward” at the end


Ron and Michelle tbh after the double ep, from here and onwards it’s triple bangers all the way😂 but Good luck with how you guys manage the uploads, praying for your schedule 💀

Abdul-Rahman Lawal

49:55 Exactly what I was thinking 😂😂😂


Damn, Sasuke really broke the 4th wall to threaten the viewers 💀


My top 5 Naruto characters in no particular order, 1. Shikamaru (He's been a real one from day one, and more of a brother to Naruto than Sasuke ever was. CLOCK IT) 2. Kakashi (Also, a real one. ALWAYS having Naruto and Sakura's back and ALWAYS there to help his other peers out. HE'S CLUTCH, THE OG GOJO!) 3. Gaara (I just love his development and his LOYALTY! You gotta respect it. He found himself his first lil friend and don't know how to act lol. A real one) 4. Jiraiya (I just felt somewhat emotionally attached to Jiraiya. He was like that one cool uncle or grandpa. I was also rooting for him and Tsunade. They were all sort of like a little family to Naruto, so his death hit different. A real one.) 5. Killer bee (THE GOAT, A real one, nuff said) Honorable mentions: Pain and Itachi (Pain is too iconic and Itachi is a real one)


It isn't a spoiler, it's obvious but it can still be up for someone's interpretation


The fact that Tsunade can still stand tall despite all the pain shes been through is respectable. Personally my ass is going insane :D

Lu Bu

Damn we finally here

Sam F

Its not that they are ignoring you dude, they get hundreds and hundreds of comments on naruto reactions first of all, and second of all you commented way too late on the last post for them to see it and also the fact that they record at least 1 week ahead of when they post the reactions ...


This, almost silent reactions are so good to see. You guys are pure and that's cool. Thank you for not overeacting anything! We love you., and shikamaru ofc. He's always coming on clutch. A resented lost son of Jiaiya would be dope as a villain, just imagine it, using the same jutsus, perfected sage mode and more. Damn!


Ron, lets me say that, your Phone screensaver was fireeeeeeeeeeeeee OMG!


Iruka really said all that just to snag Naruto's popsicle 😭


Kishimoto did get into the romance part of Naruto, so, no worries. Fillers are not needed, you'll get the full story watching canon only. Can't wait for you guys to watch that. The Last will be the farewell for me though because there's no way I'll watch Boruto, haha. Looking forward to next week!


Shikamaru is a W and RIP the goat pervy sage

Mateusz Kuklinski

Did your oven or washing machine go off during the watch?


They already started to dive in at who's gonna end up with who. But you won't remember some of it and we ain't gonna tell you 🤐😂


Triple episodes are always bangers but we understand if you guys can’t do them often for any reason. I’m enjoying the ride and the vibes


Also wasn’t planning on shedding a tear today but here we are🥲


Ngl you're missing. Boruto canon is cooking🔥 especially the manga.


They kissed on like ep 2. The foreshadowing is there😂


Iruka Sensei and Shikamaru are real ones, always have been


So Itachi smiled not bc he knows it's not true, it's that he is glad Sasuske has somebody like Naruto who won't give up on him. To bring him back to the light. He knows Naruto won't give up.


Hey Ron and Michelle. So I wanted to clarify why Madara wears his mask around Sasuke as it has been a question brought up a couple of times now. In the episode where Madara took Sasuke and before he went to tell the story of Itachi to Sasuke, he tried revealing his face to him but it backfired. The reason it backfired is because Itachi placed an insurance in Sasuke that the Amaterasu would automatically trigger when their eyes met. (This was because Itachi did not trust Madara which was stated in that episode) So Madara had to put the mask back on so he doesn't get hit with the Amaterasu everytime. You can rewatch the episode where they explained it if you want but I figure you guys may have forgotten which is okay. Hard to remember everything.

Gabriel Lucena

Iruka-sensei is a real one


I love this arc it’s one of my favorites


watch the opening, I think its safe now completely New op coming soon, best arc and best op for me


Forget about boruto)

Aidan Ross

Man I love shikamaru that’s my goat


You guys mention every so often about how the drawings or the animations seem to be getting better. This is done in a lot of long running animes, studios usually get pretty low budget to spend per episode, so a lot of studios usual allocate more budget on important scenes/episodes. Like hiring well known key animators to direct certain main scenes. That's why a lot of the time, the quality of animation is inconsistent. So, yes, if your ever notice a change and improvement in animation quality, it's usually a sign of something big happening, or about to happen in the story.

Johnny Fleehart

Fire episode as always thanks guys! On a separate note; Ron tell Michelle please that I hope yall had a drink, or maybe made a cake for our man Kurt today on his birthday!! I hope everyone in the community has a great night and G bless!

San Pav

I have only now realized, after all these years of watching all the eps several times, that Sasuke and Naruto lost someone very dear to them pretty much at the same time. While Sasuke was picked up by someone (Tobi) using his pain for his own ambition, Naruto was picked up by people who care for him and want him to do better. The parallel is very well written in my opinion.


The best arc in Naruto is coming

The CulturedGentleman

Ron, hold off on the Might Guy tattoo until the show ends. Trust me. Ul understand why when the time comes. Hes the last person in Naruto u should get a tattoo of.

The CulturedGentleman

Think about it. Jiraiya died and got a funeral, he had people who genuinely cared about him and missed him to mourn him. He got a hero's send off. Meanwhile Itachi......only Sasuke is there to miss him and mourn for him. I dont wanna talk about his body but i think its really fucked up that he did so much for the village and no one even knew anything about him. To the Leaf, Itachi is still a criminal who they probably celebrated his death. I understand how Sasuke must feel.


You guys are reacting to one piece and Naruto, why not bleach?


Everyone are hating on Boruto, and I get it. But it's not as bad as people meme. It has some peak moments, and it's getting better and better🔥

The CulturedGentleman

Mine 1. Tobi, 2. Itachi, 3. shikamaru, 4. Guy sensei, 5. Bee. This list is in order btw. All i will say is I relate to Tobi the most. More than even Itachi


This is one of those things where I'm not sure if it's spoiler or not. Guess it's not that big either way so it's fine


The best villain in naruto is coming 😈


itscurlyman that's what happens when you decide to watch one piece and naruto lol


Itachi embedded the Amaterasu to activate when he looked into Madara's eyes, not his face. (Madara explained this to Sasuke in the same episode). It was also meant to be a one-time activation, so if he looks at Madara's eyes now, Amaterasu shouldn't activate.

The CulturedGentleman

In all honesty, the chiffhangers will be almost unbearable for them. Not realistic, but id just like to watch them binge the whole thing in one sitting. Anyway, I cant wait to see their faces!!!! Lets go!

Marcos cruz

To me Itachi smile to Naruto is not that he knows is not true, but more of a relief, Naruto pretty much said exactly what Itachi wanted to hear, that someone will be there for his little brother after his death

James Collins

I think everyone is ready for them to see the openings but it’ll still technically spoil some stuff unfortunately so they won’t watch yet

Slim Yeezus23

This shit cooks me every time 🥹


Iruka think he’s slick telling Naruto a sad story so he can get one of his popsicles 💀


It hits different when Itachi says sometimes shinobi have to make harsh decisions because we know what he had to do

Dale Diaz

I feel like the writers were genius with how they wrote this. They knew they built up the attachment so well to us, that just that little half second touch on the shoulder from the other episode had me balling. Like jirayah was just like "sorry buddy, I gotta go for now"


Its been brought up a few times but will you guys ever react to any of the Naruto/Naruto Shippuden movies? Some of them are pretty good and especially the last Shippuden movie should definitely be watched before finishing off the series

AJ Lab

Shikamaru one of my favorite. Always there man


10 more...


the maturity from this point on is why i fell in love with this show

dmc 1219

Such a sad couple episodes!!

King Ari

Itachi's smile wasn't because he thought he cared more about Sasuke, it 's because he was glad Sasuke had such a good friend


You will know pain lol

Chris Bearden

I literally can’t wait it can’t come any sooner 😩😩😩 PEAK PEAK ARC


Naruto The Last is the only essential one. But considering how much they seem to love the universe, I wouldn't be surprised if we did get one or two of the non canon fun ones later down the line. My favorite is Naruto: Road to Ninja


1. Pain (too goated) 2. Itachi (self explanatory) 3. Madara (also self explanatory) 4. Kisame (underrated and cold asf) 5. Gaara (og fave) Yeah i think i like the akatsuki a bit too much


Had me in the first half ngl.. I though you were saying hold off for when it happens


With all the speculations, I’m surprised that Ron doesn’t suspect Naruto’s mom to be Tobi😂

Moi Glasya

Daaang! We have the same phone wallpaper, Ron. Even in my laptop, it's Itachi wallpaper and Itachi stickers. 😂 No, I'm not fangirling here. 🤥😆

Ahkenaton Furdge

Iruka too! Literally twice now at major turning points he reassured Naruto. I really believe he’s why Naruto hasn’t gone to the dark side.

Ahkenaton Furdge

“ I wanted him to keep watching over me. I wanted him to see me become the hokage” KISHIMOTO PUT THE PEN DOWN. I HAVE BEEN CRYING FOR 5 EPISODES

Ahkenaton Furdge

Iruka is my mvp. First believer in ep 1. and always there for key turning points in Naruto life , emotionally.

Hessen Herz

I shed too many tears to this show today. Watched Naruto vs Gaara episode 80ish? And the 3rd hokage’s death with my gf and she’s like, “I’ve never watched a show this deep.” In my mind I’m like girl you haven’t seen a thing yet 😢 I LOVE THIS SHOW

Ahkenaton Furdge

Idk why next is triple drop. 156 & 157 should be together.


Theres a movie at the end of the series that touches on all the romance

Moi Glasya

Iruka and Shikamaru came in clutch 💪


Come on Michelle lol itachi spent his life making sure nobody found out the truth he’s not just gonna tell a random blonde kid with whiskers the truth 😂🤦🏽‍♂️


Don't watch Boruto, please; Ukyo Kodachi destroys all the story connections built for years by Masashi Kishimoto. Sometimes, a story has to end with fans' assumptions, and Masashi Kishimoto did a perfect job ending Naruto's story. Please don't watch Boruto, but you can watch "Boruto: Naruto the Movie" and "Naruto Gaiden" because these are still Masashi Kishimoto's works.


I'm pretty sure in the last episode he actually said this lol

Ivan Rivera

You two should watch dub as well in private...Naruto is one of the rare cases where dub va's did really well. Not saying it's better than Japanese, but really good and it causes you to fall in love with the voices of both versions. Pains voice, itachis voice, madara, etc are exceptionally good

Juan Jose

This last episode reminded me of BORUTO. honestly can't wait until you guys watch Boruto.


153 was the perfect episode to watch the opening


Best arc starting now and best VA in Naruto finally having more screen time too =)


For me the first ever naruto kid movie land of snow is goated , pure nostalgia even the 2nd one


I can’t wait for you to watch boruto!

Cloudy Moon

For now, Itachi is your favourite character.. but in the last arc.. I already knew you will change it to someone. Can say who, you'll see.


PREACH But until then, I can definitely wait with naruto lol

Justin Walkins

I commented on each post for the past 3 or 4 weeks. They definitely saw it and chose to ignore it.


iruka the true og


Did you give the manga a try? He didn't ruin it at all


Idk why, the whiskers part felt a little too specific. Do you have anything against people with whiskers🤔 🔫


We saw it with one piece pretty recently too


I'm having second thoughts honestly. My heart is not ready for THIS arc again


Man, I think it's so beautiful that Naruto really has 3 teachers who are like fathers to him, and who he loves like fathers... Iruka, Jiraiya and Kakashi ❤❤ It's really sad that Minato didn't had the chance to be a father to Naruto and raise him, but I'm sure he would be very happy that Kakashi, Iruka and Jiraiya have been such great replacements for him ❤❤❤

Justin Walkins

*Sigh*, in the previous episodes Naruto meets the 6 tails jinchuriki, Utakata and they team up to save his student, Utakata gets captured by the hidden mist anbu who hold him and try to convince him to go back to the hidden mist but he refuses because he believes his master tried to kill him when in reality he was just trying to free him from the burden of being a jinchuriki and Utakata accidentally killed him. The Anbu tell him they are no longer the blood mist village (which is an important detail) and that they will wait in the forest for him to come back, after Team 7 and Utakata finish their mission Utakata decides to head back over to the forest to meet with the Anbu for permission to train his student but Instead he finds them dead and Pain waiting for him. Pain then defeats him and he uses his bubble jutsu to send one final message to his student/love interest.


That’s Naruto it literally gives you so many perspectives/purposes of life it’s. Great show if you truly take it for what it is many life lessons that you can apply in your own.

The CulturedGentleman

I’ve been saying this repeatedly but u know how it is with the anime community. Nothing in English is good enough sadly. Madara sounds like crap here compared to the dub, pain too etc. but it will never happen sadly

The CulturedGentleman

“Hate cycle” is not gonna hit as hard for them sadly. It is what it is. The single best speech in the anime.

The CulturedGentleman

Stop coping dude. Boruto is trash. Naruto ends on a high and that’s how it should be. Boruto is like the final seasons of Game of Thrones


I honestly couldn't believe that we got no reaction out of Ron except that lil smirk 😂 i get it, bein invested in reading the subtitles, but that sh*t would've sent me if I sat right next to her 🤣

Obi Wan Kenobi

Boruto is legit just a bunch of filler.


Shikamaru has honestly grown so much, in the beginnig of OG Naruto he was just a lazy genius who slacked off and avoided all responsibility and even gave up in the chunin exams. Now, he's in charge of the decypher unit, leader of his group filling Asuma's boots, one of Tsunade's most reliable soldiers and gonna be the teacher to Kurenai and Asuma's child


1. Naruto. Yessir ma boi. I wonder if ppl don't pick Naruto more bc he is MC? 2. Kakashi. 3. Itachi. 4. Kabuto. 5. Kisame. 6. Deidara. I know you did 5 but I can't leave him out.


We all need a friend like Shikamaru


Ooh I should’ve added deidara too honorable mentions. Also I left Naruto out because he be pissing me off sometimes. I still like him though

Joshua Muratti

So after the main story and the last battle, there are alll fillers but it tell you what happens to everyone and their love lives.

Nurzhan Sergazy



cant wait for ron to find out tobi is shizune lol he been calling it since the jump XD

Phoebe Will

I think you should watch « the last » movie before the last naruto arc so before episode 480


Nah, it's kinda the same. Boruto storyline was not developed and lack of depth. I've got loads of plots that totally clash with naruto, but i can't dive into those here.


Ron, I HIGHLY recommend you wait to get a guy tattoo. I’m not going into details but you should wait. You’ll know when it’s time.

C Nichole

I don't think they intended to ignore you.....they aren't doing filler and they already said that. Maybe they will watch on their own time or go back after they finish the series


That's the pain of living in the age of Boruto. The sole existence of that anime is a spoiler, we original watchers didn't know.


You will know pain

Moi Glasya

46:18 Michelle, you'll make a great cosplayer of Hinata 💖😄


Hating on Boruto without even watching it is crazy lol.


bro stfu and let them watch it and decide for themselves if they like it or not. Boruto canon is 🔥


They already said they'll be starting bleach after Naruto


You SHUTUP ok? Get lost there are a lot better animes such as fullmetal alchemist You know that comments for writing opinions and not shutting other people mouth ? Or you too small for that?


How about you losers stfu and let them decide for themselves by watching the show if it's good or bad? The anime canon is great and the manga is 🔥🔥so far. Stop hating to be a hater.


Its not, regular double, they already admit it seconds later


He didnt say its bad, though many think it is He meaned that boruto is at least literally spoiling that naruto 💯 not dying in this show


Ivan is way more nuanced. Watching both version is a good thing to do. But CulturedGentleman saying "nah I told them Dub is better but they won't listen to me, Sub is crap, it ruins the best parts blah blah" crying like a baby over this won't do you any favor. How can you tell in advance the hate cycle speech won't hit as hard for them lmao. I personally prefer the japanese voice for this character, it's subjective.


There is a difference between an "opinion" and straight-up COMMANDING THEM WHAT TO WATCH which is literally what you did dumbass. If you said Boruto is bad, sure that's your opinion I can't fault you for saying that but you were literally asking them to not watch an anime because YOU DIDN'T LIKE IT. So, stop crying and let them figure out if they like the anime or not by watching it themselves. YOU JUST DON'T HAVE TO WATCH IT. Also, btw IMO Boruto is 100x better than FMA easily. FMA was insanely boring and sucked. But, I know they wanna watch that show and I'm not going to ask them not to watch it because I didn't like it. See, THAT is an opinion. So, just stop being an immature little kid and let them watch what they fucking want.

Carlos Ruiz

"What was that popsicle thing?" Man it is a huge thing that solidified Naruto and jiraya's relationship. How he is always looking out for him/have a father figure. Not just that they shared one during training. I think it would have hit harder if they watched that transition in the beginning with the intro. Regardless, great video guys. I enjoy watching your reaction! I'm surprised Ron wasn't as emotional for this one as Itachi's. It may be that they watched the other episode at a different time and not together

Moi Glasya

Yeah... For the popsicle thing, it's in a filler episode 93 (4:05-6:11). It's such a beautiful scene. I hope you'll watch that scene for context


I'm glad that Naruto had Iruma sensei and Shikamaru there to pull him back up on his feet. Unfortunately, Sasuke had no one to guide him(on the right path) when he mourned Itachi's death. The popsicle is the type that you can split half with 2 people. I look forward to you guys watching the opening for this arc soon and with English translation would be even better. The lyrics resonates with the arc so much~ T-T

Saith Uchiha

There’s only 2-3 episodes Naruto made it me cry when he was crying w the popsicles I couldn’t stop crying. I was like dammit this prob my 5th time watching Naruto and I was like they did it again gdammit


I literally am subscribed to your Patreon for this show. It's like I'm watching the show all over again for the first time. It's literally my childhood, and I'm happy to see you guys get as invested in it as I was. I love watching you guys! Keep being you :)

Coils J


Truetruetrue, when an anime is so old that everyone finished it already, spoilers would be everywhere.


And for things that old, when people openly talk about it, it's not considered a spoiler anymore.


What you say, is true, but that's not even the point of my comment. Literally the anime name "Boruto...", tells you it's Naruto's son, so if you're starting the journey with Naruto, you kinda know the outcome. Would be totally different if the series had a name non-character-related. If the anime names would be like "Ninja World", "Ninja World: Shippuuden", and "Ninja World: Next Generations", it wouldn't be such a heavy spoiler (though Ninja World sounds cringe xD).


Don't listen to all the Boruto haters, I actually enjoyed it a lot. I wouldn't recommend every episode since there are plenty of filler content, I would still watch the manga arcs and some anime filler arcs. I'm telling you its worth it and plus the animation gets soooo good.


I was dying when she said that. I love her lol


I didn't see comments hating on Naruto, before you started talking about it? Also, i've watched it, upto ~220ep, and well, animation wise, it's very good. But besides that, the whole idea of this series is bad, they didn't even try to create new characters, they just recycled the old ones. There's some 'new' characters, but they're just mixes of some old characters. Power scaling is just ass, children are ultra strong, while the godlike adults from Shippuuden are weak af, and can't use their powers properly.


Please for the Love of God you have to watch episode 163-169 in one sitting of course not one video for us but one sitting for you

Mesia William

why are people worried u watched the show with opening/ endings and titles did it change how u feel about the show?

Nurzhan Sergazy

do you find it interesting to watch when they spoil in the opening and title? Of course, it’s cool to feel how they experience certain emotions, but in your head you’re already building a picture of what will happen and there’s not that effect of surprise, but in some ways you’re right, of course


Well I didn’t see that, I haven’t watched every reaction like you have sir


Lol guys Naruto is my favorite anime of all time but saying that I’m also not a blind,deaf,ed. Boruto is terrible and the worst sequel/tribute to one of the greatest anime’s EVER 🤬😤


Boruto gets trashed on alot for no reason really, I agree the manga cannon is 🔥 and I think they would still enjoy the anime cannon aswell (I did). They can decide for themselves.


lol fine I’m calm.…but yes past the nostalgia points or just str8 up being a Naruto Stan it is that bad brotha man & it makes me sad😞


Lol bro there’s literally 3 good fights the show is 80% sewage & calling me weird for saying something most of the naruto fan base agrees on is actually weird..

Justin Walkins

It wasn't in a filler. It was when Naruto was learning rasengan and saw a dad and son sharing a popsicle. Then after training and passing out, Jiraiya bought him a popsicle and they shared it.

Duncan Cofell

I agree the Boruto anime is overall a let down, but the great fights were great, and the manga? Man, what a banger.


I'm just saying what I think, and some you might agree. I'm not the only one bummed out by Boruto, lots of Naruto fans are really let down by the plot. Just look at Boruto's terrible ratings. So, if you wanna argue my point, go for it.

Ryan Borthwick

the manga is absolutely incredible, specifically right now. Has never been better but overall kishimoto has been cooking for over a year straight now

The Dark Knight

Beautiful. Naruto crying on the bench and the memories between him and Jiraiya 😭😭 but I wish you guys watched these two episodes in one sitting because when Ron thanked Kishimoto for not making that episode depressing, I was like “you’re going to take that back when you watch the next”

The Dark Knight

I was hoping someone would mention that episode and time stamp before they got to episode 93. I really wanted to see their reaction to that scene, it’s too beautiful


There's a 55 pages Minato spin off chapter that came out last year. Kishimoto drew those characters again but grown up, and they are not those guys haha

Coils J

True i forgot about that spinoff series its relatively new isnt it i need to read that


W Episode, my birthday is today and i woudnt wanna spend any other way, watching you guys watch naruto Shippuden is W content to me


I really recommend reading the Itachi light novels at some point. It will blow your mind and you get to see/learn about Itachi from such a deep perspective


Interesting thoughts on the couples lol I will say that the Boruto Sequel does not live up to its name Sometimes the animation is questionable but overall looks good, so much filler like 40 percent of the show If yall do plan to watch Boruto either way, just stick to the Manga episodes Or read the Manga, so much better


There is a rumor going on out there, that they might Reanimate Naruto Bro if that’s true, I can die happy

e riv

@Rice & Ginger haha Ron will never let go of Shizune

Ojahrule Jenkins

All these Boruto haters in the comments clearly yall didn’t keep up with the manga to know he’s that guy for fr 🔥🔥


Fr. They're the final push I needed to watch one piece and naruto again and I'm loving it!


Oh I know exactly who you're talking about😂

Rex Lu

ANDDDD that's why you read the manga. The manga is nice. Hell even the anime cannon stuff in the anime is nice and it adds to the stuff in the manga.


Good time to reflect how cool was that each of team seven was trained by one the legendary sannin and the one that mirrors them!


the unnecessary boruto hate is one of the worst part about the naruto fandom as most of the hate are from people who genuinely havent even watched the show or just have seen clips


plenty of new characters and wym recycled old ones? who are u referring to that are mixes of old characters and dont even try to say kawaki is like sasuke bc ts is just wrong. the next generation is strong yeah but that is primarily the main cast cause of the genes which is apart of the plot


boruto is fire , they made alot of mistakes with the show that made it annoying but overall is a good show . but my hope is that they close out boruto and come out with a different sequel to naruto with naruto as the main character again and boruto as a main character but more like a side main character and that the boruto series gets scrapped and not count as part of the true story and that its like dragon ball GT where its irrelevant so they can redeem naruto and boruto in a new show with a better story


They're doing it. It's not a rumour but they won't be animating the entire anime. Only 4eps I think, just for celebrating the 20th anniversary


@Taiga you're comment makes no sense at all


@Senkoooo so if it's so bad why is the manga the top read and most rated manga everywhere? See, if you don't like it, fine, that is YOUR OPINION. But, you gotta understand there are a lot of people that like it too. I'm saying why don't everybody just shut up and let Ron and Michelle watch the show and decide for themselves if they like it or not?


Bleach is my favorite out of the big 3, I'm excited for that!

Mohamed Osman

Sorry man show is just trash. Just cause we dont think its fire doesnt mean you have to get mad

Mohamed Osman

Also I hope they dont even try boruto, like there are so many animes they need to watch boruto would just take up space


Bleach is also my favorite lol can’t wait until they get to season 1 of tybw


Manga episodes for boruto!!!! The manga isfire rn!!!


LMAO bro started off saying boruto is fire but ended with let's just scrape it 🤔

Sam F

Bro dont talk about ratio and Boruto in the same sentence lol, as if you wouldnt get ratioed yourself everywhere else on the internet if you said you liked Boruto lol


Lmaooo chill lil bro thought he cooked let him live… he doesn’t know 😂🤷🏽


The manga is deff carrying rn hope they do it justice in the animation Bcus like I said naruto is my fav anime of all time 😤


boruto anime is like slice of life + ninja


Madara doesn't hide his face from Sasuke because he is someone else. Think about it, for him to be alive he must be veeery veery old.

The CulturedGentleman

Wait until they realize that when One Piece starts to really PEAK, Naruto is gonna be going absolutely crazy as well! I wish them luck :)


I really hope you will watch boruto after that, at least some cooler staff. that show is not so bad as most ppl say

April Ly

Not me crying about these episodes after so many years still. Seeing Naruto so sad over Jiraiya always gets me since Naruto is usually really positive. Can’t wait for you guys to get to the Pain battles. You’ll be so hyped it’s gets so intense

Ronald Fitzgerald

episode 153. jesus that transion to the intro was stupidly good.


I thought Tobi hides his face because if Sasuke sees him, he ends up reflexively using Amaterasu. Maybe it was a one time thing though. I'm not sure.


When is next reaction up?


I just wish they would remaster Naruto with better animation and take out the filler.


When they get to boruto. I think it will be worth it for them to watch 1 or 2 eps a weel

Darren Metts

It’s the fact they think they know pain for me


Yea for sure boruto now is good. But they have to watch so much crap to get there LMFAO


The boruto manga rn is mind blowing you should watch boruto :)

Dominic Lorenzini

Jesus is our Lord and Savior read the Bible


Naruto holding the popsicle on the bench crying will always be so sad, it gets me every time. Iruka came at the perfect time for Naruto. Also glad Shikamaru was there for Naruto at the end, what a W bestfriend, one of my favorite scenes.


I will ALWAYS say Shikamaru is Narutos REALEST and true best friend in the show.


"I love how everyone is so interconnected" "Unless you're part of the Uchiha Clan..." lmfao bro

Edoardo Sopracolle

Tsunade's tears hits different to me and makes me so sad, the fact that she already lost everyone who's close to her, everyone from parents, brother, lover, sensei and now her soulmate?...

Conta Aleatória

Shikamaru is the real Naruto best friend

Ricardo Fierro

the way u guys skip the intro on ep 153, when comes the scene just before,man, didnt realize that that scene and the op are the direct connection.