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Coby and Helmeppo! Really enjoying this since being caught up!



Man i really enjoy when you guys watch one piece P.s yes ron she is growing😌


Luffy is so real, doesn’t even need to hear the reasons he’s just always down to help anyone no matter what


It feels so weird after rewatching this with you guys that Vivi changed so much in this short time 😂 When I rewatched her in her "Miss Wednesday" mode in a few episodes before, I was like "wait, she was this weird before" 😂😂😂


Damn man looking back at this it was really imposible to predict wtf is going to happen next this show is so well written man I love it


yeah miss all sunday is one of the most interesting characters this arc! really excited to see you guys get into the thick of it.


Also one of the best parts of this show is when they’re going to a new island and you just have no idea what to expect

Atsuki Basket

You u guys will understand all the characters more well by the time. Remember they are pirates, not hero who involved in saving anyone. Nami asked for money, pirates interested in the treasure. Same things, she uses money for the crews, not just herself. Different with Arlong, she doesn’t rob money from the weak ones. Everyone in the crews have their best and worst sides as human. But trust me, you will love all this worst side of them ☺️


Michelle owes us a few cosplays but we need the miss all Sunday cosplay NOW 😭


Miss All Sunday 😍


I stayed awake waiting for you, I love you and I am the happiest person because I rewatching one piece with you 🥺🤍 I hope you’re always happy and well 🤍🤍


The live action tried to fit in Garp’s goofy side a little but he was still a bit too serious. It’s hard to translate how animated and eccentric he is to live action. But I still like opla Garp.

just some random car guy

In the anime, Garp is more like a smarter version of luffy and is similar personality wise

ao kaze

I was about to say that you can just be blunt about the middle person.. but never mind. It was really funny seeing Michelle trying to figure out what’s Ron was trying to say


No it adapts the manga cover stories (1 image at the beginning of each chapter, that, if you put all together, tell stories about what the side chars are doing)


just 23 more episodes cant wait


I really hate that the live action spoiled who garp is so fast. Kind of ruins it tbh


Manga cover, Oda draws little stories on the first panel of a chapter sometimes

Mu Nanyo

Give me a hint using emoji’s i think i have an what begins in 23 episodes tho

Mu Nanyo

I remember folks trying to justify nami being able to box zoro and luffy in terms of power. 😂 sometimes a gag is just that. Garps fit with the dog hat is way cooler in the anime.

The CulturedGentleman

Dude I aint a simp or anything but hear me out...Id take miss All Sunday any day of the week! Twice on Wednesdays too lol




Mu Nanyo

Oh yup, yeah that will be a fav of theirs I thought you were talking about 🫎 🎩


Oh yeah I feel like that’s ganna be Michell’s favorite but that’s in 10 episodes


Miss All Sunday has arrived. Peak has begun.


can't wait for the day you guys decide to post One Piece 3 times a week 😀


What a great reaction video haha especially Ron's jaw dropping at the ship blowing up XD


🍩 🔥 ♠️


lmfao the emojis you both used were perfect


Bro nobody knows what this is unless you know what it is.


I love your reaction so much. I watched the whole show (in different animeeras) 3times now. But with you it feels new and enjoyable like the first time🫶. Can't wait for more.


It wasn’t until they got to little garden it set in for me that were really doing this princess of alabasta thing. Like wasn’t she just our enemy like 6 episodes ago??? So random but that’s what’s so fun about this show.


Toby 💀

Federico Carnebale

Nah garp in the anime is 1000 times better

Havid Azlan

u can guess the poster by listening to the song, each one is different


They gave Garp a much more serious personality in the Live Action. Which makes sense, cuz a middle-aged man acting like the real Garp would look kinda weird in a Live Action point of view, if I’m being honest 😂😂 but this Garp is so much better and is my 3rd favourite character in all of One Piece

branco marolia

Garp in the anime is way better and more cooler also the reveal of who garp really is...is much more cooler that in the live action


Garp in LA is way more serious - I think that's cause his Goofy nature wouldn't translate to LA perfectly - like in the episode he gets cut and is so casual about it - Also this is part of a cover series with Garp & Koby


I think You'll grow to love Anime Garp much more than the live action


Can't wait for 😂😶‍🌫️❤️🥁 too


yeah so this was the BIG diffrence between the live action and anime. its hints about Garp but your not suppouse to know until like waaay later, so the live action was a big spoil on that


Yeah well he first appears and the following episode I believe he reveals well the rest


He thought we wouldn't notice. Well, seems like Michelle didn't😂


I see what you did there. And there.. and there...💀


Trust us it’s way more hyped when you actually see it


All of the Garp stuff is going to hit much harder in the anime. Especially when we get the reveal of the "middle person" 🤣

I’m me

just let you know, the wanted poster guessing game you guys play. the crew each have there own music playing.


I think this could be considered a spoiler because they don't know anything about whether Luffy has "THAT" or not😅


As someone with no authority, I hereby forbid anime talk off camera. I wanted to see Rices realization at the end lol


Score still stands Michelle: 0 Ron: 1 Yes I will be keeping score from here on lol


Love that you guys don't know what's about to happen after East Blue Saga! New characters like Vivi, Miss. All Sunday, and Garp are all great characters and they always come with a surprise


Redemption for Helmeppo! Coby protecting his friends just like Luffy. Gosh I forgot how Vivi's character as Miss Wednesday was so hilarious~ And we finally meet Miss All Sunday and learn of the name Crocodile, the 2nd Warlord of the Seven Warlord of the Seas. So excited for Little Garden!!! XD


Is is the one who starts with an L? 😭 I’m still trying figure it out


LA fucked up Garp. Not sure what they were smoking in LA. Also, one of the cool dynamics of one piece is how Luffy, Nami, and Zoro dynamics work.


Just a heads up. Nami's VA will be different from episodes 70-78 because the main VA was pregnant during this time.


Soon y'all should start One Pace - pacing for me at least starts to get slow soon - it's still great but the slowness does become a pain


Whooooo, best girl has appeared!! Ah, seeing her like this is so nostalgic haha. She still makes the choices that are most entertaining for her, from now all the way past a thousand episodes lol


Oh my god. OH MY GOD. I never realised, but oh my gooooddddd, Sanji saying "now that this sleeping prince has awakened" - wow. Just wow. I absolutely hate One Piece 😂 😭


LMAO. I can understand Michelle's confusion when Ron said "middle person," cause it took me a minute to get it. But after I got it, I was also like... Well, I feel like that's the best way Ron can explain it? XD both sides are terrible haha. I'd like to say one thing tho: I don't consider this a spoiler, especially since I'm not saying who it is nor their gender, but if you're worried about that you can stop reading from here. But the "middle person" you're wondering about, Ron - you and Michelle have met/seen that person in the anime already, quite recently, briefly. Hehe.


You guys finally met my wife Miss All Sunday. Hope you like her :) I'm not a weeb btw im serious. Other people who say she's their wife are just delusional 💪


The disrespect on Coby 😂 calling him toby is crazy


Ron, it isn't only you. After Arlong Park, Nami's waist is getting thinner and her boobs bigger every arc. I thinks it's not only Nami. It seems Oda is drawing all boobs bigger over time.


Omg I love rewatching this series with you all it gets me so hyped.


i think its not really Oda,but Toei, who keep making big even bigger and slim even slimmer

Darren Metts

Feels like they haven’t grasped the seriousness of just how strong crocodile and a warlord is did they forget mihawk was a warlord and look at what happened to zoro ?

thorbaccha (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-11 03:30:11 Forget about the live action show is completely a joke
2024-03-11 03:30:11 Forget about the live action show is completely a joke
2024-03-11 03:30:11 Forget about the live action show is completely a joke
2024-03-11 03:30:11 Forget about the live action show is completely a joke
2024-03-11 03:30:11 Forget about the live action show is completely a joke
2024-03-11 03:30:11 Forget about the live action show is completely a joke
2024-03-11 03:30:11 Forget about the live action show is completely a joke
2024-03-11 03:30:11 Forget about the live action show is completely a joke
2024-03-11 03:30:11 Forget about the live action show is completely a joke
2024-03-11 03:30:11 Forget about the live action show is completely a joke
2024-03-11 03:30:11 Forget about the live action show is completely a joke
2024-03-11 03:30:11 Forget about the live action show is completely a joke
2024-03-11 03:30:11 Forget about the live action show is completely a joke
2024-03-11 03:30:11 Forget about the live action show is completely a joke
2024-03-02 21:11:50 Forget about the live action show is completely a joke

Forget about the live action show is completely a joke

Ricardo Fierro

ooh miss all sunday!!! ilove her!!!!